has gloss | (noun) the department of local government responsible for preventing and extinguishing fires fire department |
has gloss | eng: A fire department or fire brigade is a public or private organization that provides fire protection for a certain jurisdiction, which typically is a municipality, county, or fire protection district. A fire department usually contains one or more fire stations within its boundaries, and may be staffed by career firefighters, volunteers, or a combination thereof. |
lexicalization | eng: fire department |
subclass of | (noun) a permanent department created to perform the work of a local government local department, department of local government |
has subclass | (noun) British name for a fire department fire brigade |
| Note: 105 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/Albany Fire Department |
has instance | e/Alpha Fire Company |
has instance | e/Ashburn Volunteer Fire-Rescue Department |
has instance | e/Barnstable Fire Department |
has instance | e/Buffalo Fire Department |
has instance | e/Cherrydale Volunteer Fire House |
has instance | e/Cowichan Bay Fire Rescue |
has instance | e/Fire Department of Jersey City |
has instance | e/Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue |
has instance | e/Fort Washington Fire Company |
has instance | e/Gilbert fire department |
has instance | e/Government of Swartz Creek, Michigan |
has instance | e/History of Houston Fire Department |
has instance | e/Holy Jim Volunteer Fire Department |
has instance | e/Hyannis Fire Department |
has instance | e/Indianapolis Fire Department |
has instance | e/Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department |
has instance | e/Los Angeles Fire Department |
has instance | e/Millerton Fire Company |
has instance | e/Mumbai Fire Brigade |
has instance | e/Nashville Fire Department |
has instance | e/Orange Fire Department |
has instance | e/Palm Harbor Fire Rescue |
has instance | e/Paterson Fire Department |
has instance | e/Prince William County Fire and Rescue |
has instance | e/Providence Fire Department |
has instance | e/Riverside Fire Department |
has instance | e/Sacramento Fire Department |
has instance | e/San Francisco Fire Department |
has instance | e/Shaker Road-Loudonville Fire Department |
has instance | e/Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department |
has instance | e/Stamford Fire Rescue |
has instance | e/Tampa Fire Department |
has instance | e/Ventura County Fire Department |
has instance | e/West Barnstable Fire Department |
has instance | e/West Pulaski Fire Department |
has instance | e/sv/Flygplatsbrandman |
has instance | e/sv/Räddningstjänsten Syd |
has instance | e/sv/Räddningstjänsten Västerbergslagen |
has instance | e/sv/Utbildning i skydd mot olyckor |