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has gloss(noun) apple with a green skin and hard tart flesh
Granny Smith
has glosseng: A Granny Smith apple is a sour tasting green apple. Granny Smith's are crisp, juicy, tart apples which are excellent for eating raw and cooking with.
has glosseng: The Granny Ramsey Smith green apple is a tip-bearing apple cultivar. It originated in Australia in 1868 from a chance seedling propagated by Maria Ann Smith (née Sherwood, b. 1799, d. 9 March 1870), from whom comes the name. It is thought to be a hybrid of Malus sylvestris, the European Wild Apple, with the domestic apple M. domestica as the polleniser. Widely propagated in New Zealand, it was introduced to the United Kingdom c. 1935 and the United States in 1972 by Grady Auvil.
lexicalizationeng: Granny Smiths
lexicalizationeng: Granny smith
subclass of(noun) an apple used primarily for eating raw without cooking
dessert apple, eating apple
lexicalizationdeu: Granny Smith
has glossfin: Granny Smith on Australiasta vuoden 1865 paikkeilta peräisin oleva omenalajike, jonka kehitti vahingossa Maria Ann (Granny) Smith.
lexicalizationfin: Granny Smith
has glossfra: La Granny Smith est un cultivar de pomme très populaire apparu en Australie en 1868 suite à un « semis chanceux » réalisé par une vieille dame, Marie Ana Smith (granny signifie « grand-mère »).
lexicalizationfra: Granny smith
has glossmkd: Грени Смит е сорта на јаболко со потекло од Австралија околу 1865 од случаен расад расаден од Мери Ана Грени (баба) Смит. Се мислидека ова било семка од Malus sylvestris, Европско диво јаболко, вкрстена со стандардното домашно јаболко M. domestica како опрашувач; доколку ова е точно, тоа значи дека е хибрид.
lexicalizationmkd: Грени Смит
Low German
has glossnds: Granny Smith is en Kulturappel (Malus domestica) de ehr Wörteln in Australien hett. De Granny Smith is en Tofallssamling, de 1868 vun Maria Ana Smith ut Eastwood bi Sydney, Australien, opdeckt worrn is.
lexicalizationnds: Granny Smith
has glossnld: De Granny Smith is een populair appelras, afkomstig uit Australië. Dit ras werd rond 1865 door Marie Ana (Granny) Smith gekweekt. Er wordt verondersteld dat het een kruising is van de Malus sylvestris, de wilde appel, met een inheemse appelsoort.
lexicalizationnld: Granny Smith
has glosspol: Jabłoń domowa Granny Smith – australijska odmiana jabłoni, kultywar. Odkryta przez Marię-Ann Smith w jej ogrodzie, w okolicach Sydney w 1868. W stanie dzikim spotykana w Nowej Zelandii.
lexicalizationpol: Granny Smith
has glosspor: A maçã-verde, conhecida também pelo nome varietal de Granny Smith é uma variedade de maçãs. é uma maçã normal.
lexicalizationpor: Maçã verde
lexicalizationpor: Maçã-verde
has glossspa: La Granny Smith o manzana verde es una variedad de manzana creada artificialmente, proveniente de la hibridación entre las especies Malus domestica y M. sylvestris. La primera vez que se tiene conocimiento de ella, es en Australia en 1868, después de que María Ann Smith Sherwood, de quien viene el nombre de "Granny Smith" (Abuela Smith), creara el primer injerto. Más tarde se introdujeron en el Reino Unido, alrededor del año 1935, y en los Estados Unidos en 1972 por Grady Auvil. Además, se pueden encontrar silvestres en Nueva Zelanda.
lexicalizationspa: Granny Smith
has glossswe: Granny Smith är en äppelsort. Namnet har den fått från en australisk borgmästarfru vid namn Maria Ann (Sherwood) Smith 1867. Äpplet passar utmärkt som ätäpple, såväl som för att användas i köket. Granny Smith är även populärt i sallader, för att skivorna inte blir bruna lika fort som hos andra äpplesorter.
lexicalizationswe: Granny Smith
has glosszho: 澳洲青苹(Granny Smith)是一种原产于澳大利亚的苹果。它是在1868年在澳大利亚一次无意中由一位“老奶奶”玛丽·安·史密斯(Maria Ann Sherwood Smith)繁殖的。因此其英文名成为纪念这位史密斯老奶奶的Granny Smith。它被认为是Malus sylvestris,也就是欧洲野苹果,以及本土的苹果M. domestica授粉而产生的。如果该说法属实,那么这个品种是个杂交品种。
lexicalizationzho: 澳洲青苹
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