Information | |
has gloss | (noun) food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course) appetiser, appetizer, starter |
has gloss | eng: An appetizer is a small first course of an overall meal. Common examples include: shrimp cocktail, calamari, salad, potato skins, mussels, bruschetta or cheese and crackers. An appetizer may also be very elegant in some restaurants. |
has gloss | eng: Hors dœuvre (; , literally "apart from the main work" ) or appetizers are food items served before the main courses of a meal. The French (singular and plural) is hors dœuvre; in English, the œ ligature is usually replaced by the 2-letter sequence "oe" with the plural often written as "hors d'oeuvres" and . There are several related terms, such as a one-bite appetizer, as an amuse-bouche (or other terms below, under: See also). |
lexicalization | eng: appetiser |
lexicalization | eng: Appetizers |
lexicalization | eng: appetizer |
lexicalization | eng: Hors d'ouvre |
lexicalization | eng: Hors d'œuvre |
lexicalization | eng: Hors de oeuvre |
lexicalization | eng: Hors-d'œuvre |
lexicalization | eng: starter |
lexicalization | eng: Zakuski |
subclass of | (noun) part of a meal served at one time; "she prepared a three course meal" course |
has subclass | (noun) a course of appetizers in an Italian meal antipasto |
has subclass | (noun) an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food canape |
has subclass | (noun) an appetizer served as a first course at a meal cocktail |
has subclass | (noun) a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal hors d'oeuvre |
has subclass | (noun) raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip crudites |
has subclass | c/Romanian appetizers |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
lexicalization | afr: aptytwekker |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: المقبلات أو "فاتح شهيه" ، هي نوع من الأطباق يتم تقديمها إذا كان هناك فترة انتظار طويلة بين عندما يصل الضيوف وتناول الوجبة الرئيسية، |
lexicalization | ara: مقبلات |
lexicalization | ara: مزة |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Ордьовърът е предястие, сервирано преди основното ястие. Едно от предназначенията му е да изостри апетита. В други случаи може да се наложи гостите да бъдат подкрепени, тъй като понякога до поднасянето на основното ястие може да измине дълго време . |
lexicalization | bul: Ордьовър |
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lexicalization | bul: аперитив |
lexicalization | bul: мезе |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: entrant |
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lexicalization | cat: aperitiu |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: aperitiv |
lexicalization | ces: předkrm |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: 前菜 |
lexicalization | cmn: 开胃菜 |
lexicalization | cmn: 开胃 |
lexicalization | cmn: 開胃菜 |
lexicalization | cmn: 開胃 |
lexicalization | cmn: lěng pen |
lexicalization | cmn: 冷盆 |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Hors d'œuvre (fransk: forret, egtl. uden for værket), også kaldet appetizers eller starters er indenfor fransk køkken en fællesbetegnelse for små, lette og typisk kolde retter, der serveres umiddelbart før hovedretten for at vække appetiten. |
lexicalization | dan: Hors d'œuvre |
lexicalization | dan: appetitvækker |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Mit Hors d'œuvre (franz. : "außerhalb des Werkes") bezeichnet man in der klassischen französischen Küche eine Art Vorspeise, die in der Regel kalt serviert wird. |
lexicalization | deu: Hors d'oeuvre |
lexicalization | deu: Hors d’œuvre |
lexicalization | deu: Vorspeise |
lexicalization | deu: Appetithappen |
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lexicalization | deu: appetitanregendes Mittel |
lexicalization | deu: Schnapsleckerbissen |
lexicalization | deu: Aperitif |
lexicalization | deu: Appetitanreger |
lexicalization | deu: Appetithäppchen |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: ορεκτικό |
Esperanto | |
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lexicalization | epo: aperitivo |
Estonian | |
lexicalization | est: aperitiiv |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: aperitiivi |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Le hors-dœuvre correspond au premier plat dans le repas occidental classique. Il peut être suivi dun potage ; l'entrée venant en quatrième position, après le relevé. |
lexicalization | fra: Hors-D'œuvre |
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lexicalization | fra: apéritif |
lexicalization | fra: hors-d'oeuvre |
lexicalization | fra: amuse-gueules |
lexicalization | fra: garniture d'apéritif |
lexicalization | fra: savouries |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: מתאבן (נגזר מהמילה "תיאבון", כתרגום למילה האנגלית appetizer; לעתים נעשה שימוש במונח הצרפתי hors d'œuvre או במונח האיטלקי Antipasto), מנת פתיחה קטנה בתחילת ארוחה. מתאבנים מוגשים לעתים שלא כחלק מארוחה, למשל בפאבים ובמסיבות קוקטייל לליווי המשקאות החריפים. |
lexicalization | heb: מתאבן |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: kRuXAvarXaka |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: aperitif |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: aperitivo |
lexicalization | ita: antipasto |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: オードブル(フランス語:Hors-d'œuvre)とは、フルコースでスープの前に出される最初の料理を意味する。直訳すれば「作品の外」 であり、本作品となる主菜の前または他に供される料理という意味である。食欲をそそることが目的であるため、量が少なく、塩分や酸味がやや強めのことが多い。 |
lexicalization | jpn: オードブル |
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lexicalization | jpn: アペタイザー |
lexicalization | jpn: 前菜 |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een aperitiefhapje is een klein gerechtje dat vóór de eigenlijke maaltijd genuttigd wordt, meestal samen met een aperitiefdrankje. De bedoeling is om de zin in de eigenlijke maaltijd op te wekken. Een aperitiefhapje kan warm of koud zijn. |
lexicalization | nld: aperitiefhapje |
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lexicalization | nld: bittergarnituur |
lexicalization | nld: borrelhapjes |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Hors dœuvre er et fransk kulinarisk begrep (hors d = før, og œuvre = (mat)retten) og betyr «forretten». Hors dœuvre uttales or-derve. Begrepet beskriver maten som serveres før hovedretten. Hensikten med hors dœuvre er å vekke appetitten. |
lexicalization | nor: Hors d'œuvre |
lexicalization | nor: forrett |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
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lexicalization | oci: aperitiu |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Przystawka – potrawa serwowana zazwyczaj przed głównym daniem w formie przekąski. Niekiedy stanowi też dodatek do dań mięsnych. W angielskim jest czasem nazywana Hors d'œuvre (słowo Entrée oznacza danie główne). |
lexicalization | pol: przystawka |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: antepasto |
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lexicalization | por: aperitivo |
Moldavian | |
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lexicalization | ron: aperitiv |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: Закуски |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: aperitív |
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lexicalization | slk: predjedlo |
Slovenian | |
lexicalization | slv: aperitiv |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: aperitivo |
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lexicalization | spa: bocadito |
lexicalization | spa: boquita |
lexicalization | spa: picadera |
lexicalization | spa: picadito |
lexicalization | spa: picoteo |
lexicalization | spa: piqueo |
lexicalization | spa: saladito |
Spanish Sign Language | |
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lexicalization | ssp: sl:v.eâmèmugreb |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Hors-dœuvre [crdö:vr] (franska, egentligen utanför arbetet), är lätta, aptitretande smårätter som inte ingår i den egentliga menyn utan serveras varma eller kalla som inledning till måltiden. |
lexicalization | swe: hors-d'œuvre |
lexicalization | swe: aperitif |
Thai | |
lexicalization | tha: สิ่งที่เจริญอาหาร |
lexicalization | tha: ยาเจริญอาหาร |
Turkish | |
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lexicalization | tur: iþtah açýcý yiyecek |
Vietnamese | |
has gloss | vie: Món khai vị (tiếng Pháp: Hors dœuvre) là các món ăn được phục vụ trước hoặc ngoài (tiếng Pháp: hors d) các món chính (œuvre). Mục đích của các món khai vị là kích thích sự ngon miệng; nếu như người ta phải đợi hơi lâu kể từ lúc đến ăn cho đến khi các món chính được dọn ra (ví dụ, trong khi thưởng thức cocktail, chúng cũng có thể được phục vụ cho mục đích giữ khách trong khi phải chờ đợi lâu. |
lexicalization | vie: khai vị |
lexicalization | vie: Đồ nguội khai vị |
Links | |
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similar | e/simple/Appetizer |
Media | |
media:img | Antipasto Misto Con Bruschette.jpg |
media:img | ApetitizerShp.jpg |
media:img | Argentinean appetizers.JPG |
media:img | Deviled egg closeup.jpg |
media:img | Hors d'oeuvres at a romanian banquet1.jpg |
media:img | Picadacordobesa.JPG |
media:img | Pikilia.JPG |
media:img | Salatteller.JPG |
media | |
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