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has gloss(noun) (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought
civil wrong, tort
has glosseng: Tort law is a body of law that addresses and provides remedies for civil wrongs not arising out of contractual obligations. A person who suffers legal damages may be able to use tort law to receive compensation from someone who is legally responsible, or liable, for those injuries. Generally speaking, tort law defines what constitutes a legal injury and establishes the circumstances under which one person may be held liable for another's injury. Tort law spans intentional and negligent acts.
has glosseng: Tort law is the part of law for most harms that are not either criminal or based on a contract. For example, a car accident where one driver hurts another driver because he or she was not paying attention might be a tort. If a person is hurt by someone else, he or she can sue in court.
lexicalizationeng: civil wrong
lexicalizationeng: Tort law
lexicalizationeng: tort
subclass of(noun) activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing"
misconduct, actus reus, wrongful conduct, wrongdoing
has subclass(noun) a tort based on willful and malicious interference with the marriage relation by a third party without justification or excuse
alienation of affection
has subclass(noun) the wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs with which the public has no concern
invasion of privacy
has subclass(noun) a wrongful interference with the possession of property (personal property as well as realty), or the action instituted to recover damages
has glossafr: n Delik kan omskryf word as n onregmatige skuldige handeling van n persoon wat n ander persoon skade berokken.
lexicalizationafr: Deliktereg
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Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: qīn quán xíng wei
lexicalizationcmn: 侵权行为
lexicalizationcmn: 侵權行為
has glossdeu: Das Deliktsrecht bezeichnet ein Rechtsgebiet, das sich mit den Rechtsfolgen unerlaubter Handlungen beschäftigt. In den Rechtsordnungen kontinentaleuropäischer Prägung zählt es zum Zivilrecht.
lexicalizationdeu: Deliktsrecht
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has glossfra: La responsabilité délictuelle, ou aquilienne, également appelée responsabilité extra-contractuelle ou quasi-délictuelle, est, avec la responsabilité contractuelle, une des deux parties de la responsabilité civile. Cette matière est essentiellement régie par les articles à du code civil. Chacun de ces articles envisage un cas de figure dans lequel une personne peut se voir obligée de réparer un dommage. Chaque fois la notion de faute est sous-jacente.
lexicalizationfra: Responsabilite extra contractuelle en France
lexicalizationfra: Responsabilité extra contractuelle en france
lexicalizationfra: préjudice
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has glossheb: דיני הנזיקין הם חלק מן המשפט האזרחי (להבדיל מהמשפט הפלילי, המשפט המנהלי, דיני המעמד האישי ותחומי משפט נוספים), העוסקים בחיובים לא רצוניים, בעקבות נזק שנגרם (זאת בניגוד לדיני החוזים למשל, העוסקים בחיובים רצוניים). ישנה שורה של מצבים שבהם נגרם נזק לאדם, בין לגופו ובין לרכושו, ובגין הנזק מבקש אותו אדם פיצוי מהמזיק: תאונות (כגון תאונות דרכים, תאונות עבודה), רשלנות (כגון: רשלנות רפואית), תקיפה, לשון הרע, מטרד (כגון: רעש, זיהום אוויר), גניבת עין ועוד.
lexicalizationheb: דיני הנזיקין
lexicalizationheb: דיני נזיקין
has glossita: La disciplina della Responsabilità extracontrattuale o responsabilità aquiliana è prevista dallart. 2043 c.c. nellordinamento giuridico italiano.
lexicalizationita: Responsabilità extracontrattuale
has glossjpn: 不法行為法(ふほうこういほう)とは、ある者の行為(作為又は不作為)によって他者の権利・利益(生命・身体・財産等)が侵害された場合に、行為者に、被害者に対する損害賠償等の責任を負わせる法制度をいい、その対象となる行為を不法行為という。
lexicalizationjpn: 不法行為法
lexicalizationjpn: 不法行為
has glosskor: 불법행위(不法行爲)라 함은 고의 또는 과실로 타인에게 손해를 가하는 위법행위로서 법률요건의 하나이다. 영국의 도노그 대 스티븐슨 판결이 불법행위법의 시작으로 알려져 있다. 한국 손해배상 책임을 생기게 하는 불법행위의 원칙적 형태는 고의 또는 과실에 의하여 타인의 권리를 침해하는 행위이다. 위법으로 발생케 한 타인의 손해는 전보(塡補)함이 정의에 합치되므로 불법행위는 손해배상채권의 발생원인이 된다. 즉, 불법행위가 있으면 가해자는 피해자에게 가해행위로 인한 손해를 배상하여야 한다(대한민국 민법 제750조).
lexicalizationkor: 불법행위
lexicalizationkor: 민사범
has glosslit: Deliktinė teisė ( - pažeidimas) - civilinės teisės dalis. Apima (civilinę) atsakomybę už deliktus, nesutartinius civilinės teisės pažeidimus. Deliktinė teisė pagrindžia atsakomybės sąlygas, nustato jos apimtį, subjektus, pobūdį. Padarius deliktą kyla pareiga atlyginti žalą.
lexicalizationlit: Deliktų teisė
Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Dalam common law, satu Tort adalah satu kesalahan sivil yang berlainan daripada pelanggaran kontrak, dimana undang-undang menyediakan ganti rugi. Asas kepada undang-undang tort moden berasal daripada ganti rugi pencerobohan dan pencerobohan keatas kes. Perkataan ini sendiri berasal daripada bahasa undang-undang Perancis dan bermaksud "kesalahan". Dalam bahasa Perancis, istilah avoir tort bermaksud "untuk menjadi salah". Persamaan bagi cabang undang-undang ini dalam undang-undang sivil adalah delict.
lexicalizationmsa: tort
has glosspol: Delikt (łac. delictum – czyn niedozwolony, błąd, przewinienie) – pojęcie prawnicze, mające swe korzenie w czasach starożytnego Rzymu. W prawie rzymskim wyróżniano: *delicta publica – delikty prawa publicznego, *delicta privata – delikty prawa prywatnego. Delikty prawa prywatnego były źródłem powstania zobowiązania między sprawcą a poszkodowanym, rozstrzyganego w formie procesu prywatnego.
lexicalizationpol: delikt
lexicalizationpol: czyn niedozwolony
lexicalizationslk: krivda
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lexicalizationspa: Derecho de daños
lexicalizationtha: การละเมิดสิทธิของคนอื่น}
lexicalizationtur: haksýzlýk
lexicalizationtur: haksýz muamele
has glosszho: 侵权行为(英語:,德語:),是指行为人应当对所产生的损害负赔偿责任的违法行为。侵权行为可分为一般侵权行为和特殊侵权行为。
lexicalizationzho: 侵权行为
has category(noun) the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
law, jurisprudence
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media:imgGrapevinesnail 01.jpg
media:imgTyldesley miners outside the Miners Hall during the 1926 General Strike.jpg


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