has gloss | (noun) a use of language that creates a literary effect (but often without regard for literal significance) rhetorical device |
has gloss | eng: In rhetoric, a rhetorical device or resource of language is a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading him or her towards considering a topic from a different perspective. While rhetorical devices may be used to evoke an emotional response in the audience, there are other reasons to use them. The goal of rhetoric is to persuade towards a particular frame of view or a particular course of action, so appropriate rhetorical devices are used to construct sentences designed both to make the audience receptive through emotional changes and to provide a rational argument for the frame of view or course of action. |
lexicalization | eng: Figures of speech |
lexicalization | eng: rhetorical device |
subclass of | (noun) something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect device |
has subclass | (noun) an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another anacoluthon, anacoluthia |
has subclass | (noun) the omission of conjunctions where they would normally be used asyndeton |
has subclass | (noun) the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical device repetition |
has subclass | (noun) the reversal of the normal order of words inversion, anastrophe |
has subclass | (noun) the use of a word in a sense opposite to its normal sense (especially in irony) antiphrasis |
has subclass | (noun) the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance antithesis |
has subclass | (noun) substitution of a title for a name antinomasia |
has subclass | (noun) mentioning something by saying it will not be mentioned apophasis |
has subclass | (noun) breaking off in the middle of a sentence (as by writers of realistic conversations) aposiopesis |
has subclass | (noun) address to an absent or imaginary person apostrophe |
has subclass | (noun) strained or paradoxical use of words either in error (as `blatant' to mean `flagrant') or deliberately (as in a mixed metaphor: `blind mouths') catachresis |
has subclass | (noun) inversion in the second of two parallel phrases chiasmus |
has subclass | (noun) arrangement of clauses in ascending order of forcefulness climax |
has subclass | (noun) interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition conversion |
has subclass | (noun) an exclamatory rhetorical device; "O tempore! O mores" exclamation, ecphonesis |
has subclass | (noun) special and significant stress by means of position or repetition e.g. emphasis |
has subclass | (noun) a substitution of part of speech or gender or number or tense etc. (e.g., editorial `we' for `I') enallage |
has subclass | (noun) immediate rephrasing for intensification or justification; "Seems, madam! Nay, it is" epanorthosis |
has subclass | (noun) a rhetorical device in which the speaker reproaches the audience in order to incite or convince them epiplexis |
has subclass | (noun) use of two conjoined nouns instead of a noun and modifier hendiadys |
has subclass | (noun) reversal of the syntactic relation of two words (as in `her beauty's face') hypallage |
has subclass | (noun) reversal of normal word order (as in `cheese I love') hyperbaton |
has subclass | (noun) use of a series of subjects with a single predicate hypozeugma |
has subclass | (noun) use of a series of parallel clauses (as in `I came, I saw, I conquered') hypozeuxis |
has subclass | (noun) reversal of normal order of two words or sentences etc. (as in `bred and born') hysteron proteron |
has subclass | (noun) understatement for rhetorical effect (especially when expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary); "saying `I was not a little upset' when you mean `I was very upset' is an example of litotes" meiosis, litotes |
has subclass | (noun) using words that imitate the sound they denote onomatopoeia |
has subclass | (noun) suggesting by deliberately concise treatment that much of significance is omitted paralipsis, paraleipsis, preterition, paralepsis |
has subclass | (noun) juxtaposing words having a common derivation (as in `sense and sensibility') paregmenon |
has subclass | (noun) using several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some might be omitted (as in `he ran and jumped and laughed for joy') polysyndeton |
has subclass | (noun) anticipating and answering objections in advance prolepsis |
has subclass | (noun) a comparison comprising a well-known quotation followed by a facetious sequel wellerism |
has subclass | (noun) language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense figure, trope, figure of speech, image |
has subclass | c/Rhetorical devices |
| Note: 434 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/cs/Eufonie |
has instance | e/de/Devotionsformel |
has instance | e/de/Distinktion |
has instance | e/de/Emphase |
has instance | e/de/Gusto |
has instance | e/de/Konsoziation (Sprachwissenschaft) |
has instance | e/de/Paromoion |
has instance | e/de/Polylogismus |
has instance | e/de/Sustentio |
has instance | e/de/Trikolon in membris crescentibus |
has instance | e/de/Umschreibung |
has instance | e/Accumulatio |
has instance | e/Dispositio |
has instance | e/Dodo bird verdict |
has instance | e/Hypophora |
has instance | e/Logical consequence |
has instance | e/Loose cannon |
has instance | e/Prosthesis (linguistics) |
has instance | e/Robust decision |
has instance | e/Synalepha |
has instance | e/fr/Cataphore (rhétorique) |
has instance | e/fr/Disjonction (linguistique) |
has instance | e/fr/Homéoptote |
has instance | e/fr/Synchise |
has instance | e/gl/Corrección |
has instance | e/gl/Epínome |
has instance | e/gl/Imprecación |
has instance | e/gl/Monólogo citado |
has instance | e/it/Cleuasmo |
has instance | e/it/Nemesi storica |
has instance | e/it/Reticenza |
has instance | e/nl/Epische verdichting |
has instance | e/nl/Homerische vergelijking |
has instance | e/nl/Percontatio |
has instance | e/nl/Synesthesie (stijlfiguur) |
has instance | e/pl/Gradacja (literatura) |
has instance | e/pt/Asterismos |
has instance | e/ru/Риторическое обращение |
has instance | e/tr/Leff ü neşr |
has instance | e/tr/İstiare |