Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a television or radio program in which contestants compete for awards giveaway, game show |
has gloss | eng: A game show is a program on television where people play a game for points, with the goal of winning money or prizes. Different game shows use different games. Some game shows involve word games, and others involve tests of skill or general knowledge. Many game shows incorporate some element of chance; for example, in Wheel of Fortune, contestants spin a wheel to determine how much prize money they will have to wager. |
has gloss | eng: A game show is a type of radio or television program in which members of the public or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving problems usually for money and/or prizes. On some shows contestants compete against other players or another team while other shows involve contestants playing alone for a good outcome or a high score. Game shows often reward players with prizes such as cash, trips and goods and services provided by the show's prize suppliers. Many television game shows descended from similar programs on radio. The very first television game show, Spelling Bee, was broadcast in 1938. Truth or Consequences was the first game show to air on commercially-licensed television, airing its first episode in 1941 as an experimental broadcast. |
lexicalization | eng: Game shows |
lexicalization | eng: game show |
lexicalization | eng: Gameshow |
lexicalization | eng: giveaway |
subclass of | (noun) a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?" programme, broadcast, program |
has subclass | (noun) a game show in which contestants answer questions quiz program |
has subclass | c/Cable game shows |
has subclass | c/Children's game shows |
has subclass | c/French game shows |
has subclass | c/GSN original programs |
has subclass | c/Game show contestants |
has subclass | c/Game show models |
has subclass | c/Game show navigational boxes |
has subclass | c/Game shows by country |
has subclass | c/Game shows by studio |
has subclass | c/Game shows in the Philippines |
has subclass | c/Gladiators (TV franchise) |
has subclass | c/Japanese game shows |
has subclass | c/Lottery game shows |
has subclass | c/Musical game shows |
has subclass | c/Panel games |
has subclass | c/Peruvian game shows |
has subclass | c/Phone-in quiz shows |
has subclass | c/Quiz shows |
has subclass | c/Spanish game shows |
has subclass | c/Thai game shows |
has subclass | c/Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? |
has subclass | e/One Night Genius |
Note: 523 other instance(s) ommited in the following list | |
has instance | e/de/Nelly Net(t) |
has instance | e/de/Sing and Win! |
has instance | e/de/Wir testen die Besten |
has instance | e/Chao ji da fu weng |
has instance | e/Gladiators (television franchise) |
has instance | e/Kes tahab saada miljonariks? |
has instance | e/Let's Make a Deal |
has instance | e/Love Connection |
has instance | e/Milionerzy |
has instance | e/Showdown (NTN/Buzztime Game) |
has instance | e/Showtime (Croatia) |
has instance | e/TV's Funniest Game Shows |
has instance | e/Tek It Or Leave It |
has instance | e/The Moment of truth (US game show) |
has instance | e/The Vault (game show) |
has instance | e/Trato Hecho (Argentina) |
has instance | e/Treasure Hunt (UK game show) |
has instance | e/Wer wird Millionär? (Germany) |
has instance | e/Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Kenyan game show) |
has instance | e/Wie wordt euromiljonair? |
has instance | e/es/El show de los sueños |
has instance | e/es/Fama o Drama |
has instance | c/fr/Jeu télévisé québécois |
has instance | e/fr/Objectif aventure |
has instance | e/fr/Tous pour un |
has instance | e/it/Quizzissimo |
has instance | e/no/Far Out |
has instance | e/no/Jeg gjør hva som helst |
has instance | e/no/Venneprøven |
has instance | e/th/ชิงร้อยชิงล้าน ชะชะช่า |
has instance | e/th/ยกสยามปี 1 |
has instance | e/th/ยกสยามปี 2 |
has instance | e/zh/千奇百趣 |
has instance | e/zh/台灣樂起來 |
has instance | e/zh/哈林國民學校 |
has instance | e/zh/天天樂翻天 |
has instance | e/zh/天生贏家 |
has instance | e/zh/頑皮家族 |
has instance | e/zh/黃金傳奇 |
has instance | e/zh/黃金計程車 |
Meaning | |
Belarusian | |
lexicalization | bel: Тэлевізійныя гульні |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Un concurs de televisió és un programa televisiu en què els participants, ja sigui sols, en parella o en equip, han de realitzar activitats diverses amb la finalitat dobtenir un premi en metàl·lic o en espècie. Tenen el seu origen en programes similars que semetien per la ràdio a mitjans del segle XX i, tot sovint, són franquícies creades en un altre país, majoritàriament els Estats Units; si el concurs té bons resultats d'audiència, hom pot comprar-ne els drets per a realitzar-ne altres versions en altres països. |
lexicalization | cat: Concurs de televisió |
Welsh | |
lexicalization | cym: Sioe gem |
lexicalization | cym: Sioe gêm |
lexicalization | cym: Sioeau gêm |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Als Spielshow bezeichnet man eine Unterhaltungssendung in Hörfunk und Fernsehen, in der z. B. ein oder mehrere Kandidaten Aufgaben erfüllen, Rätsel lösen oder Fragen richtig beantworten müssen. Die Quizsendung ist ein Untertyp der Spielshow. |
lexicalization | deu: Spielshow |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: Τηλεπαιχνίδια |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: visailu |
lexicalization | fin: visa |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Un jeu télévisé est une émission de télévision où des candidats, personnes provenant du public ou célébrités, individuellement ou en équipe, subissent des épreuves, en vue de gagner un prix. |
lexicalization | fra: Jeu televise |
lexicalization | fra: Jeu Télévisé |
Galician | |
lexicalization | glg: Concursos de televisión |
Serbo-Croatian | |
has gloss | hbs: Televizijska igra , doslovno "predstava igre") je oblik televizijska emisija koja za svrhu ima zabaviti gledatelje (ili, u slučaju srodne radio-igre, slušatelje) kroz natjecanje za to posebno ili slučajno odabranih osoba. Postoje različite vrste TV-igara s obzirom na različite vrste natjecanja. Jedan od najčešćih i najpopularnijih vrsta je televizijski kviz u u kojima natjecatelji moraju pokazati znanje ili intelektualne sposobnosti; osim njih postoje televizijske igre u kojima se sudionici nadmeću u fizičkoj snazi, okretnosti i sl. - najčešće u "pomaknutom" ili humorističkom kontekstu. Posebna vrsta TV-igre je tzv. show talenata u kome natjecatelji nastoje pokazati svoje zabavljačke vještine, a u posljednje vrijeme su se kao poseban oblik TV-igre razvili i natjecateljske reality... |
lexicalization | hbs: Televizijska igra |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: שעשועון טלוויזיה הוא תוכנית טלוויזיה שבה מתמודדים אחדים באולפן מתחרים ביניהם במתן תשובות לשאלות המוצגות בפניהם על ידי מנחה התוכנית. למנצח מובטח פרס כספי או חפצים בעלי ערך, בדרך כלל כאלה שניתנו על ידי נותני חסות לשעשועון. לעתים ניתנת גם לצופים בבית להשתלב בתחרות ולזכות בפרס. |
lexicalization | heb: שעשועון טלוויזיה |
lexicalization | heb: שעשועוני טלוויזיה |
Indonesian | |
lexicalization | ind: Acara permainan |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il game show è un genere televisivo creato negli Stati Uniti negli anni quaranta da cui è stato derivato in anni successivi per la televisione italiana il classico telequiz. __TOC__ Game show e telequiz La prima distinzione da fare quando si parla di questi generi televisivi riguarda il contesto in cui sono stati creati. Il game show nasce in un ambito in cui il pubblico è già abituato alla programmazione televisiva, con ritmi molto veloci e coinvolgimenti rapidi e distratti, il classico "botta e risposta" con concorrenti anonimi e un conduttore in secondo piano. Il telequiz invece è la forma che il game show assume nella televisione italiana che, pur basandosi sin dall'inizio ai format della televisione statunitense, si differenziava da essa creando un genere specifico in ogni aspetto. |
lexicalization | ita: game show |
lexicalization | ita: Game-show |
lexicalization | ita: Giochi televisivi |
lexicalization | ita: gioco teletrasmesso |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: クイズ番組(クイズばんぐみ)とは、問題(クイズ)が出題され、出演者が解答するという内容を主体とした番組(テレビ番組、ラジオ番組など)のこと。種類や形態は多種多様である。 |
lexicalization | jpn: クイズ番組 |
lexicalization | jpn: 放映されたゲーム |
Korean | |
lexicalization | kor: 방송된 게임 |
Latin | |
lexicalization | lat: ludus televisus |
Malay (macrolanguage) | |
has gloss | msa: Sebuah rancangan permainan atau rancangan kuiz (bahasa Inggeris:game show atau quiz show) melibatkan orang awam atau para selebriti, kadang-kadang secara berpasukan, yang bermain dalam suatu permainan, sama ada berbentuk kuiz soal jawab, menyelesai teka teki, atau menyahut cabaran fizikal dan/atau mental untuk meraih hadiah atau mata. Ada rancangan sedemikian yang memerlukan para pesertanya bersaing dengan satu sama lain dan ada yang melibatkan para peserta menyahut cabaran dengan sendirian bagi meperoleh keputusan yang memuaskan. Rancangan permainan sering memberi ganjaran kepada pesertanya seperti wang tunai, pakej percutian atau barang-barang dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan oleh penaja rancangan itu. Rancangan permainan televisyen awal diturunkan daripada rancangan-rancangan yang serupa di siaran radio. |
lexicalization | msa: rancangan permainan |
Low German | |
lexicalization | nds: Speelshow |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een spelshow of spelprogramma is een televisieprogramma waarin mensen alleen of in teamverband deelnemen aan een spel. De deelnemers kunnen leden uit het publiek zijn, maar ook vooraf uitgenodigde kandidaten of beroemdheden. De prijs die men kan winnen in een spelshow is vaak een geldbedrag, luxe goederen of een reis. |
lexicalization | nld: spelshow |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Gameshow er en type TV-program. |
lexicalization | nor: Game show |
lexicalization | nor: Game-show |
lexicalization | nor: Gameshow |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Teleturniej – specyficznie telewizyjny gatunek dziennikarski i typ telewizyjnego programu rozrywkowego. Polega na wykonywaniu przed kamerami przez uczestników (na ogół dobieranych na zasadzie otwartych eliminacji, choć czasem specjalnie zapraszanych do programu – wówczas są to z reguły osoby powszechnie znane) narzuconych im przez organizatora zadań, za co otrzymują – niekiedy bardzo wysokie – nagrody. |
lexicalization | pol: Teleturnieje |
lexicalization | pol: teleturniej |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Game show (Brasil) ou Concurso de televisão (Portugal) é um gênero de programa de televisão onde pessoas comuns ou celebridades, em equipes ou não, jogam um jogo que pode envolver testes de inteligência e/ou provas físicas com o objetivo de ganhar pontos ou prêmios. Em caso de competições premiadas, entre os prêmios comuns estão quantias de dinheiro, casas, carros, motos, eletrodomésticos, viagens e vale-compras em lojas específicas. Todos fornecidos geralmente por empresas patrocinadoras. Muitos dos game shows atuais da televisão são descendentes de atrações semelhantes transmitidas pelo rádio. |
lexicalization | por: game show |
lexicalization | por: Game-show |
lexicalization | por: mostra do jogo |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: Телевизионные игры |
lexicalization | rus: телеигра |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Concurso de televisión es un formato de programa en el cual los participantes realizan una serie de actividades para obtener el máximo número de puntos, éstos serán canjeados a lo largo del programa a cambio de premios. El concursante o equipo que obtenga más puntos es recompensado con premios como dinero en efectivo, vacaciones, regalos y servicios proporcionados normalmente por los patrocinadores del programa. Los premios suelen ser presentados por bellas modelos. En la mayoría de los concursos los concursantes suelen competir contra otros jugadores u otro equipo, mientras que en otros se esfuerzan solo para obtener una buena marca o puntuación. |
lexicalization | spa: Concurso de television |
lexicalization | spa: Concurso de televisión |
lexicalization | spa: Concursos televisivos |
lexicalization | spa: juego televisado |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Gameshow, lekprogram, tv-program där deltagarna tävlar mot varandra under lättsamma former, oftast i en tv-studio. Ett exempel på gameshow är frågesport. |
lexicalization | swe: Game show |
lexicalization | swe: Gameshow |
Thai | |
has gloss | tha: เกมโชว์ เป็นรูปแบบหนึ่งของรายการโทรทัศน์ นำเสนอโดยให้แขกรับเชิญซึ่งอาจจะเป็นดารานักแสดงหรือคนจากทางบ้าน เล่นเกมหรือเปิดป้ายเพื่อรับของรางวัลหรือเงินรางวัลต่างๆ บางรายการอาจจะเปิดโอกาสให้ผู้ชมทางบ้านมีส่วนร่วมด้วยการโทรศัพท์เข้ามาร่วมสนุกหรือส่งข้อความสั้นเข้ามาตอบคำถาม ปัจจุบันมีอยู่หลายรูปแบบ เช่น ควิซโชว์ ฯลฯ |
lexicalization | tha: เกมโชว์ |
Vietnamese | |
has gloss | vie: Trò chơi truyền hình (hay game show) là một dạng hoạt động văn hóa, giải trí được hình thành sau khi truyền hình trở thành một phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng. Trò chơi truyền hình gồm rất nhiều loại hình như: trò chơi trí tuệ, trò chơi vận động, trò chơi giải trí, trò chơi mạo hiểm... nhưng tất cả đều có một đặc điểm chung là hình thành, tồn tại và phát triển nhờ vào sức mạnh thu hút của truyền hình. |
lexicalization | vie: trò chơi truyền hình |
Chinese | |
lexicalization | zho: 遊戲節目 |
lexicalization | zho: 电视播送的游戏 |
lexicalization | zho: 電視播送的遊戲 |
Links | |
similar | e/Game show |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
similar | e/simple/Game show |
Media | |
media:img | Silviosantos.jpg |
media:img | Wheel of Fortune Navy.jpg |
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