Information | |
has gloss | (noun) an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n mean, mean value |
has gloss | eng: In statistics, mean has two related meanings: * the arithmetic mean (and is distinguished from the geometric mean or harmonic mean). * the expected value of a random variable, which is also called the population mean. There are other statistical measures that use samples that some people confuse with averages - including median and mode. Other simple statistical analyses use measures of spread, such as range, interquartile range, or standard deviation. For a real-valued random variable X, the mean is the expectation of X. Note that not every probability distribution has a defined mean (or variance); see the Cauchy distribution for an example. |
has gloss | eng: The Mean is a measure from mathematics or from statistics. If people do many different measurements, they will get many different results. Those results have a certain distribution, and they can also be centered around an average value. This average value is what mathematicians call arithmetic mean. |
lexicalization | eng: mean value |
lexicalization | eng: mean |
subclass of | (noun) a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes" norm, average |
has subclass | (noun) the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values expectation, first moment, arithmetic mean, expected value |
has subclass | (noun) the mean of n numbers expressed as the n-th root of their product geometric mean |
has subclass | (noun) the mean of n numbers expressed as the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the numbers harmonic mean |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: mitjana |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: střední hodnota |
lexicalization | ces: průměrná hodnota |
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lexicalization | ces: průměr |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Gennemsnittet eller aritmetisk gennemsnit (også kaldet middeltallet eller middelværdien) er summen af værdierne i et datasæt divideret med antallet af værdier. Matematisk formuleres gennemsnittet således: |
lexicalization | dan: gennemsnit |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: Durchschnitt |
lexicalization | deu: Mittelwert |
lexicalization | deu: Durchschnittswert |
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lexicalization | deu: Mittelmaß |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Matematiko > Nombro > Meznombro ---- Meznombro de iu aro (el n nombroj) estas nombro, kiu situas inter la plej granda kaj malgranda, kaj estas iasence tipa de la koncerna aro: * Aritmetika meznombro – sumo de ĉiuj nombroj de la aro dividita per n; * Geometria meznombro – la n-a radiko de ilia produto; * Harmona meznombro – inverso de la aritmetika meznombro de la inversoj. * Ĝeneraligita meznombro * Ĝeneraligita f-meznombro * Aritmetiko-geometria meznombro * Pesita meznombro * Mediano |
lexicalization | epo: meznombro |
Basque | |
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lexicalization | eus: batezbesteko |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: میانگین ممکن است به یکی از معانی زیر بکار رود: * در آمار: ** میانگین حسابی (که با میانگین هندسی و میانگین هارمونیک متفاوت است) ** امید ریاضی یک متغیر تصادفی که میانگین جامعه نیز نامیده میشود. |
lexicalization | fas: میانگین |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: moyenne |
Lao | |
lexicalization | lao: ຄ່າສະເຫຼ່ຍ |
Polish | |
lexicalization | pol: średnia |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: média |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Сре́днее значе́ние — числовая характеристика множества чисел или функций; — некоторое число, заключённое между наименьшим и наибольшим из их значений. |
lexicalization | rus: среднее значение |
Sundanese | |
has gloss | sun: Dina statistik, mean (rata-rata) mibanda dua harti: * average, leuwih cocog lamun disebut aritmetik mean, dibandingkeun jeung geometrik mean atawa harmonik mean. Average biasa oge disebut sample mean (rata-rata sampel). * nilai ekspektasi tina variabel acak, biasa disebut oge population mean (rata-rata populasi). |
lexicalization | sun: mean |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Ett medelvärde eller medium är ett värde som används för att representera ett genomsnitt för en mängd värden. I dagligt tal menar man med medelvärde normalt det aritmetiska medelvärdet. I fall där variationen är stor är ofta medianen meningsfullare. |
lexicalization | swe: medelvärde |
Tamil | |
has gloss | tam: கணிதம் மற்றும் புள்ளியியலில், கூட்டுச்சராசரி (mean) என்பது சமபங்கீட்டு முறையில் நடுநிலை இராசியைக் குறிப்பதாகும். |
lexicalization | tam: கூட்டுச்சராசரி |
Thai | |
has gloss | tha: มัชฌิม หรือ ค่าเฉลี่ย (mean) ในทางสถิติศาสตร์มีความหมายได้สองทางคือ * มัชฌิมเลขคณิต (ซึ่งแตกต่างจากมัชฌิมเรขาคณิตและมัชฌิมฮาร์มอนิก) ในบางบริบทมีการใช้คำว่า ค่าเฉลี่ย แทนความหมายของมัชฌิมเลขคณิต ซึ่งไม่ถูกต้อง เนื่องจากค่าเฉลี่ยนั้นมีหลายประเภทที่แตกต่างกัน อาทิ มัฌชิม มัธยฐาน ฐานนิยม ตัวอย่างเช่น ราคาเฉลี่ยของบ้านและอาคาร จะใช้มัธยฐานเป็นค่าเฉลี่ยเสมอ * ค่าคาดหมายของตัวแปรสุ่ม บางครั้งก็เรียกว่า ค่าเฉลี่ยประชากร สำหรับตัวแปรสุ่ม X ที่มีค่าอยู่จริง มัชฌิมคือการคาดหมายค่าของ X แต่การแจกแจงความน่าจะเป็นบางอย่างไม่มีการนิยามมัชฌิม (หรือความแปรปรวน) ดูกรณีตัวอย่างในการแจกแจงโคชี (Cauchy distribution) |
lexicalization | tha: มัชฌิม |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Olasılık kuramı bilim dalında matematiksel beklenti veya beklenen değer veya ortalama birçok defa tekrarlanan ve her tekrarda mümkün tüm olasılıklarını değiştirmeyen rastgele deneyler sonuçlarından beklenen ortalama değeri temsil eder. Bir ayrık rassal değişkennin alabileceği bütün sonuç değerlerin (bazan ödemelerin) olasılıklarıyla çarpılması ve bu işlemin bütün değerler üzerinden toplanmasıyla elde edilen değerdir. Bir sürekli rassal değişken için rassal değişken ile olasılık yoğunluk fonksiyonunun çarpımının aralığı belirsiz entegralidir. Fakat dikkat edilmelidir ki bu değerin genel pratik anlamla rasyonel olarak beklenmesi pek uygun olmayabilir, çünkü matematiksel beklentiin olasılığı çok düşük belki sıfıra çok yakın olabilir ve hatta pratikte matematiksel beklenti bulunmaz. Ağırlıklı ortalama olarak da düşünülebilir ki değerler ağırlık katsayıları verilen olasılık kütle fonksiyonu veya olasılık yoğunluk fonksiyonudur. |
lexicalization | tur: matematiksel beklenti |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 平均数()、均值是统计中的一个重要概念。为集中趋势的最常用测度值,目的是确定一组数据的均衡点。 |
lexicalization | zho: 平均数 |
Media | |
media:img | MathematicalMeans.svg |
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