Information | |
has gloss | (noun) the hollow under the arm where it is joined to the shoulder; "they were up to their armpits in water" axilla, armpit, axillary cavity, axillary fossa |
has gloss | eng: The axilla (also armpit, underarm, or oxter) is the area on the human body right under where the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. The axilla is one of the four places where an medical thermometer can be used to measure human body temperature. The other places are the rectum, mouth, and ear canal. |
has gloss | eng: The axilla (or armpit, underarm, or oxter) is the area on the human body directly under the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. |
lexicalization | eng: armpit |
lexicalization | eng: axillary cavity |
lexicalization | eng: axillary fossa |
lexicalization | eng: axilla |
subclass of | (noun) (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body bodily cavity, cavum, cavity |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
lexicalization | afr: oksel |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | |
has gloss | aii: ܫܚܬܐ ܐܘ ܫܚܘܬܐ ܗܝ ܓܘܗ ܕܕܪܥܐ ܐܝܟܐ ܕܕܒܝܩ ܗܘ ܠܟܬܦܐ܀ |
lexicalization | aii: ܫܚܬܐ |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: الإبط ويسمى أيضا (armpit) أو (underarm)، هي المنطقة الموجودة تحت المفصل الذي يربط الذراع مع الكتف. |
lexicalization | ara: إبط |
Egyptian Arabic | |
lexicalization | arz: باط |
Asturian | |
lexicalization | ast: sobacu |
Bengali | |
lexicalization | ben: বগল |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: Ar gazel eo al lodenn eus ar chorf dindan ar vrech, stok ouzh ar bruched. Pep den en deus divgazel. |
lexicalization | bre: kazel |
Bulgarian | |
lexicalization | bul: подмишница |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: Laixella és una regió del cos humà situada a la part inferior de la unió del tronc amb el braç. Laixella està delimitada pel múscul pectoral major (per davant), pel múscul dorsal ample (per darrere), pel múscul serrat anterior (al mig) i per lhúmer (lateralment). Conté lartèria axil·lar i la vena axil·lar, vasos i ganglis limfàtics, teixit connectiu i teixit adipós. |
lexicalization | cat: aixella |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: podpaží |
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lexicalization | ces: podpažní jamka |
lexicalization | ces: podpaždí |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: 夹肢窝 |
lexicalization | cmn: 夾肢窩 |
lexicalization | cmn: 腋下 |
lexicalization | cmn: 腋窝 |
lexicalization | cmn: 腋窩 |
lexicalization | cmn: ge |
lexicalization | cmn: yè wo |
lexicalization | cmn: yèwō |
lexicalization | cmn: 胳 |
lexicalization | cmn: zhǒu ye |
lexicalization | cmn: 肘腋 |
Welsh | |
lexicalization | cym: cesail |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Armhulen (latin: axilla) betegner det område på menneskekroppen, der er placeret lige under det led, der forbinder armen med skulderen. |
lexicalization | dan: armhule |
lexicalization | dan: Armhule |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Achsel (lat.: Axilla) bezeichnet in der Anatomie den Bereich zwischen Schulter und Brustwand. Im engeren Sinne ist mit der Achsel jedoch die Achselhöhle gemeint, der anatomische Raum unter der Schulter, der vorne vom Großen Brustmuskel, hinten vom großen Rückenmuskel und nach innen vom Brustkorb begrenzt wird, dabei aber unter der Haut liegt. |
lexicalization | deu: Achsel |
lexicalization | deu: Achselhöhle |
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lexicalization | deu: Drecksloch |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: μασχάλη |
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lexicalization | ell: μασάχλη |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Akselo estas * en plantanatomio: la angulo inter petiolo kaj tigo. * en homanatomio: la regiono de la ŝultro (latine Axilla). Pli striktasence ĝi signifas nur la akselan kavon inter brako kaj trunko (torso), kie troviĝas multaj ŝvitoglandoj kaj seboglandoj. Sub la haŭto ĉe la akselo estas limfoglandoj kiuj ludas gravan rolon en la defenda sistemo. Ĉe la homo la akselo estas unu el la malmultaj lokoj kie estas hararo. |
lexicalization | epo: akselo |
lexicalization | epo: subbrako |
Estonian | |
lexicalization | est: kaenlaauk |
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lexicalization | est: kaenal |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: Besapea giza gorputzeko zati bat da, besoen goialde eta barnealdearen eta bularraren artean dagoena. Bertan, gizonezkoetan zein emakumezkoetan ilea hazten da nerabezaroan. Zenbait kulturetako emakumeek besapeko ile hori moztu egiten dute, ez baitago batere ongi ikusia. Gizonen artean, berriz, gaizki ikusia dago besapeetan ilerik ez izatea, zenbait kulturetan horrek gizontasun falta adierazten baitu. Arrazoi beragatik, munduaren zati handi batean ez da besapeko ilearen mozketa bultzatzen gizonezkoetan nerabezarotik aurrera, ile hau agertzen den garaia dena. |
lexicalization | eus: galtzarbe |
lexicalization | eus: besape |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Kainalo (lat. axilla) on alue käsivarren ja hartian välisen nivelen alla. Murrosiässä kainalon kohdalle alkaa kasvaa kainalokarvoitusta. |
lexicalization | fin: kainalo |
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lexicalization | fin: kainalokuoppa |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Chez lhumain, laisselle est la cavité située sous l'épaule, à la jonction du bras avec le thorax. Les aisselles constituent une zone de sudation particulièrement active, et sont le siège de nombreuses autres glandes de sécrétion (notamment de phéromones). |
lexicalization | fra: aisselle |
Gaelic | |
has gloss | gla: 'S e achlais roinn na bodhaig fo cheann shuas do ghàirdein |
lexicalization | gla: achlais |
Galician | |
has gloss | glg: A axila (ks), sobaco ou sobrazo é a parte inferior da unión do brazo co tronco. |
lexicalization | glg: axila |
lexicalization | glg: Axila |
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lexicalization | glg: sobaco |
lexicalization | glg: sobrazo |
Guarani | |
has gloss | grn: Jyvaguy jyva ha ati’y ojoapyha guýpe. |
lexicalization | grn: Jyvaguy |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: בית השחי הוא האזור שמתחת לכתף הגובל עם שריר החזה הגדול, הרחבתון, הזרוע העליונה והחזה. עור בית השחי מכוסה בשיער, ומכיל מספר רב יותר של בלוטות זיעה וחלב, ביחס לשאר הגוף, המפרישות נוזל חומצי. בעומק בית השחי נמצאות גם בלוטות הלימפה. |
lexicalization | heb: בית שחי |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: bagala |
Croatian | |
lexicalization | hrv: pazuh |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: hónalj |
lexicalization | hun: hón |
Armenian | |
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lexicalization | hye: անութ |
lexicalization | hye: թևատակ |
Ido | |
has gloss | ido: Axelo esas la regiono di homala korpo direte sub l'artiko ube la brakio konektas ad la shultro. |
lexicalization | ido: Axelo |
lexicalization | ido: axelo |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Ketiak atau dalam bahasa kasarnya disebut ketek (atau dalam bahasa Latin disebut axilla) adalah daerah lipatan tubuh manusia yang menghubungkan lengan atas dengan bahu. Ketiak dikenal sebagai salah satu bagian tubuh yang sensitif saat digelitik dan sebagai salah satu bagian tubuh yang agak tersembunyi. |
lexicalization | ind: ketiak |
Icelandic | |
lexicalization | isl: handarkriki |
lexicalization | isl: holhönd |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: L' Ascella è una cavità posta ad angolo tra il braccio e la spalla. |
lexicalization | ita: ascella |
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lexicalization | ita: postaccio |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 腋の下、脇の下(わきのした、axilla)は、人体の部位の一つ。腋、脇(わき)とも呼ばれる。 |
lexicalization | jpn: わきの下 |
lexicalization | jpn: 腋の下 |
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lexicalization | jpn: 脇の下 |
lexicalization | jpn: 腋下 |
lexicalization | jpn: 腋窩 |
Kannada | |
lexicalization | kan: ಕಂಕುಳ |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: იღლია |
Khasi | |
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lexicalization | kha: pohtit |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 겨드랑이는 인간의 팔과 어깨를 연결하는 부분의 아래에 위치하는 부분이다. 액모 액모는 보통 사춘기의 남성과 여성에게 자란다. 현대 서양에서는 남성은 이것을 계속 놔두지만, 대부분의 여성들이 미학적인 이유 때문에 액모를 제거한다. 액취 |
lexicalization | kor: 겨드랑이 |
Latin | |
has gloss | lat: Axilla est regio corporis inter homeros et parietem pectoris sed vulgo axilla dicitur cavum axillae id est spatium infra humerum, cuius limites sunt musculus pectoralis maior et retro musculus latissimus dorsi. |
lexicalization | lat: axilla |
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lexicalization | lat: āla |
lexicalization | lat: ala |
Latvian | |
lexicalization | lav: paduse |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Pažastis - žmogaus kūno sritis tarp krūtinės ir žasto, išsyk žemiau peties sąnario. |
lexicalization | lit: pažastis |
Malayalam | |
lexicalization | mal: kaksham |
Marathi | |
lexicalization | mar: काख |
Maori | |
lexicalization | mri: këkë |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: De oksel (Latijn: Axilla) is de holte onder de arm. Onder de huid bij de oksel zitten lymfeklieren die een belangrijke rol in het afweersysteem spelen. |
lexicalization | nld: oksel |
lexicalization | nld: axilla |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
lexicalization | nob: armhule |
Piemontese | |
lexicalization | pms: assëlla |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Dół pachowy (łac. fossa axillaris) – jest to szczelina, która oddziela klatkę piersiową od ramienia. Powiększa się podczas unoszenia kończyny górnej, największa jest zaś przy odwiedzonym ramieniu pod kątem 45 stopni. |
lexicalization | pol: pacha |
lexicalization | pol: Dół pachowy |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Axila é a parte do corpo imediatamente oposta à parte exterior do ombro. Parte interna do braço na parte em que o membro se liga ao tronco, exatamente na articulação . |
lexicalization | por: sovaco |
lexicalization | por: axila |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: subsuoară |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Подмы́шка — в анатомии место между плечевым суставом и грудной клеткой. Ограничена с передней стороны большой грудной мышцей (Musculus pectoralis major), с задней — широчайшей мышцей спины (Musculus latissimus dorsi). В подмышке находится множество потовых и жировых желез, которые могут иногда быть причиной болезней, таких как гипергидроз. Для устранения запаха от выделений в подмышках используются дезодоранты. |
lexicalization | rus: подмышка |
Sicilian | |
has gloss | scn: L' ascidda è la parti nfiriuri, còncava, di l’articulazzioni dâ spadda. |
lexicalization | scn: Ascidda |
lexicalization | scn: scidda |
Scots | |
has gloss | sco: The oxter is the pairt o the human body richt unner the jynt whaur the airm jynes the shouder. |
lexicalization | sco: Oxter |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: podpazušie |
Slovenian | |
lexicalization | slv: pazduha |
lexicalization | slv: podpazduha |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: La axila, o sobaco, es la zona del cuerpo que se encuentra debajo de la unión entre el hombro y el brazo. |
lexicalization | spa: axila |
lexicalization | spa: sobaco |
Albanian | |
lexicalization | sqi: sqetull |
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lexicalization | sqi: halla |
Serbian | |
lexicalization | srp: pazuho |
lexicalization | srp: пазухо |
lexicalization | srp: pazuh |
Spanish Sign Language | |
lexicalization | ssp: xn.ecb |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Armhåla, axill, axilla, är hålan under armen. Man har hår och svettkörtlar i armhålan. |
lexicalization | swe: armhåla |
lexicalization | swe: Armhåla |
Tamil | |
lexicalization | tam: அக்குள் |
Tulu | |
lexicalization | tcy: ಕಂಕುಳ |
Telugu | |
has gloss | tel: చంక లేదా బాహుమూలము (Axilla or Armpit) దండచేయికి ఛాతీకి మధ్యనున్న ప్రదేశము. తెలుగు భాషలో దీనిని కక్షము అని కూడా అంటారు. చంకకాళ్ళు అనగా వికలాంగులు నడవడానికి సహాయంగా తీసుకొనే crutches. చంకను తగిలించుకొను మూటను చంకతాళి అంటారు. |
lexicalization | tel: చంక |
Tagalog | |
has gloss | tgl: Ang kili-kili o kilikili (Ingles: armpit, underarm, o oxter |
lexicalization | tgl: kili-kili |
lexicalization | tgl: Kilikili |
Thai | |
lexicalization | tha: รักแร้ |
lexicalization | tha: กัจฉะ |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: koltuk altý |
lexicalization | tur: koltuk altı |
lexicalization | tur: aksilla |
Ukrainian | |
lexicalization | ukr: пахва |
Venetian | |
lexicalization | vec: lesena |
Vietnamese | |
lexicalization | vie: nách |
Wiradhuri | |
lexicalization | wrh: gilgeen |
Yucatec Maya | |
lexicalization | yua: xiik’ |
Yue Chinese | |
has gloss | yue: 胳肋底(胳讀格,肋讀陰上聲;英文 armpit、axilla、underarm、oxter),文言叫脇,係人嘅身體部位,膊頭下面,身同臂個骹位內側。大多數嘅成年人都有啲毛喺胳肋底叫胳肋底毛,細路就冇。 |
lexicalization | yue: 胳肋底 |
Media | |
media:img | Armpit by David Shankbone.jpg |
media:img | Armpit.jpg |
media:img | Axilla hairy.jpg |
media:img | Blonde in red bikini.jpg |
media:img | Female body.jpg |
media:img | Forever Tel Aviv at TLV nightclub in Israel 2.jpg |
media:img | Gray411.png |
media:img | Hairy Armpits.jpg |
media:img | Laughter by David Shankbone.jpg |
media:img | Womans armpit.JPG |
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