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has gloss(noun) a spermatozoon or an ovum; a cell responsible for transmitting DNA to the next generation
germ cell, reproductive cell, sex cell
has glosseng: In biology, germ cells are the cells that give rise to the gametes of organisms that reproduce sexually. In many animals, the germ cells originate near the gut and migrate to the developing gonads. There, they undergo cell division of two types, mitosis and meiosis, followed by cellular differentiation into mature gametes, either eggs or sperm. Unlike animals, plants do not have a germ line set aside in early development. Instead, germ cells can come from somatic cells in the adult floral meristem.
lexicalizationeng: Germ cells
lexicalizationeng: germ cell
lexicalizationeng: Germ-cell
lexicalizationeng: reproductive cell
lexicalizationeng: sex cell
subclass of(noun) (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
has subclass(noun) a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
has instancee/Folliculogenesis
has instancee/Gametid
has instancee/Gametogonium
has instancee/Germ line development
has instancee/Germline mutation
has instancee/Gonocyte
has instancee/Hyperactivation
has instancee/Nebenkern
has instancee/Sperm
has instancee/Urediniospore
has instancee/fr/Gametange
has instancee/oc/Ovocit
has glossara: الخلية العروسية germ cell هو أحد أنواع الخلايا التي تشكل خطا عروسيا germline، ويشارك في عملية التكاثر reproduction للكائنات الحية. هناك عدة أنواع مختلفة للخلايا العروسية تتضمن مولدات عروسية gametogonium، عرسيات gametocyte، الأعراس.
lexicalizationara: خلية عروسية
lexicalizationces: pohlavní buňka
lexicalizationces: zárodečná buňka
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: pèi zi
lexicalizationcmn: 配子
has glossdeu: Eine Urkeimzelle (englisch primordial germ cell), auch als Urgeschlechtszelle oder Genom bezeichnet, ist eine Form von Zellen, die die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung etwa des Menschen erst ermöglicht. In der 3. Woche entstehen die Urkeimzellen in der Wand des Dottersacks. In der 6. Woche wandern sie in die Gonadenanlage ein. Bei allen Wirbeltieren werden Urkeimzellen frühzeitig in der Entwicklung separiert. Aus der Urkeimzelle entstehen Keimzellen.
lexicalizationdeu: Urkeimzelle
lexicalizationdeu: Gamet
lexicalizationdeu: Keimzelle
has glossfra: Lensemble des cellules germinale, ou germen (qui sont issues des cellules souches), dun animal ou dun végétal sont les cellules qui sont susceptibles de former les gamètes : spermatozoïdes et ovocytes (pour les animaux) ou oosphères et grains de pollen (pour les végétaux). Elle constitue avec les cellules somatiques lune des deux lignées cellulaires obtenues à partir d'une cellule-œuf.
lexicalizationfra: Cellule Germinale
lexicalizationhye: սեռական բջիջ
lexicalizationisl: kynfruma
lexicalizationisl: kímfruma
lexicalizationita: cellula germinale
has glossjpn: 生殖細胞(せいしょくさいぼう)とは生殖において遺伝情報を次世代へ伝える役割をもつ細胞である。胚細胞ともいう。
lexicalizationjpn: 生殖細胞
lexicalizationkor: 생식 세포
Occitan (post 1500)
lexicalizationoci: Cellula germinala
has glosspor: Nos organismos multicelulares, as células germinativas são células que podem dar origem aos gâmetas, no caso dos animais, o espermatozoide e o óvulo.
lexicalizationpor: Célula germinativa
has glossrus: Гоноци́т (; гоно- + гист. cytus клетка) или первичная половая клетка — эмбриональная клетка, из которой впоследствии могут образоваться сперматозоиды или яйцеклетки. Также гоноцитом могут называться любые клетки, участвующие в процессе гаметогенеза, и сами гаметы.
lexicalizationrus: гоноцит
lexicalizationrus: Клетки зародышевого пути
lexicalizationslk: Pohlavné bunky
part of(noun) organs and tissues involved in the production and maturation of gametes and in their union and subsequent development as offspring
genital system, reproductive system
similare/Germ cell


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