Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a spoon larger than a dessert spoon; used for serving tablespoon |
has gloss | eng: A tablespoon is a kind of spoon that is mostly used for serving. A tablespoonful, which is the amount that can be put into a tablespoon, is a measure of volume. |
has gloss | eng: A tablespoon is a type of large spoon usually used for serving. A tablespoonful, an amount approximately equal to the capacity of one tablespoon, is commonly used as a measure of volume in cooking. It is abbreviated in English as T, tb, tbs, tbsp, tblsp, or tblspn. Only the tbs and tbsp abbreviations are currently formally recognized, although the tblsp abbreviation is also commonly used informally. In most countries one level tablespoon is defined as 15 ml. In Australia it is defined as 20 ml. |
lexicalization | eng: tablespoon |
subclass of | (noun) a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food spoon |
Meaning | |
Bosnian | |
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lexicalization | bos: kašika |
lexicalization | bos: žlica |
lexicalization | bos: ližka |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: polévková lžíce |
Mandarin Chinese | |
lexicalization | cmn: tāng chi |
lexicalization | cmn: 汤匙 |
lexicalization | cmn: 湯匙 |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: En spiseske (forkortet spsk.) er en udbredt måleenhed for rumfang ved madlavning. Man finder denne enhed brugt i mange opskrifter. Enheden er blevet standardiseret til at være lig 15 mL. Der findes således en særlig måleske der indeholder præcis én spiseske, men almindelige spiseskeer kan bruges, hvis man ikke behøver at være hel præcis. |
lexicalization | dan: spiseske |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: Esslöffel |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: κουτάλα |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Supkulero estas manĝilo en formo de kulero, kiu enspacas ĝis 15 mililitroj da likvaĵo. |
lexicalization | epo: supkulero |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Ruokalusikka on suurehko lusikka, jota käytetään muun muassa keiton ja puuron syömiseen. Ruokalusikka on myös ruoanlaitossa käytettävä tilavuuden mittayksikkö. Yksi ruokalusikallinen eli rkl vastaa kolmea teelusikkaa, ja seitsemän ruokalusikkaa yhtä desilitraa, eli ruokalusikka on 15 millilitraa. |
lexicalization | fin: Ruokalusikka |
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lexicalization | fin: ruokalusikallinen |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La cuillère à soupe, aussi appelée cuillère à table ou parfois cuillère à bouche, est un ustensile de table destiné à porter à la bouche des aliments liquides ou peu consistants. |
lexicalization | fra: Cuillere a soupe |
lexicalization | fra: cuillère à soupe |
Croatian | |
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lexicalization | hrv: ližka |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: evőkanál |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il cucchiaio, oltre ad essere un utensile da cucina, viene anche utilizzato come unità di misura del volume. Non è definito in maniera inequivoca ma il suo valore è di circa 15 millilitri. In inglese viene abbreviato come T., tbs. o tbsp., ed in tedesco come EL. |
lexicalization | ita: Cucchiaio da tavola |
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lexicalization | ita: cucchiaio da tavola |
Japanese | |
lexicalization | jpn: スプーン |
lexicalization | jpn: さじ |
Korean | |
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lexicalization | kor: 큰스푼 |
Lithuanian | |
lexicalization | lit: valgomasis šaukštas |
Maori | |
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lexicalization | mri: kokotoha |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een eetlepel is bestek, meestal gemaakt van metaal. Als tafelbestek wordt hij meestal soeplepel genoemd. Voor recepten is het gebruikelijk om bij kleine hoeveelheden te spreken over een eetlepel, die nauwkeurig kan worden afgemeten met de specifieke maatlepel van één eetlepel. In dat geval is een eetlepel 15 milliliter. |
lexicalization | nld: eetlepel |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Spiseskje er en enhet for måling av volum. Spiseskje er ikke en SI-enhet. Symbolet for spiseskje er ss. En spiseskje er definert som 15 milliliter (15 ml). |
lexicalization | nor: spiseskje |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Łyżka stołowa – element zastawy stołowej w postaci niewielkiej eliptycznej lub jajowatej miseczki o wymiarach pozwalających na zmieszczenie się w ustach, osadzonej na wygiętym trzonku; najstarszy ze sztućców, znany od czasów prehistorycznych, a ponad wszelką wątpliwość udowodniono jego stosowanie już ok. 1490 r.p.n.e. |
lexicalization | pol: łyżka stołowa |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: colher |
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lexicalization | por: colher de sopa |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Столовая ложка — столовый прибор в виде ложки, в которую может поместится до 15 миллилитров жидкости. |
lexicalization | rus: столовая ложка |
Slovak | |
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lexicalization | slk: lyžica |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: cucharada |
lexicalization | spa: cuchara de sopa |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: En matsked (förkortat msk) är ett volymmått som används i matlagning. Definitionen skiljer lite från olika ställen över världen: |
lexicalization | swe: Matsked |
Vietnamese | |
lexicalization | vie: muỗng canh |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 湯匙(Tablespoon,又譯餐桌匙)是一種進食用的匙,其最常見的用途為喝西湯,因而得名。 |
lexicalization | zho: 湯匙 |
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lexicalization | zho: 大汤匙 |
lexicalization | zho: 大湯匙 |
Links | |
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similar | e/simple/Tablespoon |
Media | |
media:img | Chinese spoons.jpg |
media:img | MeasuringSpoons.jpg |
media:img | Tablespoon6234.jpg |
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