Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a movie theater than has several different auditoriums in the same building multiplex |
has gloss | eng: A multiplex is a movie theater complex with more than three screens. The largest of these complexes are sometimes referred to as a megaplex. |
lexicalization | eng: Multiplex cinema |
lexicalization | eng: Multiplex |
subclass of | (noun) a theater where films are shown cinema, movie theater, movie house, picture palace, movie theatre |
Meaning | |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Multikino (nebo také multiplex) je kino, ve kterém jsou více než tři kinosály. Multikina díky více sálům mohou nabídnout více filmových titulů ve více promítacích časech. Vyznačují se pohodlnými sedadly, nejmodernějšími technologiemi a vyšším vstupným. V žádném multikině nechybí možnost občerstvení (zejména popcorn). |
lexicalization | ces: Multikino |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Multiplex-Kino (lat. für Vielfach-Kino), auch verkürzt Multiplex genannt, bezeichnet ein größeres Kino mit mehreren Sälen, in denen teilweise derselbe Film zur selben Zeit läuft, um so ein größeres Publikum gleichzeitig bedienen zu können. |
lexicalization | deu: Multiplex-Kino |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Un multiplexe cinématographique est un complexe cinématographique comptant au moins huit salles. |
lexicalization | fra: multiplexe |
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lexicalization | fra: complexe multisalles |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: המגה-פלקס הוא מתחם בתי קולנוע המכיל לרוב יותר מ-20 אולמות קולנוע ושאר מתקנים ואטרקציות שלא נפוצים בדרך כלל בבתי קולנוע קטנים. |
lexicalization | heb: מגה-פלקס |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Un cinema multisala, o semplicemente multisala, anche chiamato multiplex, è un teatro cinematografico provvisto di tre o più schermi di riproduzione. I più grandi complessi di questo tipo vengono anche chiamati megaplex, in relazione al numero di sale di cui sono provvisti. Durante un alto periodo di crescita in molte città, a livello mondiale, la competizione rappresentata da una multisala è spesso correlata ad un'esclusione dal circolo cinematografico di sale cinematografiche minori. |
lexicalization | ita: cinema multisala |
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lexicalization | ita: multisala |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: シネマコンプレックスとは、同一の施設に複数のスクリーンがある映画館のことである。シネコン、複合映画館とも呼ばれる。 |
lexicalization | jpn: シネマコンプレックス |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 복합 상영관 (한자:複合上映館; 영어: Multiplex; 멀티플렉스)이란 영화관의 한 형태로서 다수의 상영관이 한 건물에 모여 있는 극장을 말한다. |
lexicalization | kor: 복합 상영관 |
lexicalization | kor: 복합상영관 |
Letzeburgesch | |
has gloss | ltz: E Multiplex-Kino ass e Kinoskomplex, deen aus méi Säll besteet, an deen extra dofir gebaut gouf. Et gëtt keng eenheetlech Definitioun, vu wivill Säll un ee vun engem Multiplex schwätzt, gewéinlech sinn et der op d'mannst siwen. |
lexicalization | ltz: Multiplex-Kino |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een Multiplex-bioscoop of multiplexbioscoop of Multiplex Bioscoop (Latijn voor "meerlagige bioscoop"), vaak ook kortweg Multiplex genoemd, is de benaming voor een grote bioscoop (of bioscooptheater) met meerdere zalen waarbinnen gedeeltelijk dezelfde film draait op dezelfde tijd, om zo een groter publiek tegelijkertijd te kunnen bedienen. Een bioscoop met meer dan 10 tot 20 zalen wordt soms ook wel Megaplex-bioscoop genoemd. |
lexicalization | nld: multiplex-bioscoop |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Multipleks to budynek w którym znajduje się wiele sal kinowych, zwykle więcej niż 6. |
lexicalization | pol: Multipleks kinowy |
Links | |
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similar | e/Multiplex (movie theater) |
Media | |
media:img | Amc30ontariomills.jpg |
media:img | Cinedom Köln - Abends (8762-64).jpg |
media:img | Movix kurashiki.JPG |
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