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has gloss(noun) course consisting of a large landscaped area for playing golf
links course, golf course
has glosseng: A golf course consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a teeing ground, fairway, rough and other hazards, and a green with a flagstick (pin) and cup, all designed for the game of golf. A standard round of golf consists of playing 18 holes, thus most golf courses have this number of holes. Some, however, only have nine holes and the course is played twice per round, while others have 27 or 36 and choose two groups of nine holes at a time for novelty and maintenance reasons. Many older golf courses, often coastal, are golf links, of a different style to others. For non-municipal courses, there is usually a golf club based at each course.
has glosseng: A golf course is where the game of golf is usually played.
lexicalizationeng: Golf clubs and courses
lexicalizationeng: golf course
lexicalizationeng: golf facility
lexicalizationeng: links course
subclass of(noun) facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport; "the course had only nine holes"; "the course was less than a mile"
has subclass(noun) a golf course that is built on sandy ground near a shore
links, golf links
has subclassc/Golf courses and clubs in Louisiana
has subclassc/Golf courses
Note: 567 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Colinas
has instancee/National Golf Links of America
has instancee/Portmarnock Golf Club
has instancee/Sand Creek Station Golf Course
has instancee/St. George's Golf and Country Club
has instancee/es/Real Club de Golf de Las Palmas
has instancee/eu/Meaztegi golf
has instancee/ja/加古川ゴルフ倶楽部
has instancee/ja/滋賀ゴルフクラブ
has instancee/ja/眉山カントリークラブ
has instancee/nl/Colony Club Gutenhof Himberg
has instancee/nl/De Waterlandse Golfclub
has instancee/nl/Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club
has instancee/nl/Duisburg Military Golf Club
has instancee/nl/Golf Club BurgGolf Emmen
has instancee/nl/Golf Club Davos
has instancee/nl/Golf Club De Drie Eycken
has instancee/nl/Golf Club Lugano
has instancee/nl/Golf Club Mergelhof
has instancee/nl/Golf Club de Nîmes Campagne
has instancee/nl/Golf de Falnuée
has instancee/nl/Golf de Strasbourg
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Almeerderhout
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Beveren
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Brunssummerheide
has instancee/nl/Golfclub De Kurenpolder
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Grevelingenhout
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Heidemeer
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Ockenburgh
has instancee/nl/Golfclub Sloten
has instancee/nl/Golfvereniging Albatross
has instancee/nl/Helmondse Golfclub Overbrug
has instancee/nl/L'Empereur (golfclub)
has instancee/nl/La Quinta Golf & Country Club
has instancee/nl/Leender Golfclub Haviksoord
has instancee/nl/Old Course Loenen
has instancee/nl/Oosterhoutse Golf Club
has instancee/nl/Rinkven International Golf & Country Club
has instancee/nl/Royal Golf Club Sart-Tilman
has instancee/sv/Örkelljunga GK
lexicalizationcat: camp de golf
lexicalizationces: Golfová hřiště
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: gāo qiú chang
lexicalizationcmn: 高球场
lexicalizationcmn: 高球場
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lexicalizationcym: Clybiau a chyrsiau golff
has glossdan: En golfbane er et idrætsanlæg, hvorpå man spiller golf. Den består af et antal huller, oftest 18, men for mindre baners vedkommende 9, mens store baner kan have 27 eller 36 huller. Tallene stammer fra, at et almindeligt spil golf omfatter spil af 18 huller.
lexicalizationdan: golfbane
lexicalizationdan: Golfklubber og -baner
has glossdeu: Ein Golfplatz ist ein Areal in der Natur, auf dem Golf gespielt wird. Es handelt sich somit um eine besondere Form der Sportstätte. Normalerweise wird ein Golfplatz von einem Golfarchitekten entworfen. Wesentliche Elemente sind dabei Abschläge, Fairways und Grüns (mit Loch), die jeweils mit einer Vegetation aus unterschiedlichen Sportrasenarten gedeckt sind. Dazu kommen noch die Bunker (mit Sand gefüllte Löcher), Wasserhindernisse (Teiche, Wasserläufe) und das Rough (ungepflegtes Gelände).
lexicalizationdeu: Golfplatz
lexicalizationdeu: Golfanlage
has glossepo: Golfejo estas natura areo, en kiu praktikiĝas la sporto golfo. Do temas pri aparta speco de sportejo. Kutime temas pri parka pejzaĝo konceptita fare de golfa arkitekto. Esencaj partoj estas ekbatejoj, parkaj padoj kaj "verdejoj" kun po unu golfeja truo, kiu – videbligite per stango kaj flageto – estu la celo de la golfaj pilkoj. La kernaj partoj de la teritorio konsistas el ofte tondita herbejo, kaj al tio aldoniĝas parkaj arbustoj kaj arboj, truoj plenigitaj per sablo, akvaj "malhelpaĵoj" (lagetoj kaj rojoj) kaj krome ĉirkaŭa neflegita tereno.
lexicalizationepo: golfejo
lexicalizationeus: Golf zelaiak
lexicalizationfin: Golfkentät
lexicalizationfin: golfrata
lexicalizationfin: golfkenttä
has glossfra: Le terrain de golf (au sens des règles) est le terrain où on joue une partie de golf.
lexicalizationfra: Parcours de golf
lexicalizationfra: Terrain de Golf
has glossgle: Is fearann faoi leith é machaire gailf. Is áit é le cluiche gailf a imirt. Bíonn leagan amach faoi leith ar mhachaire gailf chun freastal ar riachtanais an chluiche. Bíonn sraith poill ar gach machaire. Braitheann sé ar líon na bpoll - 9 bpoll nó 18 bpoll. Bíonn limistéar faoi leith ann do gach poll. Bíonn áit tosú ar a ghlaotar tí nó an phlásóg thiála, mínleach, garbhlach agus guaiseacha eile, agus plásóg amais ag gach poll.
lexicalizationgle: Machaire gailf
lexicalizationhrv: igralište za golf
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has glossisl: Golfvöllur er völlur sem er sérhæfður fyrir íþróttina golf.
lexicalizationisl: Golfvöllur
lexicalizationisl: golfvöllur
has glossita: Viene definito campo da golf unarea destinata alla pratica di questo gioco, e definita e riconosciuta ufficialmente come tale. Un campo da golf è in genere costituito da 9, 18, 27 o 36 buche: questo perché una partita di golf si svolge in genere su 18 buche. Ogni buca è costituita da varie zone, alcune sempre presenti; altre invece sono difficoltà che esistono solo in buche specifiche, e vengono perciò definite ostacoli. Bisogna distinguere fra campo da golf e circolo, che è unassociazione che si occupa del mantenimento del campo e dellistituzione di infrastrutture, come la club house, che in genere ha un bar, e unarea di pratica in cui si possono praticare tiri lunghi, approcci o putt sul green di pratica e quindi affinare la tecnica, magari con laiuto di un professionista. Uneccezione (unica nel suo genere) al tradizionale campo da golf è rappresentata dal Conte of Florence International Approach Championship, un torneo che si tiene a Firenze, e che si svolge direttamente sul fiume Arno nei pressi di Ponte Vecchio con le buche che galleggiano sull'acqua.
lexicalizationita: campo da golf
has glossjpn: ゴルフ場(ゴルフじょう、golf course)とは、スポーツの一種であるゴルフをプレーするために設計された施設をいう。ゴルフコース、ゴルフクラブなどとも呼ばれる。通常は、全部で18のホール(Hole、「穴」の意)から構成され、各ホールには規定の打数(パー、Par)が定められている。ボールを打ち出す場所(ティーインググラウンド、Teeing ground)からカップまでの距離が、1ホールの距離である。18ホールすべてを合計して「全長xxヤード」(ゴルフでは通例として、アメリカの距離単位「ヤード」を使用する)という。18ホールの規定打数を合計して「パーxx」と言い、パー72を採用するコースが最も多い。各ホールの長さや、コースの全長は用途によって多様である。 カントリークラブと名乗っているゴルフ場もあるがカントリークラブは本来ゴルフに限った施設ではなく、誤用といえる。 ゴルフ場は大きく分けて、レジャー用途のために易しく設定されたものと、競技用途のために難しく設定したものの2種類に分類される。
lexicalizationjpn: ゴルフ場
has glosskor: 골프장은 골프를 치기 위해 조성된 터로, 초타 구역, 페어웨이(잔디밭 구역), 러프(황무지 구역), 장애 구역, 깃대, 공을 쳐 넣는 구멍 등을 포함한 일련의 홀로 구성되어 있다.
lexicalizationkor: 골프장
lexicalizationkor: 골프코스
lexicalizationmkd: Голф терени
has glossnld: Een golfbaan is een perceel waarop de sport golf wordt gespeeld. De baan bestaat uit een reeks holes. Iedere hole bestaat in de regel uit de volgende onderdelen: Tee-box, Green, Hole, Fairway, Rough, Fringe / Apron, Hindernissen.
lexicalizationnld: golfbaan
lexicalizationnld: golfterrein
has glossnor: Golfbanen er det området på hvilket man utøver aktiviteten golf.
lexicalizationnor: Golfbaner
lexicalizationnor: golfbane
lexicalizationrus: поле для гольфа
lexicalizationspa: Clubes y campos de golf
lexicalizationspa: campo de golf
has glossswe: En golfbana är en golfklubbs hela område för utövande av golf. Golfbanan består av så kallade hål, vilket är spelplanerna vid spel. En golfbana byggs alltid med 9 hål i taget, och kan alltså bestå av 9, 18, 27 hål, och så vidare.
lexicalizationswe: golfbana
lexicalizationswe: Golfklubbar
lexicalizationtha: สนามกอล์ฟ
has glosszho: 高爾夫球場(Golf course)是進行高爾夫球運動時所需的場地。一個標準的高爾夫球場包括18個洞(Hole)。有的高爾夫球場僅有9個洞,也有的有27或36個洞。每個洞都有規定的桿數,稱為帕(Par)。標準桿數為72桿。球場內有發球台、球道、果嶺、長草、沙坑、水池等障礙組成。不同的高爾夫球場之間有著巨大的差距,對於不同類型的選手會產生很大的影響。一些高爾夫球場的設計有本身就是知名的高爾夫選手。此外,有的高爾夫球場還會附帶練習場地。
lexicalizationzho: 高爾夫球場
has category(noun) a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes
golf game, golf
has part(noun) a hazard on a golf course
sand trap, trap, bunker
has part(noun) an obstacle on a golf course
has part(noun) one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course; "he played 18 holes"
golf hole, hole
has part(noun) the area between the tee and putting green where the grass is cut short
has part(noun) an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course; "the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker"
putting surface, green, putting green
has part(noun) the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short
has part(noun) the starting place for each hole on a golf course; "they were waiting on the first tee"
teeing ground, tee
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media:imgColin Montgomerie13.png
media:imgDeer on golf course.jpg
media:imgDer nördlichste Golfplatz der Welt auf den Lofoten.jpg
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media:imgGolf Lounge Hamburg5.jpg
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media:imgOosterhoutse hole met boom.JPG
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media:imgPebble Beach Golf Links 02.jpg
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media:imgTimrå GK driving range.jpg
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media:imgUniversity of Florida Golf Course.jpg


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