Information | |
has gloss | (noun) footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg boot |
has gloss | eng: A boot is a type of footwear that protects the foot and ankle. Boots are higher and larger than shoes and sandals. Some boots are high enough to protect the calves (lower part of the leg) as well. Some boots are held on with bootstraps or bootlaces. Some also have spats or gaiters to keep water out. Most have a very strong boot sole, the bottom part of a boot. |
has gloss | eng: A boot is a type of footwear. It mainly covers the foot and the ankle and extends up the leg, sometimes as far as the knee or even the hip. Most boots have a heel that is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece. Traditionally made of leather or rubber, modern boots are made from a variety of materials. Boots are worn both for their functionality – protecting the foot and leg from water, snow, mud or hazards or providing additional ankle support for strenuous activities – and for reasons of style and fashion. |
lexicalization | eng: Boots |
lexicalization | eng: boot |
subclass of | (noun) covering for a person's feet footwear, footgear |
has subclass | (noun) a boot reaching halfway up to the knee half boot, combat boot, desert boot, top boot, buskin |
has subclass | (noun) a boot with a high arch and fancy stitching; worn by American cowboys cowboy boot |
has subclass | (noun) (19th century) a man's high tasseled boot hessian, Wellington boot, jackboot, Hessian boot, Wellington |
has subclass | (noun) a very high boot; used especially for fishing hip boot, thigh boot |
has subclass | (noun) a boot without laces that is worn for riding horses; part of a riding habit riding boot |
has subclass | (noun) a high boot made of rubber gum boot, rubber boot |
has subclass | (noun) a stiff boot that is fastened to a ski with a ski binding ski boot |
has subclass | c/Military boots |
has subclass | e/Motorcycle boot |
Note: 10 other instance(s) ommited in the following list | |
has instance | e/de/Chelsea-Boot |
has instance | e/de/George-Boot |
has instance | e/de/Holzstiefel |
has instance | e/Ammunition boots |
has instance | e/Australian work boots |
has instance | e/Ballet boot |
has instance | e/Beatle boots |
has instance | e/Blutchers |
has instance | e/Boot fetishism |
has instance | e/Boot jack |
has instance | e/Chukka boot |
has instance | e/Dress boot |
has instance | e/Exerlopers |
has instance | e/Go-go boots |
has instance | e/Hessian (boot) |
has instance | e/Hiking boot |
has instance | e/Jackboot |
has instance | e/JikaTabi |
has instance | e/Jump boot |
has instance | e/Jungle boot |
has instance | e/Kinky boots |
has instance | e/Knee-high boots |
has instance | e/Magnetic boots |
has instance | e/Mukluk |
has instance | e/Platform boot |
has instance | e/Rigger boot |
has instance | e/Tanker boot |
has instance | e/Thigh-length boot |
has instance | e/Trench boot |
has instance | e/Ugg boots |
has instance | e/Wedge boots |
has instance | e/Winklepickers |
has instance | e/fi/Paulakengät |
has instance | e/ru/Кисы |
has instance | e/ru/Унты |
has instance | e/sv/Kragstövel |
has instance | e/sv/Seglarstövel |
has instance | e/tt/Çitek |
has instance | e/zh/軍靴 |
has instance | e/zh/雪靴 |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
has gloss | ara: الجزمة هي نوع من الأحذية تتميز بأنها قد تغطي منطقة الساق وقد تصل إلى الركبة. تستخدم الجزمة في حالات العمل في منطقة مليئة بالأوساخ أو الأوحال أو للحماية من تسرب المياه في حال أن مستوى المياه أدنى من مستوى الركبة. كما أن الجزمة قد أصبحت موضة في العديد من الفترات خصوصا عند النساء وفي هذه الحالة فإن شكل الجزمة يختلف وقد يتم إضافة زخارف أو ريش أو فرو لها بقصد الزينة. وقد تصنع الجزمة من الجلد الطبيعي أو المواد الكيميائية مثل البي في سي (pvc). |
lexicalization | ara: جزمة |
Asturian | |
has gloss | ast: ::Pa otros usos del términu, ver Bota. Una bota ye un tipu de calzáu que cubrel pie y parte del todiyu, y nocasiones llega fasta la rodiella o la ingle, orixinalmente foron diseñaes comu calzáu de trabayu. Esisten infinidá de variedaes sigún altor, color, material y estilu. Las más d'elles tien un tacón, claramente estremáu de la suela anque tean dambos fabricaos nel mesmu material. |
lexicalization | ast: Bota(calzáu) |
lexicalization | ast: Bota |
Bosnian | |
has gloss | bos: Čizma (mn. čizme) je vrsta obuće koje prekriva stopalo do članka, ili se uzdiže do koljena, pa čak i do kukova. Većina čizmi posjeduje petu, koja se razlikuje od ostatka podloge. Tradicionalno čizme se prave od kože ili gume, ali moderne čizme se prave od različitih materijala. Čizme su građene tako da sprečavaju ulazak vode, snijega, blata i druge prljavštine. Većina čizama ima funkciju toplotnog izolatora. |
lexicalization | bos: Čizma |
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lexicalization | bos: čizma |
Breton | |
has gloss | bre: An heuzoù zo boteier hir. |
lexicalization | bre: heuz |
Bulgarian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | bul: ботуш |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: La bota és un tipus de calçat que cobreix el peu i part de la cama, en una longitud que depèn de l'ús a què va destinada la bota, o bé de raons estètiques. |
lexicalization | cat: bota |
Chickasaw | |
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lexicalization | cic: sholosh chaaha' |
Mandarin Chinese | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | cmn: cháng xue |
lexicalization | cmn: 長靴 |
lexicalization | cmn: 长靴 |
lexicalization | cmn: 靴子 |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: En støvle er et stykke fodtøj med skaft, som dækker mere elle mindre af benets længde. De korteste støvler som kun dækker 5-10 cm over ankelknoen kan kaldes støvletter. |
lexicalization | dan: støvle |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der Stiefel (Synonym: Boot, vom englischen Wort für Stiefel) ist eine Schuhgrundform und stellt daher eine Art der Fußbekleidung dar. Gegenüber dem nur bis zur Fußbeuge reichenden Halbschuh ist ein Stiefel ein Schuh, dessen Schaft (fachsprachlich für das Oberteil des Schuhs, in Abgrenzung zum Schuhboden) bis mindestens über den Knöchel reicht. Der Stiefelschaft wird nochmals grob untergliedert in den Fußteil und das sich daran anschließende, nach oben reichende Rohr (allgemeinsprachlich "Schaft" genannt). |
lexicalization | deu: Schuh |
lexicalization | deu: Stiefel |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
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lexicalization | ell: μπότα |
Esperanto | |
has gloss | epo: Boto estas alta ŝuo kaŭĉuka aŭ leda, kiu atingas ĝis genuo. |
lexicalization | epo: boto |
lexicalization | epo: ŝuo |
Estonian | |
has gloss | est: Saabas on jalanõu, mis on mõeldud jala kaitseks külma, niiskuse ja traumade eest. Saapaid valmistatakse nahast, kunstnahast, kummist jt materjalidest. |
lexicalization | est: saabas |
Basque | |
has gloss | eus: Botak oina eta zangoa estaltzen duen oinetakoa da, nahiz eta kasu batzuetan belauna eta izterrondoa estaltzera ailegatzen den ere. Mota ugari daude garaiera, kolore, material eta formaren arabera. Bota gehienek zolatik bereizten den orpoa dute. |
lexicalization | eus: bota |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: چَکمه گونهای پایافزار است که معمولاً هم پا و هم قوزک پا را میپوشاند. برخی چکمهها تا زانو و گاه تا بالای ران را هم میپوشانند. |
lexicalization | fas: چکمه |
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lexicalization | fas: چزمه |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: saapas |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La botte est une chaussure dont la tige enferme le pied et la jambe jusquà une hauteur qui dépend de lusage auquel elle est destinée : jusquau mollet, jusquau genou ou jusqu'à la cuisse. |
lexicalization | fra: botte |
lexicalization | fra: chaussure |
lexicalization | fra: soulier |
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lexicalization | fra: boucaut |
lexicalization | fra: parement |
lexicalization | fra: bottine |
lexicalization | fra: manchette |
Gaelic | |
has gloss | gla: S e bòtann a tha ann am brògan rubair neo plastaig a thig suas gus na glùinean. S e bòtannan Wellington an seòrsa as cumanta. |
lexicalization | gla: Botann |
lexicalization | gla: bòtann |
Galician | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | glg: bota |
Old High German (ca. 750-1050) | |
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lexicalization | goh: stival |
Serbo-Croatian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | hbs: čizma |
lexicalization | hbs: чизма |
Hebrew | |
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lexicalization | heb: מגף |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: jUwA |
Ido | |
has gloss | ido: Boto esas pedovesto ledra qua kontenas gambo (boteto kontenas nur infra parto di gambo; shuo kontenas nur pedo). |
lexicalization | ido: Boto |
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lexicalization | ido: boto |
Indonesian | |
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lexicalization | ind: sepatu boot |
lexicalization | ind: bot |
Icelandic | |
has gloss | isl: Stígvél er skór sem hylur bæði fótinn og ökklann og nær stundum upp að hnjám eða jafnvel nára. Flest stígvél eru með hæl sem er aðgreindur frá sólanum. Stígvél eru oftast úr leðri eða gúmmíi en geta verið úr ýmsum efnum. |
lexicalization | isl: stígvél |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Lo stivale è una calzatura che, oltre al piede, copre la caviglia e parte della gamba. |
lexicalization | ita: stivale |
lexicalization | ita: Stivali |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ita: carratello |
lexicalization | ita: manichi |
lexicalization | ita: otrino |
lexicalization | ita: scarpone |
lexicalization | ita: portabagagli |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: ブーツ *少なくとも踝までの足やそれ以上を覆う履物。本項で詳述。 *機械の屈曲・摺動部の潤滑材料などを保持するために用いられる耐油ゴム製のカバー(代表的なものが自動車のブレーキシリンダーのブーツ)。 *日本の歌手、福山雅治の4作目のアルバムについてはBOOTSをご覧下さい。 ---- |
lexicalization | jpn: ブーツ |
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lexicalization | jpn: 長靴 |
Georgian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | kat: ჩექმა |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 부츠란 신발의 한 종류로 복사뼈 위나 장딴지 이상 높이의 신발을 총칭한다. 부츠는 용도, 높이에 따라 나뉜다. 부츠의 용도는 패션, 방한, 방수, 스포츠, 안전 등으로 여러가지 있다. 보통 니하이부츠(knee high boots) 이하의 길이를 미들부츠(middle boots), 그 이상을 롱부츠(long boots)라고 칭한다. |
lexicalization | kor: 부츠 |
Latin | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | lat: doliolum |
lexicalization | lat: ocrea |
lexicalization | lat: utriculus |
Latvian | |
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lexicalization | lav: zābaks |
Maltese | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | mlt: bagol |
lexicalization | mlt: buzza |
Maori | |
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lexicalization | mri: pütu |
Low German | |
has gloss | nds: n Stevel is n bepoald soort schounderij mit n hege schaacht, deurgoands van leer môkt, môr ook röbber en kunststoffen (neopreen) worden toupaast. n Stevel kin dainen as beschaarmen tegen sladder en onhuur of kolle, môr wordt ook wel as modieus schounderij droagen. |
lexicalization | nds: stevel |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een laars is een bepaald type schoeisel met een hoge schacht, doorgaans uit leer vervaardigd, maar ook rubber en kunststoffen (zoals neopreen) worden toegepast. Een laars kan dienen ter bescherming tegen vocht en vuil of koude, maar wordt ook als modieuze en/of verleidelijke schoeisel gedragen. |
lexicalization | nld: schoen |
lexicalization | nld: laars |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Støvler er fottøy som har et «skaft» som rekker et stykke opp på bena. De brukes av begge kjønn i spesielle værforhold eller til visse typer arbeid, eller når man ferdes i visse typer terreng. |
lexicalization | nor: støvler |
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lexicalization | nor: støvel |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
lexicalization | oci: bòta |
Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928) | |
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lexicalization | ota: فوطین |
lexicalization | ota: چیزمه |
Polish | |
lexicalization | pol: but |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Bota é um tipo de calçado que apresenta o cano mais alto que o sapato comum. O cano pode variar de altura, de acordo com a destinação da bota, ou em razão da moda. |
lexicalization | por: calçado |
lexicalization | por: bota |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: cizmă |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Сапоги́ — вид обуви, обычно с высокими голенищами. Получило распространение на Руси и Ближнем Востоке от тюркских кочевников, для которых мягкие сапоги были удобной обувью для верховой езды. На Руси первое время считались обувью для знати (простолюдины носили поршни или лапти), в последующем получили распространение твёрдые сапоги. |
lexicalization | rus: сапоги |
lexicalization | rus: сапог |
Sicilian | |
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lexicalization | scn: stivali |
Scots | |
has gloss | sco: A buit is a kynd o fitweir that pertects the fit an anklet. Buits are heicher an lairger nor shuin an sandals. Some buits are heich eneuch for tae pertect the brawns (lawer pairt o the leg) tae. Some buits are haudden on wi buitstraps or buitlacers. Some hae spats or gaiters an aw, for tae keep oot watter. Maist hae a verra strang buit sole, the bottom pairt o a buit. |
lexicalization | sco: buit |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: topánka |
Slovenian | |
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lexicalization | slv: škorenj |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: ::Para otros usos del término, véase Bota. Una bota es un tipo de calzado que cubre el pie y parte del tobillo, y en ocasiones llega hasta la rodilla o la ingle, originalmente fueron diseñadas como calzado de trabajo. Existen infinidad de variedades según altura, color, material y estilo. La mayoría tiene un tacón, claramente diferenciado de la suela aunque estén ambos fabricados en el mismo material. |
lexicalization | spa: calzado |
lexicalization | spa: bota |
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lexicalization | spa: zaque |
lexicalization | spa: barrica |
Serbian | |
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lexicalization | srp: čizma |
lexicalization | srp: чизма |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Stövel är en fotbeklädnad, som (till skillnad från skor) har höga skaft som täcker en stor del av benet. Den har ursprungligen använts av nyttoskäl för att skydda foten mot kyla och väta samt för att ge "stadga" och stabilitet åt smalbenet. Stöveln har tidvis också förekommit som modeplagg, för män under 1600-, 1700- och 1800-talen samt för kvinnor från 1920-talet och framåt. Sedan 1960-talet har stövelns funktion som modeplagg blivit alltmer omfattande. |
lexicalization | swe: stövlar |
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lexicalization | swe: stövel |
lexicalization | swe: känga |
Telugu | |
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lexicalization | tel: బూటు |
Northern Tiwa | |
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lexicalization | twf: bútoną |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Чо́боти — взуття, зазвичай з високими халявами. У епоху інквізиції «іспанськими чоботами» називали знаряддя тортур. |
lexicalization | ukr: чоботи |
Vietnamese | |
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lexicalization | vie: ủng |
lexicalization | vie: khởi động |
Vlaams | |
lexicalization | vls: bot |
Yiddish | |
has gloss | yid: שטיוול (יידיש ירושלמיש: באָטן) איז א ספעציעלע סארט גרויסע שיך אנצוטוען אין א שניי. |
lexicalization | yid: שטיוול |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 靴是一種鞋類,穿著於腳上並最少掩蓋腳掌、足踝,可伸展至小腿甚至膝蓋。靴可有各種不同的高度、顏色、物料及款式,大部份有明顯的鞋跟。靴原是一種為工作而設的鞋類。 |
lexicalization | zho: 靴 |
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