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has gloss(noun) a genus of Lorisidae
Arctocebus, genus Arctocebus
has glosseng: The angwantibos are the two species of strepsirrhine primates that are classified in the Arctocebus genus of the Lorisidae family. They are also known as golden pottos because of their yellow or golden coloration.
lexicalizationeng: Angwantibo
lexicalizationeng: Arctocebus
lexicalizationeng: genus Arctocebus
subclass of(noun) a genus of mammals
mammal genus
has glossbre: Arctocebus zo ur genad e rummatadur ar bronneged, ennañ daou spesad primated anvet potoed pe angwantiboed. Bevañ a reont en Afrika.
lexicalizationbre: Arctocebus
has glossdeu: Die Bärenmakis (Arctocebus) oder Angwantibos sind eine Primatengattung aus der Familie der Loris (Lorisidae). Es gibt zwei Arten, den Gewöhnlichen und den Goldenen Bärenmaki.
lexicalizationdeu: Bärenmakis
has glosseus: Arctocebus, Angwantiboak edo Urrezko Pottoak Afrikan bizi diren bi primate biltzen dituen generoa da. Nigeria, Kamerun eta Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoan bizi dira batez ere. Gehienez 22-30 zentimetro arteko tamaina dute eta ez dute isatsik. 500 gramo inguruko pisua dute.
lexicalizationeus: Arctocebus
lexicalizationfra: Arctocebus
has glossita: Arctocebus è un genere di primati strepsirrhini, appartenente alla famiglia dei lorisidi. Al genere sono ascritti i maki ursini, anche detti angwantibo in lingua locale.
lexicalizationita: Arctocebus
has glosskor: 앙완티보는 로리스과의 앙완티보속(Arctocebus)에 속하는 곡비원류 영장류의 총칭으로 2개 종이 포함된다. 노란색 또는 황금색의 털 색깔때문에 골든포토로 알려져 있기도 한다.
lexicalizationkor: 앙완티보
has glosspol: Arctocebus – rodzaj małpiatek z rodziny lorisowatych, obejmujący gatunki występujące w Afryce Zachodniej i Środkowej.
lexicalizationpol: Arctocebus
has glossswe: Björnmakier (Arctocebus) är ett släkte med två arter tillhörande underordningen Strepsirrhiniprimater. De båda arterna är klassificerade som släktet Arctocebus inom familjen Lorier (Lorisidae). Björnmakier bor i de tropiska delarna av Afrika, däribland Nigeria, Kamerun och Kongo-Kinshasa.
lexicalizationswe: björnmakier
has glosszho: 金熊猴屬(学名Arctocebus),靈長目懶猴科的一屬,包括两種,产于热带非洲地区。体长在22-30厘米之间,几乎没有尾巴。体重最多仅500克。毛发为黄褐或金色。
lexicalizationzho: 金熊猴屬
has member(noun) a kind of lemur
golden potto, Arctocebus calabarensis, angwantibo
member of(noun) slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless
Lorisidae, family Lorisidae


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