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has gloss(noun) extinct primate of about 38 million years ago; fossils found in Egypt
has glosseng: Aegyptopithecus zeuxis means “linking Egyptian ape”. It was discovered by E. Simons in 1965. If Aegyptopithecus is placed in its own genus, then there is one documented species named A. zeuxis. Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is an early catarrhine from the early Oligocene of Jebel Qatrani Formation in the Fayum Province of Egypt. It is believed to be a basal catarrhine that precedes the divergence of Old World monkeys and apes.
lexicalizationeng: Aegyptopithecus
subclass of(noun) a primate of the superfamily Hominoidea
has glossbul: Дребният примат е живял преди около 29 милиона години в топлите горите, които са се намирали на мястото на днешната египетска пустиня. Там той намирал храна, убежище и прекрасно място за отглеждане на потомството си .
lexicalizationbul: Египтопитек
has glosscat: Aegyptopithecus zeuxis és un fòssil primerenc dels catarins que va precedir la divergència entre els homínids i la resta de simis. És l'única espècie coneguda del gènere dels egiptopitecs.
lexicalizationcat: Aegyptopithecus zeuxis
has glossces: Aegyptopithecus byl předchůdce lidoopů. Mezi jeho výrazné znaky patří výrazná obličejová část a čelisti a bradový výběžek.
lexicalizationces: Aegyptopithecus
lexicalizationdeu: Aegyptopithecus
Modern Greek (1453-)
has glossell: Με τον όρο Aegyptopithecus (Αιγυπτοπίθηκος) εννοείται ένα μικρόσωμο, δενδρόβιο φυτοφάγο (καρποί) θηλαστικό, που έζησε πριν από 33 εκατομμύρια χρόνια. Ζύγιζε περίπου 4 κιλά και έμοιαζε με τον σύγχρονο λεμούριο, εκτός από το γεγονός ότι διέθετε πλήρη σειρά 32 οδόντων. Ο Αιγυπτοπίθηκος ονομάστηκε επίσης πίθηκος της Αυγής, καθώς θεωρήθηκε σημαντικός κρίκος ανάμεσα στα πρώιμα θηλαστικά και τους πιθήκους της Μειόκαινου. Ανακαλύφθηκε στην πλούσια σε απολιθώματα της Ολιγόκαινου περιοχή του Φαγιούμ, στην Αίγυπτο.
lexicalizationell: Aegyptopithecus
has glossheb: אגיפטופיתקוס (Aegyptopithecus, שם מדעי: Aegyptopithecus) הוא סוג של קוף אדם קדום אשר השתייך לאנתרופואידים, קבוצה בה כלול גם האדם.
lexicalizationheb: אגיפטופיתקוס
has glossita: L' Aegyptopithecus è il nome di un genere estinto di scimmie catarrine i cui fossili furono scoperti in Egitto. Il nome Aegyptopithecus, deriva dal greco antico e significa "scimmia egiziana".
lexicalizationita: Aegyptopithecus
has glosslat: Aegyptopithecus est genus hominoideum primatum, quod sola species Aegyptopithecus zeuxis continet, cuius reliquia in Aegypto inventa sunt.
lexicalizationlat: Aegyptopithecus
has glossnld: Aegyptopithecus (Aap uit Egypte) was een kleine fruitetende aap die ongeveer 33 miljoen jaar geleden leefde in Egypte. Hij zag er ongeveer uit als een hedendaagse lemuur, had 32 gebitselementen en de mannetjes hadden lange hoektanden. Aegyptopithecus, ook wel de Dageraadaap genoemd, is een belangrijke schakel tussen de primitieve primaten en de echte apen die in het Mioceen tot ontwikkeling kwamen.
lexicalizationnld: Aegyptopithecus
has glosspor: Aegyptopithecus é um género de macaco que existiu no Oligoceno, há cerca de 30 milhões de anos. Fósseis da única espécie deste género, o Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, têm sido encontrados no Egipto (daí o seu nome) e permitem considerar este símio o primeiro com características do grupo onde, mais tarde surgiram os hominídeos.
lexicalizationpor: Aegyptopithecus
has glossron: Aegyptopithecus este speciei de primate Aegyptopithecus zeuxis au evidenţiat faptul că animalul avea un creier foarte mic şi primitiv. Dupa ce au analizat craniul vechi de 33-35 de milioane de ani al unui animal care este considerat stramoşul maimuţelor şi al speciei umane, cercetătorii americani au ajuns la concluzia că acesta nu era prea inteligent.
lexicalizationron: Aegyptopithecus
has glossspa: Aegyptopithecus es un primitivo catarrino fósil que precedió la divergencia que dio lugar a los dos superfamilias de los catarrinos: Hominoidea, que incluye a los simios y humanos, y Cercopithecoidea que contiene los monos del Viejo Mundo. Se le conoce una sola especie A. zeuxis y vivió hace 35 a 33 millones de años atrás en las primeras épocas del Oligoceno.
lexicalizationspa: Aegyptopithecus
has glosstur: Aegyptopithecus, Mısırda Çöl bölgesi Fayyumda bulunmuş fosil maymun cinsi. Adı Mısır Maymunu anlamına gelen, günümüzde daha yaygın olarak Propliopithecus diye adlandırılan bu soyu tükenmiş maymun cinsiyle ilgili fosil kemikler, 1964te Oligosenden (günümüzden yaklaşık 32-35 milyon yıl önce) kalma tortul tabakalarda bulunmuştur. Dişlerindeki ve kafatası kemiklerindeki bazı özellikler, otçul olduğunu göstermelerinin yanısıra, günümüzdeki şempanze ve gorillerin doğrudan atası olduğuna inanılan Miyosende yaşamış Dryopithecusun da atası olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Yalnız, daha yakın dönemde yaşamış bu maymunlardan farklı olarak, daha küçük beyinli ve kuyruklu, ayrıca, dışa doğru çıkıntı yapan köpek benzeri geniş yüzlüdür.
lexicalizationtur: Aegyptopithecus
has glosszho: 埃及猿(Aegyptopithecus),又稱曉猿,是一種早期的狹鼻小目,將人猿總科及舊世界猴分支的時間推前。其下只有一個物種,古埃及猿(A. zeuxis),是生存於350-330萬年前的漸新世早期。牠有點像現今的新世界猴,大小與吼猴接近。埃及猿化石主要在埃及被發現 ,是始新世化石及中新世人猿總科之間重要的連結。
lexicalizationzho: 埃及猿
member of(noun) a genus of Hominoidea
genus Aegyptopithecus
media:imgAegyptopithecus Pte.svg
media:imgAegyptopithecus ZICA.png
media:imgAegyptopithecus face (University of Zurich)-1.JPG
media:imgMap of the fossil sites of the earliest hominids (35.8-3.3M BP).svg


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