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has gloss(noun) small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and northern Asia
triton, newt
has glosseng: A newt is an amphibian of the Salamandridae family, although not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts. Newts are classified in the subfamily Pleurodelinae of the family Salamandridae, and are found in North America, Europe and Asia. Newts metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile (called an eft ), and adult. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and may be either fully aquatic, living permanently in the water, or semi-aquatic, living terrestrially but returning to the water each year to breed.
has glosseng: Newts are small animals, a kind of salamander. Newts live in warm countries and in water most of the time. They are found in North America, Europe, and North Asia.
lexicalizationeng: Newts
lexicalizationeng: newt
lexicalizationeng: triton
subclass of(noun) any of various typically terrestrial amphibians that resemble lizards and that return to water only to breed
has subclass(noun) small semiaquatic salamander
common newt, Triturus vulgaris
has subclass(noun) red terrestrial form of a common North American newt
red eft, Notophthalmus viridescens
has subclass(noun) any of several rough-skinned newts found in western North America
Pacific newt
has subclass(noun) a newt in its terrestrial stage of development
has subclassc/Newts
Old English (ca. 450-1100)
lexicalizationang: aþexe
has glossbre: Ar gweronelled, pe pedrevaned, zo divelfenneged lostek rummataet en urzhiad Caudata (pe Urodela). Er cherentiad Salamandridae emaint, asambles gant sourded zo.
lexicalizationbre: gweronell
has glosscat: Els tritons són amfibis urodels que sassemblen a les salamandres. Ús del nom Duna manera general, sanomenen sobretot «tritons» els urodels que, tenen pulmons en lestat adult però passen molt de temps a l'aigua. Aquesta distinció té nombroses excepcions, pel fet que els mots «tritó» i « salamandra » precedeixen en molt de temps el descobriment de nombroses espècies - tanmateix, continua sent particularment vàlida a Europa.
lexicalizationcat: Tritó
lexicalizationcat: tritó
lexicalizationces: mlok
lexicalizationces: čolek-animal
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Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: yuan
lexicalizationcmn: 蠑螈
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has glosscym: Mae madfallod dŵr yn perthyn i deulu'r salamadrau. Ceir tri math ym Mhrydain: madfall ddŵr gribog (Triturus cristatus), madfall ddŵr gyffredin (Lissotriton vulgaris) a madfall ddŵr balfog (Lissotriton helveticus).
lexicalizationcym: madfall ddŵr
has glossdeu: Als Molche werden verschiedene, nicht unbedingt näher verwandte Amphibien-Arten aus unterschiedlichen Familien der Ordnung Schwanzlurche (Caudata oder Urodela) bezeichnet. Sie ähneln sich dadurch, dass sie als erwachsene Tiere zumindest zeitweise im Wasser leben und dazu Flossensäume an den Schwanzober- und -unterseiten entwickeln.
lexicalizationdeu: Molch
lexicalizationdeu: Wassermolch
lexicalizationepo: trituro
lexicalizationfin: vesilisko
has glossfra: Les tritons sont des amphibiens urodèles, représentés entre autres par le genre Triturus. Ils sapparentent aux salamandres ; dune manière générale, on appelle plutôt « tritons » les urodèles qui, à létat adulte, sont munis de poumons mais passent beaucoup de temps dans leau. Cette distinction souffre de nombreuses exceptions, du fait que les mots « triton » et « salamandre » précèdent de longtemps la découverte de nombreuses espèces — cependant, elle reste particulièrement valide en Europe.
lexicalizationfra: Triton
lexicalizationfra: triton
has glossgla: 'Se dearc-luachrach biast bheag a tha càirdeal ri loisgean. Tha iad beò ann an dùthaich bhlàth agus cuiridh iad a chuid mhòr den tìde aca seachad ann am bùrn. Theid an lorg ann an America a Tuath, an Roinn-Eorpa agus Àisia a tuath.
lexicalizationgla: Dearc-luachrach
lexicalizationheb: טריטון
lexicalizationhin: saratikA
lexicalizationhrv: daždevnjak
has glosshun: A gőték kétéltűek egy csoportjának a megnevezése, nem tekinthető precíz rendszertani kategóriának. Magyar nyelvterületen a farkos kétéltűek rendjébe tartozó, inkább vízi életmódot folytató fajokra (a szárazföldi fajok elnevezése: szalamandrák), továbbá a lábatlan kétéltűek rendjének összes fajára (a gilisztagőtékre és féreggőtékre) használatos elnevezés – más nyelvterületeken azonban más-más besorolást kaphat ugyanaz a faj. Az Ambystoma mexicanum fajt például magyarul mexikói gőtének, németül mexikói szalamandrának, angolul pedig mexikói sétáló halnak nevezik.
lexicalizationhun: gőték
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has glossido: Tritono esas amfibio squala, vicina ye salamandro.
lexicalizationido: Tritono
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lexicalizationita: Tritone
lexicalizationita: tritone
lexicalizationjpn: イモリ
lexicalizationjpn: 井守
lexicalizationkor: 영원
lexicalizationkor: 바보얼간이
lexicalizationnld: salamander
has glosspol: Traszki, trytony – płazy ogoniaste o wodno-lądowym trybie życia, między innymi z rodzaju Triturus z rodziny salamandrowatych.
lexicalizationpol: traszka
has glosspor: Tritão é o nome comum dado aos anfíbios pertencentes à subfamília Pleurodelinae (família Salamandridae). A característica comum a todas as espécies de tritão é a sua permanência prolongada em pontos de água doce durante a época de reprodução. Esta pode durar vários meses por ano, dependendo da espécie em questão.
lexicalizationpor: Tritão
has glossrus: Тритоны — общее название группы животных из отряда хвостатых земноводных. Понятие "тритон" в широком смысле не имеет определенной систематической привязки, это слово может встречаться в названиях животных из разных семейств. Обычно, хоть и не всегда, "тритонами" называют более-менее водных представителей, а "саламандрами" - сухопутных. Тритоны в узком смысле - это подсемейство Pleurodelinae семейства Salamandridae, включающее следующие роды:
lexicalizationrus: тритоны
lexicalizationrus: тритон
has glosssco: An Esk is a wee ainimal, a kynd o salamander. Esks live in warm kintras an in watter maist o the time. Thay are fund in North Americae, Europe, an North Asie.
lexicalizationsco: Esk
lexicalizationspa: tritón
lexicalizationswe: vattenödla
lexicalizationtha: ตัวซาลามานเดอร์ ที่มีสีสัน
lexicalizationtur: semender
lexicalizationukr: тритон
member of(noun) salamanders
Salamandridae, family Salamandridae
media:imgAlpine newt 2.JPG
media:imgLissotriton helveticus larva.jpg
media:imgNotophthalmus viridescensPCCA20040816-3983A.jpg
media:imgSmooth Newt larva (aka).jpg
media:imgSmooth newt.jpeg
media:imgTriturus boscai.001.JPG


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