Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a morbid fear of dirt or contamination mysophobia |
has gloss | eng: Mysophobia is a term used to describe a pathological fear of contact with dirt, to avoid contamination and germs. Someone who has such a fear is often referred to as a mysophobe. The term was introduced by Dr. William Alexander Hammond in 1879 when describing a case of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) exhibited in repeatedly washing ones hands. This phobia is sometimes referred to as germophobia (or germaphobia), a combination of germ and phobia to mean fear of germs, as well as bacillophobia and bacteriophobia. Mysophobia has long been related to the OCD of constantly washing ones hands. However, Harry Stack Sullivan, an American psychologist and psychoanalyst, notes that while fear of dirt underlies the compulsion of a person with this kind of OCD, his or her mental state is not about germs; instead, this person feels the hands must be washed. |
lexicalization | eng: Germaphobia |
lexicalization | eng: mysophobia |
subclass of | (noun) any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with relatively simple well-defined stimuli simple phobia |
Meaning | |
Mandarin Chinese | |
lexicalization | cmn: jié pi |
lexicalization | cmn: 洁癖 |
lexicalization | cmn: 潔癖 |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Als Mysophobie (Ansteckungsphobie) wird eine krankhafte und übersteigerte Angst vor Kontakt mit Schmutz oder der Ansteckung durch Bakterien, Viren etc. bezeichnet. Die Angst kann sich auf real existierende Verunreinigungen beziehen, aber auch ausschließlich in der Fantasie der Betroffenen existieren. Die Folge ist ein extremes Meidungsverhalten sowie im Allgemeinen ein Waschzwang bzw. Putzzwang, und unter diesem Namen ist diese Phobie auch in der Umgangssprache bekannt. Diese Phobie wird von Psychologen daher auch als psychische Zwangsstörung bezeichnet. |
lexicalization | deu: Mysophobie |
lexicalization | deu: Angst vor Schmutz oder Ansteckung |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La mysophobie (du grec ancien « crime, souillure, impureté » et « peur, phobie ») est une peur pathologique et irrationnelle dêtre en contact avec la saleté ou dêtre contaminé par des microbes et des parasites. On parle aussi de germophobie, peur des germes. |
lexicalization | fra: mysophobie |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Misofobia (dal greco miseo, odiare e phobos, paura) è il termine utilizzato per descrivere una paura patologica del contatto con lo sporco per evitare quasiasi tipo di contaminazione o di germe (è definita anche come la sindrome di Pilato). I soggetti che soffrono di questa fobia, detti, misofobi , aumentano le loro precauzioni igieniche all'inverosimile. |
lexicalization | ita: Misofobia |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 潔癖(けっぺき)、あるいはその病気である潔癖症(けっぺきしょう)は、強迫性障害の一種である。DSM-IVでは精神失調の一つに分類される。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 潔癖 |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Smetvrees is niet zozeer een fobie als wel een dwangneurose, een obsessief-compulsieve stoornis. De OCS of dwangneurose is een hersenstoornis, een soort angststoornis, gekenmerkt door dwangmatige handelingen en gedachten met meestal angst als onderliggende drijfveer. |
lexicalization | nld: smetvrees |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Mizofobia – fobia, polegająca na unikaniu zanieczyszczenia, zabrudzenia, czasami również zakażenia się, często towarzyszą jej natręctwa (np. kompulsywne mycia rąk). Pojęcie zostało wprowadzone w 1879 przez Williama A. Hammonda . |
lexicalization | pol: Mizofobia |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: A Misofobia é um termo usado para descrever o medo patológico do contato com a sujeira, evitar contaminação e germes. Alguém que tem tal medo muitas vezes é tratado como um "misofóbico". O termo foi introduzido por William A. Hammond em 1879 descrevendo um caso de desordem compulsória obsessiva em lavar frequentemente as mãos. |
lexicalization | por: Misofobia |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Мизофобия (от греч. mysos — грязь, загрязнение, осквернение + фобия — страх; , ) — навязчивый страх загрязнения либо заражения, стремление избежать соприкосновения с окружающими предметами. |
lexicalization | rus: Мизофобия |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: misofobia |
Serbian | |
has gloss | srp: Мизофобија је патолошки страх од инфекције. Карактеристично понашање за особе које су мизофоничне је да већи део свог времена проводе у прању руку и на друге начине покушавају да спрече „могуће заразе”. |
lexicalization | srp: Мизофобија |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 洁癖(mysophobia, neat freak)是强迫症的一种,即把正常卫生范围内的事物认为是肮脏的,感到焦虑,强迫性地清洗、检查及排斥“不洁”之物。分肉体洁癖、行为洁癖和精神洁癖。 |
lexicalization | zho: 洁癖 |
Links | |
similar | e/Mysophobia |
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