has gloss | (noun) any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting blight |
has gloss | eng: Blight refers to a specific symptom affecting plants in response to infection by a pathogenic organism. It is simply a rapid and complete chlorosis, browning, then death of plant tissues such as leaves, branches, twigs, or floral organs. Accordingly, many diseases that primarily exhibit this symptom are called blights. Several notable examples are: * Late blight of potato, caused by the water mold Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the disease which led to the Great Irish Famine * Southern corn leaf blight, caused by the fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Drechs.) Drechs, anamorph Bipolaris maydis (Nisikado & Miyake) by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al., is the most severe disease of pear and also is found in apple and raspberry, among others. * Bacterial leaf blight of rice, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda & Ishiyama) Dowson. |
lexicalization | eng: blight |
subclass of | (noun) a disease that affects plants plant disease |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse) alder blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of apple trees apple canker, apple blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of beet plants beet blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of tea plants blister blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of Scotch pines blister blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease affecting the canes of various bush fruits (e.g., raspberries or currants) cane blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of American chestnut trees chestnut canker, chestnut-bark disease, chestnut blight |
has subclass | (noun) a blight affecting the coffee plant coffee blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease affecting the trunks of pear and apple trees collar blight |
has subclass | (noun) a blight of bean plants halo spot, halo blight, bean blight |
has subclass | (noun) a blight affecting the leaves of oats and other grasses halo blight |
has subclass | (noun) a blight of the heads of cereals head blight |
has subclass | (noun) blight in which symptoms appear late in the growing season especially a disease of solanaceous plants caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans late blight |
has subclass | (noun) any blight causing a browning and falling of the leaves of a plant leaf blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of trees bearing drupes peach blight |
has subclass | (noun) a blight of potatoes potato disease, potato blight, potato mildew, potato mold, potato murrain |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of tea plants rim blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of spinach plants spinach blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of raspberries spur blight |
has subclass | (noun) a fungous blight attacking the stems of plants stem blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of oats stripe blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of tropical woody plants (cacao or tea or citrus) thread blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of tomato plants tomato blight, tomato yellows |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of the ends of twigs of woody plants twig blight |
has subclass | (noun) a disease of English walnut trees walnut blight |