Information | |
has gloss | (noun) the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel thrombosis |
has gloss | eng: Thrombosis (Greek θρόμβωσις) is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. When a blood vessel is injured, the body uses platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot, because the first step in repairing it (hemostasis) is to prevent loss of blood. If that mechanism causes too much clotting, and the clot breaks free, an embolus is formed. |
lexicalization | eng: thrombosis |
subclass of | (noun) closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel) occlusion |
has subclass | (noun) a blood clot in a cerebral artery or vein cerebral thrombosis |
has subclass | (noun) obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus) coronary, coronary thrombosis |
has subclass | (noun) painful thrombosis of the femoral vein in the leg following childbirth white leg, phlegmasia alba dolens, milk leg |
has subclass | (noun) thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation of the vein; associated with sluggish blood flow (as in prolonged bedrest or pregnancy or surgery) or with rapid coagulation of the blood venous thrombosis, phlebothrombosis |
Meaning | |
Asturian | |
lexicalization | ast: trombosis |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: trombosi |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: trombóza |
Mandarin Chinese | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | cmn: shuān se |
lexicalization | cmn: xuè shuān bing |
lexicalization | cmn: xuè shuān xíng cheng |
lexicalization | cmn: xuè shuān zheng |
lexicalization | cmn: 栓塞 |
lexicalization | cmn: 血栓形成 |
lexicalization | cmn: 血栓病 |
lexicalization | cmn: 血栓症 |
lexicalization | cmn: xuè shuan |
lexicalization | cmn: 血栓 |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Thrombose ist eine Gefäßerkrankung, bei der sich ein Blutgerinnsel (Thrombus) in einem Gefäß bildet. Obwohl Thrombosen in allen Gefäßen auftreten können, ist umgangssprachlich meist eine Thrombose der Venen (Phlebothrombose) speziell der tiefen Beinvenen (Tiefe Venenthrombose - TVT) gemeint. Arterielle Thrombosen sind deutlich seltener. |
lexicalization | deu: thrombose |
lexicalization | deu: Thrombose |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | deu: Blutpfropfbildung |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: θρόμβοση |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: trombozo |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: Thrombose |
lexicalization | fra: thrombose |
Galician | |
lexicalization | glg: trombose |
Hebrew | |
lexicalization | heb: תרומבוס |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: hqxXamanI |
Croatian | |
lexicalization | hrv: tromboza |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: trombózis |
Indonesian | |
lexicalization | ind: trombosa |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: trombosi |
Korean | |
lexicalization | kor: 혈전증 |
Dutch | |
lexicalization | nld: trombose |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Trombose é a formação de um trombo (coágulo de sangue) no interior de um vaso sangüíneo. Tromboembolia seria o termo usado para descrever tanto a trombose quanto sua complicação que seria o embolismo. |
lexicalization | por: trombose |
lexicalization | por: Trombose |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: tromboză |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Тромбоз (от — свёртывание) — прижизненное образование сгустков крови в просвете сосудов или в полостях сердца. |
lexicalization | rus: тромбоз |
Slovenian | |
has gloss | slv: Tromboza je nastanek krvnega strdka (trombusa) v žili, kar onemogoči ali ovira pretok krvi po krvožilnem sistemu. Velikokrat nastopi tromboembolizem - krvni strdek plava po krvi, dokler ne doseže tako ozkega dela žile, da se začepi. |
lexicalization | slv: tromboza |
Swedish | |
lexicalization | swe: Tromboembolism |
Thai | |
lexicalization | tha: การเกิดลิ่มเลือดthrombusที่ทำให้เส้นเลือดอุดตันได้ |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Tromboz, damar içinde bir kan pıhtısının oluşması ve böylece kan akışını engellemesi durumuna verilen isimdir. Ayrıca, genel bir tanım olarak herhangi bir damardaki trombüsten kopan pıhtı parçasının başka bir bölge damarında tıkanmaya sebep olmasına tromboembolizm denir. |
lexicalization | tur: Tromboz |
lexicalization | tur: tromboz |
Ukrainian | |
lexicalization | ukr: тромбоз |
Links | |
has part | (noun) a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin thrombus |
similar | e/Thrombosis |
Media | |
media:img | Phlebographie mit Thrombose.jpg |
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