Information | |
has gloss | (noun) money in the form of bills or coins; "there is a desperate shortage of hard cash" hard cash, hard currency, cash |
has gloss | eng: Cash is a form of liquid currency, such as banknotes or coins. There is usually different sorts in every country. |
has gloss | eng: Cash refers to money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins. The word comes from the modern French word caisse, which means "money box," coming from Provençal word caissa, from the Italian cassa, from the Latin capsa which means "box". In the 18th century, the word passed to refer to the money instead of the actual box containing it. Used as a verb it means "to convert to cash"; for example in the expression "to cash a check". In bookkeeping and finance, "cash" refers to current assets comprising currency or currency equivalents that can be accessed immediately or near-immediately (as in the case of money market accounts). Cash is seen either as a reserve for payments, in case of a structural or incidental negative cash flow or as a way to avoid a downturn on financial markets. |
lexicalization | eng: Cash |
lexicalization | eng: hard cash |
lexicalization | eng: hard currency |
subclass of | (noun) the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used currency |
has subclass | (noun) money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency; "he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver" change |
has subclass | (noun) the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due; "I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change" change |
has subclass | (noun) a trifling sum of money chickenfeed, chump change, small change |
has subclass | (noun) cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses pocket money, pin money, spending money |
has subclass | (noun) money in the form of cash that is readily available; "his wife was always a good source of ready cash"; "he paid cold cash for the TV set" ready money, ready cash, cold cash |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
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lexicalization | afr: kontant |
Arabic | |
lexicalization | ara: نقود |
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lexicalization | ara: نقد |
Bengali | |
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lexicalization | ben: ক্যাশ |
Bulgarian | |
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lexicalization | bul: налични пари |
Catalan | |
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lexicalization | cat: memòria cau |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Hotové peníze neboli oběživo je jedna z forem peněz. Opakem oběživa jsou tzv. bezhotovostní peníze, tedy bankovní vklady. |
lexicalization | ces: Hotové peníze |
lexicalization | ces: hotovost |
lexicalization | ces: za hotové |
lexicalization | ces: hotové peníze |
lexicalization | ces: kovové peníze |
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lexicalization | ces: pokladní hotovost |
lexicalization | ces: cache |
Mandarin Chinese | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | cmn: 现金 |
lexicalization | cmn: 現金 |
lexicalization | cmn: xiàn jin |
lexicalization | cmn: xiàn kuan |
lexicalization | cmn: xiàn qian |
lexicalization | cmn: 现款 |
lexicalization | cmn: 现钱 |
lexicalization | cmn: 現款 |
lexicalization | cmn: 現錢 |
Cornish | |
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lexicalization | cor: mona |
Crimean Tatar | |
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lexicalization | crh: para |
lexicalization | crh: aqça |
Danish | |
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lexicalization | dan: cache |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Bargeld ist Geld (Zahlungsmittel) in körperlicher Form. Der Name leitet sich ab von griech. βαρύς: „schwer“, woraus klar wird, dass damit ursprünglich – in Deutschland bis zum Ende der Silberstandard- bzw. Goldstandardwährung 1914 – nur das Münzgeld bezeichnet wurde, was noch aus vollwertigen Kurantmünzen bestand. |
lexicalization | deu: Bargeld |
lexicalization | deu: Hartgeld |
lexicalization | deu: Metallgeld |
lexicalization | deu: Münzgeld |
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lexicalization | deu: Barschaft |
lexicalization | deu: Barzahlung |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: μετρητά |
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lexicalization | ell: μετριτά |
lexicalization | ell: τοις μετρητοίς |
lexicalization | ell: ταμείο |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: mono |
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lexicalization | epo: kontanto |
lexicalization | epo: kontantaĵo |
Estonian | |
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lexicalization | est: sularaha |
Basque | |
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lexicalization | eus: cache memoria |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: موجودی نقدی نوعی دارایی جاری و عبارت است از پول موجود در واحد، موجودی نزد بانکها اعم از سپرده یا حساب جاری ، چکها و حوالههای بانکی و به طور کلی هر گونه اوراق و وسایل نقل و انتقال پول که مورد قبول بانکها باشد. |
lexicalization | fas: وجه نقد |
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lexicalization | fas: نقد |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: käteinen |
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lexicalization | fin: välimuisti |
lexicalization | fin: tuohi |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: monnaie |
lexicalization | fra: argent |
lexicalization | fra: monnaie métallique |
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lexicalization | fra: argent liquide |
lexicalization | fra: mémoire cache |
lexicalization | fra: espèces |
lexicalization | fra: argent comptant |
Galician | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | glg: cache |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: מזומנים הם שטרות כסף ומטבעות, המהווים את אמצעי התשלום הנזיל ביותר. מקור המילה בספרות השו"ת. בלשון הדיבור נהוגה גם צורת היחיד "מזומן". בסלנג העברי משמשת גם המילה "קֶש", שמקורה במילה המקבילה באנגלית, cash. כתשלום במזומנים נחשב לעתים גם תשלום בהמחאה שאינה מעותדת (כלומר המחאה שניתן לפרוע ביום קבלתה), להבדיל מתשלום באשראי. |
lexicalization | heb: מזומנים |
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lexicalization | heb: זיכרון מטמון |
lexicalization | heb: מזומן |
Hiligaynon | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | hil: salapi |
Hindi | |
lexicalization | hin: nakaxI |
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lexicalization | hin: rokada |
Croatian | |
lexicalization | hrv: novac |
lexicalization | hrv: gotovina |
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lexicalization | hrv: gotov novac |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: készpénz |
lexicalization | hun: fémpénz |
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lexicalization | hun: ércpénz |
Armenian | |
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lexicalization | hye: կանխիկ դրամ |
Indonesian | |
lexicalization | ind: uang kontan |
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lexicalization | ind: kas |
Icelandic | |
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lexicalization | isl: skyndiminni |
lexicalization | isl: reiðufé |
lexicalization | isl: lausafé |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Il denaro contante, anche detto denaro liquido, è il denaro concretamente rappresentato da monete e banconote. |
lexicalization | ita: moneta |
lexicalization | ita: contante |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ita: contanti |
lexicalization | ita: denaro contante |
lexicalization | ita: memoria a cache |
lexicalization | ita: memoria nascosta |
lexicalization | ita: denaro in contanti |
lexicalization | ita: liquidi |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 現金 (げんきん) とは、一般には現金通貨のことを指す。現金通貨とは強制通用力を有する貨幣のことで、現在の日本を例に挙げれば日本銀行券と政府発行の補助貨幣がそれにあたる。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 現金 |
lexicalization | jpn: 硬貨 |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: ლითონის ფული |
lexicalization | kat: ნაღდი ფული |
lexicalization | kat: ფული |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 현금(現金)은 일반적으로는 현금통화를 가리킨다. 현금통화는 강제 통용력을 가지는 화폐로, 중앙은행이 발행한 은행권과 정부 발행의 보조 화폐가 그것에 해당한다. |
lexicalization | kor: 현금 |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | kor: 현찰 |
lexicalization | kor: 캐시 |
lexicalization | kor: 즉시불 |
Kölsch | |
lexicalization | ksh: Pinke |
Lithuanian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | lit: kešavimas |
Letzeburgesch | |
has gloss | ltz: DBoergeld, oder dMonnaie fiduciaire op Franséisch, ass dËmlafswährung an engem Land. DBoergeld ass a Form vu Geldschäiner oder Mënzen materialiséiert. DBoergeld an dBuchwährung bilden zesummen d'Geldmass, déi an engem Land oder enger Währungszon verfügbar ass. |
lexicalization | ltz: Boergeld |
Macedonian | |
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lexicalization | mkd: готовина |
Maori | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | mri: ukauka |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Chartaal geld (letterlijk: wettig betaalmiddel) is het tastbare geld (munten en biljetten) in handen van het publiek, dat wil zeggen iedereen behalve de geldscheppende instellingen (algemene of primaire banken) en de rijksoverheid. Kenmerk van dit geld is dat men het kan aanraken, dat het tastbaar is. Chartaal geld behoort samen met het giraal geld tot de maatschappelijke geldhoeveelheid, het geld in handen van het publiek. Munten en bankbiljetten in de kassen van de algemene banken noemt men geldreserves onder chartale vorm, dit hoort niet tot het chartale geld. |
lexicalization | nld: chartaal geld |
lexicalization | nld: geldstuk |
lexicalization | nld: poen |
lexicalization | nld: contant geld |
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lexicalization | nld: cash |
lexicalization | nld: contant |
lexicalization | nld: contanten |
Norwegian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | nor: kontanter |
lexicalization | nor: penger |
Iranian Persian | |
lexicalization | pes: نقد |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Gotówka - forma aktywów, charakteryzująca się najwyższym stopniem płynności. W przeciwieństwie do papierów wartościowych, depozytów terminowych i innych rodzajów lokat, posiadaną gotówką można dysponować w każdej chwili. |
lexicalization | pol: Gotówka |
lexicalization | pol: gotówka |
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lexicalization | pol: cache |
lexicalization | pol: gotowość |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Caixa no meio empresarial é a denominação de uma conta que serve para indicar o valor de recursos disponíveis que poderão ser movimentados de forma extremamente rápida para efetuar pagamentos. Também serve para ordenar registros de montantes recebidos e pagos. |
lexicalization | por: dinheiro |
lexicalization | por: Caixa |
lexicalization | por: numerário |
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lexicalization | por: cache |
lexicalization | por: em espécie |
Moldavian | |
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lexicalization | ron: numerar |
lexicalization | ron: bani gheaţă |
lexicalization | ron: bani lichizi |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Нали́чные де́ньги — валюта одной из стран в каком-либо физическом представлении у конкретного физического или юридического лица. Примером физических представлений могут быть купюры и монеты. Наличные деньги неудобны тем, что ими нельзя заплатить удалённо (например, в Интернете), для этого нужно использовать электронные деньги или безналичную оплату, но очень удобны когда нужно оплатить что либо конфиденциально. |
lexicalization | rus: Наличные деньги |
lexicalization | rus: наличные |
lexicalization | rus: деньги |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | rus: каш |
lexicalization | rus: кассовый |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: peniaze |
Slovenian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | slv: gotovina |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Dinero en efectivo es dinero en forma de monedas o papel moneda o billetes. |
lexicalization | spa: Dinero en efectivo |
lexicalization | spa: moneda |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | spa: efectivo |
lexicalization | spa: caché |
lexicalization | spa: dinero efectivo |
Serbian | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | srp: gotovina |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Kontanter är fysiska pengar som mynt och sedlar. |
lexicalization | swe: Kontanter |
lexicalization | swe: kontanter |
lexicalization | swe: pengar |
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lexicalization | swe: cache |
Tatar | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | tat: акча |
Telugu | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | tel: రొక్కం |
lexicalization | tel: కాసులు |
lexicalization | tel: క్యాష్ |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: peþin para |
lexicalization | tur: nakit |
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lexicalization | tur: ufak madeni para |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Готі́вка — сума випущених в обіг паперових і монетних грошей. |
lexicalization | ukr: Готівка |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ukr: каш |
lexicalization | ukr: готівка |
Vlaams | |
lexicalization | vls: klein geld |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 現金(Cash),指可流动形式的貨幣,如紙幣或硬幣。相較其他形式的有價物品如貴金屬、票據、債券等,現金是較直接方便流通的物品,但也具有會隨著物價波動而增減值的可能。 |
lexicalization | zho: 現金 |
Links | |
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similar | e/Hard currency |
similar | e/simple/Cash |
Media | |
media:img | American Cash.JPG |
media:img | Billets de 5000.jpg |
media:img | Coins before Euro.jpg |
media:img | Guangzhou-Cash-transport-0454.jpg |
media:img | Salaping papel Euro.jpg |
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