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has gloss(noun) true (leptosporangiate) ferns
Polypodiales, order Filicales, Filicales, order Polypodiales
has glosseng: The order Polypodiales encompasses the major lineages of polypod ferns, which comprise more than 80% of today's fern species. They are found in many parts of the world including tropical, semitropical and temperate areas. The characteristics of this group include: sporangia with a vertical annulus interrupted by the stalk and stomium; indusia laterally or centrally attached (or lost); gametophytes green, chordate, and surficial .
lexicalizationeng: Filicales
lexicalizationeng: order Filicales
lexicalizationeng: order Polypodiales
lexicalizationeng: Polypodiales
subclass of(noun) the order of plants
plant order
has glossbul: Polypodiales е разред папрати, включващ над 80% от съществуващите днес видове. Разпространени са по целия свят.
lexicalizationbul: Polypodiales
lexicalizationcat: Polipodials
has glossdan: Engelsød-ordenen (Polypodiales) er en orden, der rummer mange af de kendte bregner. Her nævnes kun familier, som er repræsenteret ved arter, som dyrkes eller vokser vildt i Danmark.
lexicalizationdan: Engelsød-ordenen
has glossdeu: Die Tüpfelfarnartigen (Polypodiales) sind die artenreichste Ordnung der Farne.
lexicalizationdeu: Tüpfelfarnartige
lexicalizationfas: راسته بسپایک
has glossfra: L'ordre des Polypodiales (ou Filicales) comprend plus de 80% des espèces des fougères actuelles. Ce type de plantes se trouve couramment sur les murs et les troncs des arbres. Elles sont présentes sous toutes les latitudes que ce soit sous climat tropical, subtropical ou tempéré.
lexicalizationfra: Polypodiales
has glossglg: Polypodiales é unha orde de plantas vasculares que agrupa en torno ao 80% dos fieitos actuais. Forma parte da clase Polypodiopsida.
lexicalizationglg: Polypodiales
has glosshun: Az édesgyökerű páfrányok (Polypodiales vagy Filicales) a valódi páfrányok (Pteridopsida) osztályának egyik rendje.
lexicalizationhun: Édesgyökerű páfrányok
lexicalizationlat: Polypodiales
lexicalizationlit: Šertvūnai
has glossnld: Filicales is een botanische naam in de rang van orde. Deze naam wordt in de 23e druk van de Heukels gebruikt voor een orde. Een in oudere literatuur voorkomende synonieme naam is Equisetopsida. De Filicales zijn opmerkelijk om de volgende redenen.
lexicalizationnld: Filicales
has glossnor: Polypodiales er en meget stor orden av bregner som omfatter 15 bregnefamilier og om lag 80% av alle bregnearter i verden. De vokser over hele kloden, formerer seg ved sporer, og har oftest flikete blader.
lexicalizationnor: Polypodiales
has glosspor: Polypodiales é uma ordem de samambaias da divisão Pteridophyta. Elas são homosporadas, e seus esporos são leptosporados (origem a partir de uma única celula).
lexicalizationpor: Polypodiales
has glossspa: Ubicación taxonómica , Clase Polypodiopsida, Orden Polypodiales.
lexicalizationspa: Polypodiales
has glosszho: 水龍骨目是真蕨綱中的一個主要分支,包含有超過百分之80的現今蕨類物種。它們在熱帶、亞熱帶和溫帶等地區都可以被發現。這一目的特徵有:帶有一由莖和裂縫交織成垂直環形的孢子囊;側面或中心依附的菌裙;綠色、有梗且在地面的配子體 。
lexicalizationzho: 水龍骨目
has member(noun) terrestrial (hygrophytic) or epiphytic ferns: filmy ferns
Hymenophyllaceae, family Hymenophyllaceae
has member(noun) large family of ferns widely distributed in temperate and tropical areas
Osmundaceae, family Osmundaceae
has member(noun) used in some classifications for the genus Azolla
family Azollaceae, Azollaceae
has member(noun) a family of ferns belonging to order Filicales
family Gleicheniaceae, Gleicheniaceae
has member(noun) coextensive with the genus Ceratopteris; sometimes included in family Polypodiaceae
Parkeriaceae, family Parkeriaceae
has member(noun) ferns: a large family that in some classification systems has been subdivided into several families (including Aspleniaceae and Blechnaceae and Davalliaceae and Dennstaedtiaceae and Dryopteridaceae and Oleandraceae and Pteridaceae)
family Polypodiaceae, Polypodiaceae
has member(noun) one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems: genus Vittaria
family Vittariaceae, Vittariaceae
has member(noun) one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Asplenium, Pleurosorus, Schaffneria
Aspleniaceae, family Aspleniaceae
has member(noun) one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Blechnum, Doodia, Sadleria, Stenochlaena, and Woodwardia
family Blechnaceae, Blechnaceae
has member(noun) tree ferns: genera Dicksonia, Cibotium, Culcita, and Thyrsopteris elegans
family Dicksoniaceae, Dicksoniaceae
has member(noun) one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
Oleandraceae, family Oleandraceae
has member(noun) one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; Pteridaceae is itself in turn sometimes further subdivided
family Pteridaceae, Pteridaceae
member of(noun) ferns
class Filicopsida, Filicopsida, class Filicinae, Filicinae
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