Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a poisonous gyromitra; the surface of the fertile body is smooth at first and becomes progressively undulating and wrinkled (but never truly pitted); color varies from dull yellow to brown Gyromitra esculenta, brain mushroom, beefsteak morel |
has gloss | eng: Gyromitra esculenta , one of several species of fungi known as false morels, is an ascomycete fungus from the genus Gyromitra, widely distributed across Europe and North America. It normally sprouts in sandy soils under coniferous trees in spring and early summer. The fruiting body, or mushroom, is an irregular brain-shaped cap dark brown in colour which can reach high and wide, perched on a stout white stipe up to high. |
lexicalization | eng: beefsteak morel |
lexicalization | eng: brain mushroom |
lexicalization | eng: Gyromitra esculenta |
subclass of | (noun) any fungus of the genus Gyromitra gyromitra |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: El bolet de greix (Gyromitra esculenta, del grec gyrós -arrodonit- i mítra, que fa referència a la forma d'aquest bolet. La paraula llatina esculenta correspon a "comestible") és un bolet de curiós aspecte que surt a la primavera. |
lexicalization | cat: bolet de greix |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Ucháč obecný (latinsky: Gyromitra esculentaje jedovatá houba z čeledi chřapáčovitých. |
lexicalization | ces: Ucháč obecný |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Die Frühjahrslorchel (Gyromitra esculenta, früher auch Helvella esculenta), auch Frühlorchel oder Giftlorchel genannt, ist ein giftiger Pilz aus der Familie der Lorchelartigen (Helvelaceae). |
lexicalization | deu: Frühjahrslorchel |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | deu: Frühlorchel |
lexicalization | deu: Giftlorchel |
Estonian | |
has gloss | est: Kevadkogrits (Gyromitra esculenta) on kottseente hulka kuuluv seeneliik kogritsa perekonnast. |
lexicalization | est: kevadkogrits |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Korvasieni (Gyromitra esculenta) on herkullisena pidetty, käsittelemättömänä erittäin myrkyllinen sienilaji. Korvasienen myrkyistä noin 90 % on gyromitriiniä, joka on tappava solumyrkky, mutta herkästi haihtuva ja vesiliukoinen. |
lexicalization | fin: korvasieni |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La gyromitre (Gyromitra esculenta), également appelée fausse morille, est un champignon toxique de la famille des Discinaceae. |
lexicalization | fra: Gyromitra esculenta |
lexicalization | fra: fausse morille |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Gyromitra esculenta Fr., Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae (Stockholm): 346 (1849). |
lexicalization | ita: Gyromitra esculenta |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ita: falsa morchella |
lexicalization | ita: marugola |
lexicalization | ita: spongino |
lexicalization | ita: spugnola bastarda |
lexicalization | ita: spugnola falsa |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: シャグマアミガサタケ(赭熊網笠茸、学名:Gyromitra esculenta)は、子嚢菌門ノボリリュウ科シャグマアミガサタケ属に属するキノコ。種小名は『食用になる』を意味する(下記参照)。 |
lexicalization | jpn: シャグマアミガサタケ |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Valgomasis bobausis (, , Beefsteak mushroom, vok. Frühjahrslorchel) – bobausių (Gyromitra) genties grybas. |
lexicalization | lit: Valgomasis bobausis |
Piemontese | |
has gloss | pms: Ambient A l'ha pì car la montagna. Comestibilità Velenos, ëdcò mortal an serte condission. |
lexicalization | pms: Gyromitra esculenta |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Piestrzenica kasztanowata (babie ucho, murchla, babie uszy) (Gyromitra esculenta) – gatunek grzyba z klasy workowców. |
lexicalization | pol: Piestrzenica kasztanowata |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Строчо́к (Gyromitra spp.) — род сумчатых грибов семейства строчко́вых (Helvellaceae), который часто путают со съедобными сморчками (Morchella spp.). В сыром виде строчки смертельно ядовиты, однако после надлежащей кулинарной обработки употребляются в пищу. |
lexicalization | rus: строчок |
lexicalization | rus: строчок обыкновенный |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El hongo bonete o falsa colmenilla (Gyromitra esculenta) pertenece a la familia Helvellacea y es tóxico. Es similar en apariencia a las colmenillas (Morchella spp.), de donde viene uno de sus nombres; el riesgo de confundirlo con una de éstas, muy apreciadas en gastronomía, es elevado para los no conocedores. |
lexicalization | spa: Gyromitra esculenta |
lexicalization | spa: falsa colmenilla |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Stenmurkla (Gyromitra esculenta) är en svamp av genuset Gyromitra, en av de vanligaste av de svampar som kallas murklor. Stenmurklan är Norrbottens landskapssvamp. |
lexicalization | swe: Stenmurkla |
lexicalization | swe: stenmurkla |
Ukrainian | |
has gloss | ukr: Строчок звичайний (Gyromitra esculenta (L.) Pers.) Місцева назва — сморож, піструк, бабура. З родини гельвелових — Helvellaceae. |
lexicalization | ukr: Строчок звичайний |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 鹿花菌(學名Gyromitra esculenta),又名鹿花蕈或河豚菌,是鹿花菌屬下的假羊肚菌,分佈在歐洲及北美洲。它們生長在針葉林的沙質土壤,於春天及初夏長成。子囊果的菌蓋呈不規則的腦狀及深褐色,高10厘米及闊15厘米,蕈柄長6厘米及是白色的。 |
lexicalization | zho: 鹿花菌 |
Links | |
member of | (noun) a genus of fungi of the family Helvellaceae with a fertile portion that is tan to brown genus Gyromitra |
similar | e/Gyromitra esculenta |
Media | |
media:img | False morel sauce with vegetables.jpg |
media:img | False morels for sale - don't touch closeup.jpg |
media:img | False morels for sale - don't touch.jpg |
media:img | False morels for sale at Helsinki market square.jpg |
media:img | False morels for sale in Helsinki 2.jpg |
media:img | Falsemorel.jpg |
media:img | Frühjahrslorchel-1.jpg |
media:img | Frühjahrslorchel.JPG |
media:img | Giftlorchel.jpg |
media:img | Hazard T.svg |
media:img | Methylhydrazine-3D-balls.png |
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