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has gloss(noun) a family of edible fungi including the true morels
family Morchellaceae, Morchellaceae
has glosseng: The Morchellaceae is a family of ascomycete fungi. The best known members are the highly-regarded and commercially picked true morels of the genus Morchella, the thimble morels of the genus Verpa, and a genus of cup-shaped fungi Disciotis.
lexicalizationeng: family Morchellaceae
lexicalizationeng: Morchellaceae
subclass of(noun) includes lichen families
fungus family
has glossces: Smržovité (Morchellaceae) je čeleď vřeckovýtrusných hub.
lexicalizationces: Smržovité
has glosshun: A kucsmagombafélék (Morchellaceae) a tömlősgombák (Ascomycota) törzsébe, azon belül a csészegombák (Pezizales) rendjébe tartozó gombacsalád.
lexicalizationhun: Kucsmagombafélék
has glossita: Morchellaceae Rchb. [as 'as Morchellini], Pflanzenreich (Leipzig): 2 (1834).
lexicalizationita: Morchellaceae
has glossjpn: アミガサタケ科はチャワンタケ綱、チャワンタケ目の菌類。一番有名なのは商業的に採取されており高い関心のあるアミガサタケの属するアミガサタケ属であろう。指貫をした指のようなオオズキンカブリタケ、椀上の形をしているカニタケ属などがこの科に含まれている。
lexicalizationjpn: アミガサタケ科
has glosslit: Briedžiukiniai – ausūniečių (Pezizales) eilės grybų šeima.
lexicalizationlit: Briedžiukiniai
has glossnld: Morchellaceae is een familie van de zakjeszwammen (Ascmycetes), behorend tot de orde van Pezizales. Tot deze familie behoren de morieljes (geslacht Morchella).
lexicalizationnld: Morchellaceae
lexicalizationpms: Morchellaceae
has glosspol: Smardzowate (Morchellaceae)- rodzina grzybów z rzędu kustrzebkowców. Morfologia Owocniki przeważnie kapeluszowate, rzadziej miseczkowate. Płodna powierzchnia główki pokryta głębokimi jamkami (alweolami), bruzdami lub fałdami, sporadycznie całkiem gładka.
lexicalizationpol: Smardzowate
has glossrus: Сморчко́вые, или Морше́лловые  — семейство аскомицетовых грибов порядка пецицевых. Появляются обычно ранней весной, в лесах, садах и парках.
lexicalizationrus: Сморчковые
lexicalizationtur: Morchellaceae
has member(noun) an edible morel with a cup-shaped or saucer-shaped fruiting body can be up to 20 cm wide; the fertile surface inside the cup has wrinkles radiating from the center; can be easily confused with inedible mushrooms
cup morel, Disciotis venosa
has member(noun) a morel whose fertile portion resembles a bell and is attached to the stipe only at the top
Verpa, bell morel
has member(noun) a morel with a fertile portion that has a relatively smooth surface; the stalk is fragile
Verpa conica, conic Verpa
has member(noun) a morel whose pitted fertile body is attached to the stalk with little free skirt around it; the fertile body is grey when young and black in old age
black morel, narrowhead morel, Morchella angusticeps, conic morel, Morchella conica
has member(noun) a delicious morel with a conic fertile portion having deep and irregular pits
thick-footed morel, Morchella crassipes
has member(noun) a morel with the ridged and pitted fertile portion attached to the stipe for about half its length
cow's head, half-free morel, Morchella semilibera
member of(noun) large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungi
Ascomycetes, class Ascomycetes
media:imgMorchella esculenta 2.jpg
media:imgMorchella esculenta.jpg


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