Information | |
has gloss | (noun) someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process technician |
has gloss | eng: A technician is generally someone in a technological field who has a relatively practical understanding of the general theoretical principles of that field, e.g., as compared to an engineer in that field. They are generally much more versed in technique compared to the average layman, or even the professional in that field. A mid-level of understanding of theory, and a high-level of technique, is generally mastered by the technician in order to become expert in a specific tool domain. This may be part of a larger (production) process. Hence, an audio technician, while not as learned in acoustics as a physicist or an acoustical engineer, will generally know more than other studio personnel, including performers, and will be able to operate designed sound equipment. Technicians may be classified as either skilled workers or semi-skilled workers. |
lexicalization | eng: Technicians |
lexicalization | eng: technician |
subclass of | (noun) a worker who has acquired special skills skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman |
has subclass | (noun) someone who makes dental appliances (bridges and dentures) dental technician, denturist |
has subclass | (noun) a technician in charge of amplifying sound or producing sound effects (as for a TV or radio broadcast) soundman |
has subclass | (noun) a technician who is highly proficient and enthusiastic about some technical field (especially computing) techie, tekki |
has subclass | (noun) a technician who designs or maintains a website webmaster |
has subclass | (noun) the technician who produces animated cartoons animator |
has subclass | c/Emergency medical technicians |
has subclass | c/Wikipedian theatre technicians |
has instance | e/de/Techniker für Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik |
has instance | e/Cryptologic technician |
has instance | e/ECG technician |
has instance | e/Electronics Technician |
has instance | e/Engineering technician |
has instance | e/Guitar technician |
has instance | e/Lighting technician |
has instance | e/Lineman (occupation) |
has instance | e/Sonar Technician |
has instance | e/eo/Dimitr Malĉev |
Meaning | |
Bengali | |
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lexicalization | ben: কারিগর |
Bulgarian | |
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lexicalization | bul: техник |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: S'anomenen tècnics i tècniques les persones que practiquen la tècnica. |
lexicalization | cat: tècnic |
Mandarin Chinese | |
lexicalization | cmn: jishuyuan |
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lexicalization | cmn: jì shi |
lexicalization | cmn: 技师 |
lexicalization | cmn: 技師 |
lexicalization | cmn: jì shù yuan |
lexicalization | cmn: 技术员 |
lexicalization | cmn: 技術員 |
Danish | |
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lexicalization | dan: tekniker |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Als Techniker bezeichnet man allgemein eine Person, die in einem technischen Beruf tätig ist. Oft werden pauschal auch "Diplomingenieure" oder beispielsweise "Betriebstechniker" und "Servicetechniker" oder Berufe wie z. B. "Zahntechniker" oder "Radio- und Fernsehtechniker" als Techniker bezeichnet. Im eigentlichen Sinne sind Techniker jedoch Personen, welche eine staatliche Prüfung an einer (höheren) Fachschule für Technik abgelegt haben und dadurch die Berufsbezeichnung „Staatlich geprüfter Techniker“ führen dürfen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum lauten die Bezeichnungen Staatlich geprüfter Techniker, Diplomierter Techniker oder Diplom-Techniker (FS/HF/TS). |
lexicalization | deu: Techniker |
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lexicalization | deu: Technikerin |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: Teknikistoj |
lexicalization | epo: Teknikisto |
lexicalization | epo: teknikisto |
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lexicalization | epo: teĥnikisto |
Basque | |
lexicalization | eus: teknikari |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: تکنسین به فردی گفته میشود که در یک زمینهٔ فنی داری تخصصهای تجربی است. یعنی بیشتر معلوماتش را بر اساس تجربه فرا گرفته است. |
lexicalization | fas: تکنسین |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Teknikko oli teknillisen alan opistoasteen tutkinto, joka lakkautettiin ammattikorkeakoulu-uudistuksen yhteydessä. Teknikkotutkintojen tarkoitus oli valmistaa ennen kaikkea työnjohtotehtäviin. Rakennusalan vastaava tutkinto oli rakennusmestari. Nykyisessä koulutusjärjestelmässä erikoisammattitutkinnot antavat valmiuksia työnjohto- ja esimiestehtäviin. Teknikolla viitataan myös moniin ammattinimikkeisiin, kuten asennusteknikko, järjestelmäteknikko, LVI-teknikko tai äänitysteknikko. Opetushallitus on päättänyt hyväksyä Tekniikan erikoisammattitutkinnon vastaavaksi tutkinnoksi. |
lexicalization | fin: teknikko |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Définition Un technicien (aussi nommé à certaines occasions technologue) est un professionnel maîtrisant une ou plusieurs techniques, au sens de spécialiste de cette(ces) technique(s). Cela peut être une technique issue de lapplication dune technologie donc dans le domaine technique. Ce terme est de création récente. |
lexicalization | fra: technicien |
Hebrew | |
has gloss | heb: טכנאי (או לעתים רחוקות: טכנולוג) הוא אדם בעל הכשרה לתיקון, הפעלה והתקנה של מכשור טכנולוגי. באופן כללי, טכנאים נבדלים ממהנדסים בכך שרמת הכשרתם בסיסית ביותר ומתייחסת להיבטים פרקטיים של התחום שבו הם עוסקים. |
lexicalization | heb: טכנאי |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: praviXijFa |
Croatian | |
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lexicalization | hrv: tehničar |
lexicalization | hrv: tehnički stručnjak |
Hungarian | |
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lexicalization | hun: műszerész |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Teknisi umumnya adalah seseorang yang menguasai bidang teknologi tertentu yang lebih banyak memahami teori bidang tersebut, seperti insinyur. Umumnya mereka lebih menguasai teknik dibandingkan layperson rata-rata, atau malah profesional dalam bidang itu. Pemahaman tingkat menengah atas teori dan teknik tingkat tinggi umumnya dikuasai oleh teknisi untuk menjadi ahli dalam hal peralatan tertentu. Ini bisa menjadi bagian proses (manufaktur) yang lebih besar. Karena itu, teknisi audio, bila tak seterlatih di bidang akustik sebagai fisikawan maupun teknisi akustik, umumnya tau lebih banyak daripada personel studio lainnya, termasuk pelakon, dan bisa mengoperasikan peralatan suara dengan lebih baik. Teknisi bila dikelompokkan sebagai pekerja terlatih maupun pekerja setengah terlatih. |
lexicalization | ind: teknisi |
Icelandic | |
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lexicalization | isl: tæknimaður |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: tecnico |
Lithuanian | |
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lexicalization | lit: technikas |
lexicalization | lit: technikė |
Maltese | |
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lexicalization | mlt: teknixin |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een technicus is een persoon die zich in een onderdeel van de techniek heeft bekwaamd op lager en middelbaar niveau. Op hoger niveau noemt men de afgestudeerde ingenieur. |
lexicalization | nld: technicus |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Tekniker är en generell titel eller benämning på yrkesgrupper med tekniskt arbete. |
lexicalization | swe: Tekniker |
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lexicalization | swe: tekniker |
Thai | |
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lexicalization | tha: ผู้ชำนาญในวิชาหนึ่งเฉพาะ |
lexicalization | tha: เจ้าหน้าที่เทคนิค |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Teknisyen: Mesleki ve teknik orta öğretim programlarından mezun olup mevzuatına göre atanmış, kurumların atölye ve laboratuvarlarında eğitim-öğretim, üretim ve hizmet ortamında fiilen çalışan kişiyi, |
lexicalization | tur: Tekniker |
lexicalization | tur: Teknisyen |
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lexicalization | tur: tekniker |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 技术员(Technician)是指那些在工程领域工作的人 – 一个帮助工程师来解决实际问题的人。 |
lexicalization | zho: 技术员 |
Links | |
similar | e/Technician |
Media | |
media:img | Ulysses preparations.jpg |
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