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has gloss(noun) a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution
has glosseng: :"Penitent" redirects here. For the glacial formation, see "penitentes." Penance is repentance of sins as well as the proper name of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox Christian Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation/Confession. It also plays a part in Lutheran non-sacramental confession. The word penance derives from Old French and Latin poenitentia, both of which derive from the same root meaning repentance, the desire to be forgiven; (in English see contrition). Penance and repentance, similar in their derivation and original sense, have come to symbolize conflicting views of the essence of repentance, arising from the controversy as to the respective merits of "faith" and "good works." Word derivations occur in many languages.
has glosseng: Penance is repentance of sins, as well as the name of the Catholic Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation/Confession. The word penance comes from the Latin poenitentia, the same root as penitence, which in English means repentance, the desire to be forgiven, see contrition; in many languages there is only one single word for it. Penance and repentance were similar in their original sense. After the controversy about the merits of "faith" and "good works" they are seen as conflicting views.
lexicalizationeng: Penance
subclass of(noun) a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmation and Holy Eucharist and penance and holy orders and matrimony and extreme unction
has subclass(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution
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has glossaze: Tövbə - günahları tərk edib Allaha tərəf dönüş deməkdir. Tövbə və onun Allah tərəfindən qəbul edilməsi Allahın insanlara verdiyi ən böyük qiymət və nemətlərdəndir. Demək olar ki, tövbə və onun qəbul olunması Allahın insana qarşı böyük rəhmət və mehribançılığının əlamətidir. Tövbə insanın Allah qarşısında üzr istəməyinin ən yüksək mərhələsidir.
lexicalizationaze: tövbə
lexicalizationcat: penitència
Mandarin Chinese
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has glossdeu: Buße steht für: * Buße (Religion), die Umkehr des Menschen zu Gott, von dem er sich durch die Sünde entfernt hat * Buße (Verwaltungsrecht), eine rechtliche Sanktion gegenüber einer Verfehlung
lexicalizationdeu: Buße
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has glossfra: Dans lÉglise catholique romaine, la pénitence fait partie dun sacrement qui a pour but de pardonner les péchés.
lexicalizationfra: Penitence
lexicalizationfra: pénitence
has glossgla: Tha peanas neo peanasachadh na rud a dh’fheumas duine a dhèanamh, neo a nì thu air duine, o chionn is gun do rinn thu peacadh. Tha e a’ toirt fulangais ort gun do rinn thu rudeigin ceàrr.
lexicalizationgla: peanas
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Classical Nahuatl
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Occitan (post 1500)
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has glosspol: Penitent (łac. paenitens - pokutujący) - w Kościele katolickim osoba przystępująca do sakramentu pokuty (spowiedzi).
lexicalizationpol: Penitent
has glosspor: Penitência são atos como, jejuns, vigílias, peregrinações que os fiéis — ou a Igreja — oferecem à Deus ao Pai Criador, como provas de que estão arrependidos dos seus pecados; praticados dentre os diversos ramos do cristianismo — de diferentes formas — com a finalidade de expiação dos pecados; tendo o significado de um sacrifício pessoal do fiel, pagando um pecado cometido.
lexicalizationpor: Penitência
lexicalizationpor: penitência
lexicalizationron: penitență
has glossrus: Епитимья́ (, «наказание») — исполнение исповедовавшимся христианином, по назначению духовника, тех или иных дел благочестия; имеет значение нравственно-исправительной меры. Епитимия назначается разная, по степени грехов, по возрасту, положению и по мере раскаяния. Обычно назначаемые священником для совершения добродетели выбираются противоположными содеянным грехам.
lexicalizationrus: епитимия
has glossslv: Pokóra je dejanje, ki ga opravi grešnik, kadar želi pokazati svoj iskreni namen, da ne bo več grešil. Pokora lahko vključuje tudi popravljanje škode nastale zaradi greha, vendar ne samo to. Najpogosteje pojem pokora povezujemo s krščanskim zakramentom spovedi (ki se zato imenuje tudi zakrament pokore), lahko pa govorimo tudi o pokori v širšem smislu.
lexicalizationslv: pokora
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has glossswe: Botgöring (penitens) är en gammal metod för att rena samvetet och återigen få ta del av de kristnas gemenskap. Framför allt ger den återigen tillträde till nattvardsbordet.
lexicalizationswe: Botgöring
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has glossukr: Епітимія, Єпитимія (, від — над, — покарання) — накладення на людину стягнення за її гріхи. Покута, кара, що її накладає церква за гріхи.
lexicalizationukr: Епітимія
has part(noun) the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
remittal, remission of sin, remission, absolution
media:imgHatsuhana doing penance under the Tonosawa waterfall.jpg
media:imgLouis the Pious.jpg
media:imgParis psaulter gr139 fol136v.jpg
media:imgPenitientGirl Rotari.JPG
media:imgИсповедь берн собор.jpg


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