opposite | (adjective) being or denoting a numerical order in a series; "ordinal numbers"; "held an ordinal rank of seventh" ordinal |
similar | (adjective) indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration; "a zero score" zero, 0 |
similar | (adjective) not involving zero non-zero |
similar | (adjective) used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish" i, ane, one, 1 |
similar | (adjective) being one more than one; "he received two messages" ii, 2, two |
similar | (adjective) being one more than two three, iii, 3 |
similar | (adjective) being one more than three iv, four, 4 |
similar | (adjective) being one more than four 5, v, five |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units 6, six, vi, half-dozen, half dozen |
similar | (adjective) being one more than six 7, vii, seven |
similar | (adjective) being one more than seven eight, viii, 8 |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten 9, ix, nine |
similar | (adjective) being one more than nine 10, ten, x |
similar | (adjective) being one more than ten eleven, 11, xi |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units 12, dozen, xii, twelve |
similar | (adjective) being one more than twelve xiii, thirteen, 13 |
similar | (adjective) being one more than thirteen 14, fourteen, xiv |
similar | (adjective) being one more than fourteen 15, fifteen, xv |
similar | (adjective) being one more than fifteen 16, sixteen, xvi |
similar | (adjective) being one more than sixteen 17, seventeen, xvii |
similar | (adjective) being one more than seventeen 18, eighteen, xviii |
similar | (adjective) being one more than eighteen nineteen, 19, xix |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units 20, xx, twenty |
similar | (adjective) being one more than twenty xxi, twenty-one, 21 |
similar | (adjective) being two more than twenty twenty-two, xxii, 22 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than twenty twenty-three, xxiii, 23 |
similar | (adjective) being four more than twenty xxiv, 24, twenty-four |
similar | (adjective) being five more than twenty xxv, twenty-five, 25 |
similar | (adjective) being six more than twenty xxvi, 26, twenty-six |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than twenty 27, xxvii, twenty-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than twenty twenty-eight, xxviii, 28 |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than twenty xxix, twenty-nine, 29 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than twenty thirty, 30, xxx |
similar | (adjective) being one more than thirty 31, thirty-one, xxxi |
similar | (adjective) being two more than thirty xxxii, thirty-two, 32 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than thirty 33, thirty-three, xxxiii |
similar | (adjective) being four more than thirty 34, thirty-four, xxxiv |
similar | (adjective) being five more than thirty xxxv, thirty-five, 35 |
similar | (adjective) being six more than thirty xxxvi, thirty-six, 36 |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than thirty 37, xxxvii, thirty-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than thirty 38, thirty-eight, xxxviii |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than thirty 39, thirty-nine, ixl |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than thirty 40, twoscore, xl, forty |
similar | (adjective) being one more than forty xli, 41, forty-one |
similar | (adjective) being two more than forty xlii, forty-two, 42 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than forty xliii, forty-three, 43 |
similar | (adjective) being four more than forty 44, forty-four, xliv |
similar | (adjective) being five more than forty xlv, 45, forty-five |
similar | (adjective) being six more than forty forty-six, 46, xlvi |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than forty 47, xlvii, forty-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than forty xlviii, forty-eight, 48 |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than forty forty-nine, 49, il |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than forty 50, fifty, l |
similar | (adjective) being one more than fifty fifty-one, li, 51 |
similar | (adjective) being two more than fifty lii, fifty-two, 52 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than fifty liii, 53, fifty-three |
similar | (adjective) being four more than fifty liv, fifty-four, 54 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than fifty fifty-five, lv, 55 |
similar | (adjective) being six more than fifty lvi, fifty-six, 56 |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than fifty lvii, 57, fifty-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than fifty fifty-eight, 58, lviii |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than fifty fifty-nine, ilx, 59 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than fifty 60, threescore, sixty, lx |
similar | (adjective) being one more than sixty lxi, 61, sixty-one |
similar | (adjective) being two more than sixty lxii, 62, sixty-two |
similar | (adjective) being three more than sixty sixty-three, 63, lxiii |
similar | (adjective) being four more than sixty sixty-four, 64, lxiv |
similar | (adjective) being five more than sixty 65, sixty-five, lxv |
similar | (adjective) being six more than sixty 66, lxvi, sixty-six |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than sixty sixty-seven, lxvii, 67 |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than sixty 68, lxviii, sixty-eight |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than sixty ilxx, sixty-nine, 69 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than sixty lxx, 70, seventy |
similar | (adjective) being one more than seventy 71, lxxi, seventy-one |
similar | (adjective) being two more than seventy lxxii, seventy-two, 72 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than seventy seventy-three, lxxiii, 73 |
similar | (adjective) being four more than seventy seventy-four, lxxiv, 74 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than seventy seventy-five, lxxv, 75 |
similar | (adjective) being six more than seventy 76, seventy-six, lxxvi |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than seventy 77, lxxvii, seventy-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than seventy 78, lxxviii, seventy-eight |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than seventy ilxxx, seventy-nine, 79 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than seventy fourscore, 80, eighty, lxxx |
similar | (adjective) being one more than eighty lxxxi, eighty-one, 81 |
similar | (adjective) being two more than eighty 82, lxxxii, eighty-two |
similar | (adjective) being three more than eighty 83, lxxxiii, eighty-three |
similar | (adjective) being four more than eighty lxxxiv, eighty-four, 84 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than eighty lxxxv, 85, eighty-five |
similar | (adjective) being six more than eighty eighty-six, 86, lxxxvi |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than eighty lxxxvii, 87, eighty-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than eighty lxxxviii, 88, eighty-eight |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than eighty ixc, eighty-nine, 89 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than eighty 90, ninety, xc |
similar | (adjective) being one more than ninety xci, ninety-one, 91 |
similar | (adjective) being two more than ninety ninety-two, xcii, 92 |
similar | (adjective) being three more than ninety 93, xciii, ninety-three |
similar | (adjective) being four more than ninety 94, xciv, ninety-four |
similar | (adjective) being five more than ninety 95, xcv, ninety-five |
similar | (adjective) being six more than ninety 96, xcvi, ninety-six |
similar | (adjective) being seven more than ninety 97, xcvii, ninety-seven |
similar | (adjective) being eight more than ninety ninety-eight, xcviii, 98 |
similar | (adjective) being nine more than ninety ic, ninety-nine, 99 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than ninety c, 100, one hundred, hundred |
similar | (adjective) being one more than one hundred one hundred one, hundred and one, ci, 101 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred 105, cv, one hundred five |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred one hundred ten, cx, 110 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred ten 115, cxv, one hundred fifteen |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred ten one hundred twenty, 120, cxx |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred twenty 125, one hundred twenty-five, cxxv |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred twenty cxxx, one hundred thirty, 130 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred thirty cxxxv, 135, one hundred thirty-five |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred thirty one hundred forty, cxl, 140 |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred forty one hundred forty-five, 145, cxlv |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred forty cl, 150, one hundred fifty |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred fifty clv, 155, one hundred fifty-five |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred fifty 160, one hundred sixty, clx |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred sixty clxv, one hundred sixty-five, 165 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred sixty one hundred seventy, 170, clxx |
similar | (adjective) being five more than one hundred seventy clxxv, 175, one hundred seventy-five |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred seventy clxxx, one hundred eighty, 180 |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred eighty one hundred ninety, 190, xcl |
similar | (adjective) being ten more than one hundred ninety cc, two hundred, 200 |
similar | (adjective) being one hundred more than two hundred ccc, 300, three hundred |
similar | (adjective) being one hundred more than three hundred four hundred, cd, 400 |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units five hundred, 500, d |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units k, thousand, m, 1000, one thousand |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of 10,000 items or units ten thousand |
similar | (adjective) (in Roman numerals, C written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 100,000 items or units hundred thousand |
similar | (adjective) (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units million |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of one thousand million items or units in the United States billion |
similar | (adjective) denoting a quantity consisting of one million million items or units in Great Britain billion |
similar | (adjective) one million million in the United States trillion |
similar | (adjective) one quintillion in Great Britain trillion |
similar | (adjective) very large indeterminate number; "a zillion people were there" zillion |