has category | (noun) the branch of biology that studies plants botany, phytology |
opposite | (adjective) (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions unsubdivided, simple |
similar | (adjective) having two lobes; "a bilobate leaf" bilobate, bilobated, bilobed |
similar | (adjective) growing in two parts or in pairs; "binate leaves" binate |
similar | (adjective) divided into two portions almost to the base bipartite |
similar | (adjective) of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) bipinnate |
similar | (adjective) pinnatifid with the segments also pinnatifid bipinnatifid |
similar | (adjective) having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib dissected, cleft |
similar | (adjective) (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets conjugate |
similar | (adjective) of a compound leaf; consisting of divisions that are themselves compound decompound |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex abruptly-pinnate, even-pinnate, paripinnate |
similar | (adjective) sharply and deeply indented incised |
similar | (adjective) having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other lobate, lobed |
similar | (adjective) (a leaf shape) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex odd-pinnate, imparipinnate |
similar | (adjective) of a leaf shape; having leaflets or lobes radiating from a common point palmate, palm-shaped |
similar | (adjective) of a leaf shape; palmately cleft rather than lobed palmatifid |
similar | (adjective) having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes parted |
similar | (adjective) of a leaf shape; having radiating lobes, each deeply cleft or divided pedate |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) featherlike; having leaflets on each side of a common axis pinnate, pinnated |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets pinnatifid |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets pinnatisect |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) having five leaflets quinquefoliate |
similar | (adjective) having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies radiate |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) consisting of three leaflets or sections ternate |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) having three leaflets trifoliolate, trifoliated, trifoliate |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) divided into three lobes trilobated, three-lobed, trilobate, trilobed |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) thrice pinnate tripinnated, tripinnate |
similar | (adjective) (of a leaf shape) bipinnatifid with segments pinnatifid tripinnatifid |