media:img | 125px-AVI.png |
media:img | 90px-Saint-Pierre and Miquelon coa.gif |
media:img | Arms of South Georgia.jpg |
media:img | Coa Bermuda.svg |
media:img | Coat of Arms of Anguilla.svg |
media:img | Coat of Arms of Cuba.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Argentina.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Belize.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Bolivia.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Brazil.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Cayman Islands.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Chile.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Costa Rica.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Ecuador.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Guatemala.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Haiti.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Honduras.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Mexico.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Montserrat.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Nicaragua.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Paraguay.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Uruguay.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of Venezuela.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of the Dominican Republic.svg |
media:img | Coat of arms of the Netherlands Antilles.png |
media:img | Coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg |
media:img | Coats of arms of El Salvador.svg |
media:img | Colombiacoatofarms1.png |
media:img | Escudo armas Panama.png |
media:img | Escudo de Puerto Rico 1.svg |
media:img | Falklands Coat of Arms.png |
media:img | Gran Sello de la República del Perú.svg |
media:img | Jamaica coa.png |
media:img | LocationAmericas.png |
media:img | US-GreatSeal-Obverse.svg |