e/Y Gododdin

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has glosseng: Y Gododdin (pronounced ) is a medieval Welsh poem consisting of a series of elegies to the men of the Britonnic kingdom of Gododdin and its allies who, according to the conventional interpretation, died fighting the Angles of Deira and Bernicia at a place named Catraeth. There is general agreement among scholars that the battle commemorated would have happened around the year 600, but there is debate about the date of the poetry. Some scholars consider that it was composed in what is now southern Scotland soon after the battle, while others believe that it originated in Wales in the 9th or the 10th century. If it is 9th-century, it is one of the earliest poems written in a form of Welsh, and the oldest surviving poem from what is now Scotland. It is traditionally ascribed to the bard Aneirin.
lexicalizationeng: Y Gododdin
instance ofc/Creative works
has glossbre: Y Gododdin (distagañ /ə gɔdɔðɪn/) eo barzhoneg meur Aneirin, skrivet e kembraeg (hengembraeg ha kembraeg krenn), hag unan eus koshañ skridoù barzhoniezh an Henvrezhoned. Savet eo dar vrezelourien vrezhon eus rouantelezh Gododdin a varvas o stourm ouzh Angled rouantelezhioù Deira ha Bernicia e Catraeth, a vije Catterick e Yorkshire hiziv, war-dro ar bloaz 600.
lexicalizationbre: Y Gododdin
has glosscym: Cerdd arwrol mewn Cymraeg Cynnar yw Y Gododdin. Yn draddodiadol, priodolir y gerdd ir bardd Aneirin. Maen gyfres o farwnadau i ryfelwyr teyrnas y Gododdin yn ne yr Alban ai chyngheiriad, a fu farw wrth ymladd yn erbyn yr Eingl o deyrnas Deifr mewn lle or enw Catraeth.
lexicalizationcym: y Gododdin
has glossdeu: Y Gododdin ist der Titel eines dem Dichter Aneirin zugeschriebenen britischen Heldenliedes. Es besingt den Auszug und die heldenhafte Niederlage einer britischen Kriegerschar unter dem Fürsten Mynyddog gegen die Angelsachsen, die wohl um 580/600 bei Catraeth (Catterick) stattfand. Das Y Gododdin gilt als erste schriftliche Erwähnung Artus.
lexicalizationdeu: Y Gododdin
has glossglg: Y Gododdin é un poema composto de 99 elexías que celebran os homes do reino de Gododdin que caeron na batalla de Catraeth contra os anglos, ao inicio do século VII.
lexicalizationglg: Y Gododdin
has glossita: Y Gododdin ("I Gododdin") è un poema composto di elegie che celebrano gli uomini del regno britannico di Gododdin e i loro alleati che, attorno al 600, caddero nella battaglia di Catraeth contro gli angli di Deira e Bernicia. Alcuni studiosi pensano che il poema sia stato scritto nella Scozia meridionale subito dopo la battaglia, mentre per altri fu scritto nel IX o X secolo in Galles. Se effettivamente risalisse al IX secolo sarebbe uno dei più antichi poemi scritti in gallese e uno dei più vecchi della Scozia. Viene di solito attribuito al bardo Aneirin.
lexicalizationita: Y Gododdin
has glosslat: Gododinium , Cambrice Y Gododdin (/ə gɔdɔðɪn/, id est Votadini') est carmen de bellatoribus defunctis Brittonum, ex Votadinorum regno et nationum consociatarum, qui (secundum solitam interpretationem) contra Anglos Deirae Berniciaeque in loco nomine Catraeth pugnantes ceciderunt. Consensus doctorum est proelium, si factum omnino sit, anno fere 600 pugnatum sit, sed de temore carminis scripti controvertitur. Alii credunt carmen pactum esse in parte meridionali Caledoniae, alii in Cambria saeculo 9, 10ve. Sin autem nono saeculo compositum est, primum fere carmen est lingua Cambrica, vel terrena hodiernae Scotiae conscriptum. Attribui solet auctori Aneurino bardo.
lexicalizationlat: Gododinium
has glossnld: Het gedicht Y Gododdin wordt toegeschreven aan de 7e eeuwse dichter Aneirin en beschrijft hoe de mannen van de Gododdin sneuvelden in de slag bij Catraeth (vermoedelijk Catterick in Yorkshire) in 600 AD. Het is geschreven in een oude vorm van het Welsh en overgeleverd in een 13e eeuws handschrift dat bekend is als het boek van Aneirin.
lexicalizationnld: Y Gododdin
has glossnor: Y Gododdin (uttales //) er et middelalderdikt som består av en rekke elegier (klagedikt) til mennene fra det britonske kongedømmet Gododdin og deres allierte som, i henhold til konvensjonell fortolkning, døde i kamp mot anglere fra kongedømmene Deira og Bernicia på et sted kalt Catraeth.
lexicalizationnor: Y Gododdin
has glossspa: Y Gododdin (pronunciado //) es un poema galés medieval formado por una serie de elegías a los hombres del reino britano de Gododdin y sus aliados que, de acuerdo con una interpretación convencional, murieron luchando frente a los anglos de Deira y Bernicia en un lugar llamado Catraeth.
lexicalizationspa: Y Gododdin
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