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has glosseng: Theodotion (Θεοδοτιών) (d. ca. 200 A.D.) was a Hellenistic Jewish scholar , perhaps working in Ephesus , who translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek. Whether he was revising the Septuagint, or was working from Hebrew manuscripts that represented a parallel tradition that has not survived, is debated. In the second century Theodotions text was quoted in the Shepherd of Hermas and in the Christian apologist Justin Martyrs Trypho.
lexicalizationeng: Theodotion
instance oflanguage/heb
has glossfra: Théodotion (en grec ancien Θεοδοτιών) était un érudit juif de culture hellénistique du ou du . Il est lauteur dune traduction de lAncien Testament de lhébreu au grec, plus tard recueillie par Origène dans la sixième colonne de ses Hexaples .
lexicalizationfra: Theodotion
lexicalizationfra: Théodotion
has glosshun: Theodotion (Kr. u. II. század) görög író.
lexicalizationhun: Theodotion
has glossnld: Theodotion (Θεοδοτιών) of Theodotus ca. 200 A.D. was een Hellenistische Joodse geleerde en vertaler, die waarschijnlijk afkomstig was uit Efeze (Turks: Efes; Grieks: ̉Έφεσος/Ephesos; Latijn: Ephesus).
lexicalizationnld: Theodotion
has glosspor: Teodócio (em grego: Θεοδοτιών) (m. ca. 200 AD) foi um estudioso judeu da cultura helênica. Possivelmente trabalhando em Éfeso, traduziu a bíblia hebraica para o grego. Enquanto revisava a Septuaginta ou trabalhava a partir de manuscritos que não sobreviveram até nossos dias. Sua versão final, a qual preencheu algumas lacunas da Septuaginta sobre o livro de Jeremias e o livro de Jó formou uma das colunas da Héxapla de Orígenes. Foi ainda citado no Pastor de Hermas e na obra Diálogo com Trifão de Justino.
lexicalizationpor: Teodócio
has glossspa: Teodoción fue un erudito judío, helenista, que tradujo al Biblia hebrea al griego. Aunque no se tienen datos precisos sobre las fechas y hechos de su vida, los expertos estiman que vivió entre finales del siglo I y finales del siglo II. Ireneo de Lyon lo llama Teodoción de Éfeso.
lexicalizationspa: Teodocion
lexicalizationspa: Teodoción
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