e/Receiver (information theory)

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has glosseng: The receiver in information theory is the receiving end of a communication channel. It receives decoded messages/information from the sender, who first encoded them. Sometimes the receiver is modeled so as to include the decoder. Real-world receivers like radio receivers or telephones can not be expected to receive as much information as predicted by the noisy channel coding theorem.
lexicalizationeng: Receiver
instance of(noun) medium for communication
wireless, radiocommunication, radio
has glosscat: El receptor és la persona o aparell que rep el missatge emès per lemissor, el decodifica i linterpreta.
lexicalizationcat: receptor
has glossdeu: Ein Empfänger, auch Adressat, ist in der informationstheoretischen Sinn eines Sender-Empfänger-Modells eine Person oder Einrichtung, die eine Nachricht (Postsendung, Botschaft oder eine andere Information) durch ein Medium vom Absender (Adressant) übermittelt bekommt.
lexicalizationdeu: Empfänger
has glossglg: Nun proceso de comunicación, receptor é o que recibe e decodifica unha mensaxe, utilizando para iso as regras dun código específico. O emisor é a persoa ou aparello que codifica determinada información e que orixina así a mensaxe, que se envía a continuación ao receptor por medio dun canal. O receptor é, ao mesmo tempo, un descodificador.
lexicalizationglg: receptor
has glossheb: מקלט הוא מכשיר שהופך גל נושא הנקלט מהאוויר באנטנת הקליטה, בתדר גל נושא מסוים (תדר התחנה הרצויה), לאות מידע (קול, תמונה, נתונים וכו').
lexicalizationheb: מקלט
has glosskor: 수신기는 통신 시스템에서 송신기가 보낸 정보를 받아 정보를 해석하는 장치이다. 송신기가 보낸 신호는 채널을 지나 수신기로 도달된다. 따라서 수신기는 채널에 의해 크기나 위상이 변경된 신호로부터 원 신호를 복원하는 기능이 있어야 한다.
lexicalizationkor: 수신기
has glosslav: Uztvērējs ir ierīce, ar kuru var uztvert un pārveidot elektromagnētiskā viļņa nesto signālu un pārveidot skaņā un/vai attēlā.
lexicalizationlav: uztvērējs
has glossnld: Een ontvanger is een persoon, dier of machine die signalen ontvangt en deze vervolgens verwerkt of interpreteert.
lexicalizationnld: ontvanger
lexicalizationpor: Receptor


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