Information | |
has gloss | eng: Marathon is a city of Florida in the United States. |
has gloss | eng: Marathon is a city on Knight's Key, Boot Key, Key Vaca, Fat Deer Key, Long Point Key, Crawl Key and Grassy Key islands in the middle Florida Keys, in Monroe County, Florida, in the United States. As of the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 10,255. As of 2005, the population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau is 10,626. |
lexicalization | eng: Marathon, Florida |
lexicalization | eng: Marathon, FL |
lexicalization | eng: UN/LOCODE:USMTH |
instance of | c/Geography |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Marathon ist eine Stadt auf den Inseln Key Vaca und Boot Key, in den Florida Keys. Grassy Key wurde im Jahr 1999 eingemeindet. Sie liegt in Monroe County. Im Jahr 2000 hatte die Stadt 10.255 Einwohner. |
lexicalization | deu: Marathon |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La ville de Marathon est située dans le comté de Monroe, dans l’État de Floride, aux États-Unis. En 2005, elle comptait habitants. Marathon fait partie des Keys. |
lexicalization | fra: Marathon |
Haitian | |
lexicalization | hat: Marathon, Florid |
Ido | |
has gloss | ido: Marathon esas urbo en Monroe Komtio, Florida. Segun la 2000 kontado, la populo esas 10,255. |
lexicalization | ido: Marathon, Florida |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Marathon is een plaats (sinds 1999 een incorporated city) in de Amerikaanse staat Florida, Monroe County. De stad is gelegen in het midden op de Florida Keys, verspreid over meerdere eilanden. Marathon telt 10.255 inwoners (2000) op een landoppervlakte van 22,4 km². |
lexicalization | nld: Marathon |
Volapük | |
has gloss | vol: Marathon binon zif in komot: Monroe, in tat: Florida, in Lamerikän. |
lexicalization | vol: Marathon, Florida |
lexicalization | vol: Marathon |
Media | |
media:img | Beach-Resort.jpg |
media:img | Blank map.svg |
media:img | FLMap-doton-Marathon.PNG |
media:img | Map of USA FL.svg |
media:img | Map pointer black.svg |
media:img | Monroe County Florida Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Marathon Highlighted.svg |
media:img | Small-city-symbol.svg |
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