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has glosseng: Machinima ( or ) is the use of real-time three-dimensional (3-D) graphics rendering engines to generate computer animation. The term also refers to works that incorporate this animation technique. Machinima-based artists, sometimes called machinimists or machinimators, are fan laborers and often use graphics engines from video games, a practice that arose from the animated software introductions of the 1980s demoscene, Disney Interactive Studios 1992 video game Stunt Island, and 1990s recordings of gameplay in first-person shooter (FPS) video games, such as id Softwares Doom and Quake. Originally, these recordings documented speedruns—attempts to complete a level as quickly as possible—and multiplayer matches. The addition of storylines to these films created "Quake movies". The more general term machinima, a misspelled portmanteau of machine cinema, arose when the concept spread beyond the Quake series to other games and software. After this generalization, machinima appeared in mainstream media, including television series and advertisements.
lexicalizationeng: Machimation
lexicalizationeng: machinima
subclass ofc/Video games
has subclassc/Machinima works
has subclassc/Rooster Teeth Productions
has subclassc/Screenshots of machinima
has subclassc/Years in machinima
Note: 2 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/Alexander Winn
has instancee/Antics3D
has instancee/Blahbalicious
has instancee/BloodSpell
has instancec/Edgeworks Entertainment
has instancec/Machinima templates
has instancee/Dance, Voldo, Dance
has instancee/Edgeworks Entertainment
has instancee/Fire Team Charlie
has instancee/Heavy.com
has instancee/ILL Clan
has instancee/Inter-activa
has instancee/Leeroy Jenkins
has instancee/List of Red vs Blue special episodes
has instancee/List of machinima festivals
has instancee/List of machinima works
has instancee/Machinima.com
has instancee/Male Restroom Etiquette
has instancee/Moviestorm
has instancee/Mu Productions
has instancee/Nehahra
has instancee/Neverending Nights
has instancee/Operation Bayshield
has instancee/PANICS
has instancee/RVB season 1
has instancee/RVB season 3
has instancee/Ranger Gone Bad 2
has instancee/Red vs Blue (season 5)
has instancee/Red vs blue recovery one
has instancee/Red vs. Blue (season 4)
has instancee/Red vs. Blue: Recreation
has instancee/RvB Season 2
has instancee/RvB
has instancee/RvB:OoM
has instancee/Strange Company
has instancee/Strangerhood
has instancee/The French Democracy
has instancee/This Spartan Life
has instancee/Ulf Kristiansen
has instancee/es/Los calfs
has glossara: كلمة مشينما (machinima) هي دمج بين كلمتي (machine) أي آلة، و(cinema) أي سينما، وتستخدم للدلالة على طريقة في إنتاج الأفلام عن طريق رسوم حاسوب ثلاثية الأبعاد يتم تسجيلها في عوالم افتراضية مثل سكند لايف.
lexicalizationara: مشينما
has glosscat: Machinima és la creació d'escenaris tridimensionals animats amb ordinador. Es pot fer amb eines que tenen aquesta finalitat com 3D Studio o fent un segón ús de jocs com podria ser Second Life o World of Warcraft que tenen com a primera finalitat jugar.
lexicalizationcat: Machinima
has glossdan: En machinima er en video lavet med hjælp af en eller flere optagelser fra et computerspil, eller en lignende online verden.
lexicalizationdan: Machinima
has glossdeu: Als Machinima bezeichnet man Filme, die mit Hilfe von Game-Engines produziert werden. Dieses Kunstwort setzt sich aus "machine", "cinema" und "animation" zusammen. Machinimas können in Echtzeit wiedergegeben werden, werden aber häufig auch als Video-Dateien (z. B. avi, mov) zum Download angeboten um ein größeres Publikum zu erreichen.
lexicalizationdeu: Machinima
has glossfin: Machinima on elokuvan tuotantotekniikka ja mediamuoto. Machinimalla tarkoitetaan elokuvaa, joka on luotu käyttämällä tietokone- tai videopelien pelimoottoria. Machinima on hyvä esimerkki emergentistä pelattavuudesta : Tietokonepelien pelaaminen tavalla, mitä suunnittelijat eivät aluksi ottaneet huomioon, synnytti uuden mediamuodon. Sana machinima tulee luultavasti englannin kielen sanoista machine ja cinema, mahdollisesti kirjoitusvirheestä
lexicalizationfin: machinima
has glossfra: Le mot machinima désigne à la fois un ensemble de techniques de production audiovisuelle utilisées conjointement, et un genre cinématographique (regroupant bien entendu les œuvres réalisées au moyen desdites techniques).
lexicalizationfra: machinima
has glossita: Machinima (IPA: or ), è un'abbreviazione di machine cinema o di machine animation, sono entrambe intese come un insieme di tecniche e come un genere di film (film creati da tali tecniche). Come prodotto tecnico, il termine concerne il rendering di computer-generated imagery (CGI) usando in tempo reale giochi interattivi con un motore grafico 3D , come alternativa ai programmi di animazione 3D utilizzati commercialmente. Sono soprattutto usati i motori grafici degli sparatutto in prima persona . Di conseguenza, il rendering può avvenire in tempo reale usando un PC , piuttosto che con un complesso e costoso motore 3D. Come genere di film, il termine si riferisce ai film creati con le tecniche sopracitate. Di solito, i machinimas sono prodotti usando strumenti (demo recording, angolazione, editor, script editor, etc.) e risorse (backgrounds, livelli, personaggi, skins, etc.) disponibili nel gioco. I Machinima sono un esempio di gameplay emergente, un processo che mette gli strumenti di gioco in una posizione inaspettata.
lexicalizationita: machinima
has glossjpn: マシニマ(Machinima)とは、マシンとシネマ、あるいはマシンとアニメーションを組み合わせた造語であり、主にビデオゲームのジャンルの一つであるファーストパーソン・シューティングゲーム (First Person Shooter, FPS)のグラフィックエンジンを用いて作られるCGI映画である。
lexicalizationjpn: マシニマ
has glosskor: 머시니마(Machinima)는 기계를 의미하는 머신(machine)과 영화를 의미하는 시네마(cinema)의 합성어로, 기존의 게임이 제공하는 엔진을 이용해 만든 애니메이션 영화를 의미한다.
lexicalizationkor: 머시니마
has glossnld: Machinima (een samenvoeging van machine en cinema) is een filmgenre waar men vrijwel uitsluitend gebruik maakt van een computerspel. De film wordt hierbij binnenin het spel opgenomen. Hierna wordt de film met behulp van een aantal programma's bewerkt en worden stemmen, geluid en special effects toegevoegd. De films worden in de meeste gevallen op internet uitgebracht.
lexicalizationnld: machinima
has glossnor: Machinima (uttalt /məˈʃiːnəmə/ eller /məˈʃɪnəmə/), en sammensetning av ordene machine og cinema, er en en fellesbetegnelse for en teknikk brukt for og lage filmer/snutter hvor CGI er rendert i real-time, i interaktive 3D-motorer i stedet for profesjonelle 3D-animasjonsprogrammer. Motorer fra Førstepersonsskytespill og Rollespill er mest brukt. Renderingen kan bli gjort i real-time ved bruk av Personlige datamaskiner (enten med skaperens datamaskin eller seerens), i stedet for komplekse 3D-motorer som krever en mye kraftigere datamaskin. Vanligvis er machinimaproduksjoner laget ved hjelp av verktøy (demofilming, nivå editor, script editor etc.) og ressurser (bakgrunner, nivåer, karakterer etc.) tilgjengelige i et spill.
lexicalizationnor: Machinima
has glosspol: Machinima - to technika animacji polegająca na wykorzystaniu obrazu generowanego przez gry komputerowe. W najprostszej wersji machinima polega po prostu na wykorzystaniu animacji z gier (poprzez tzw. renderowanie i np. dodanie podkładu muzycznego), w nieco ambitniejszej - na sterowaniu postaciami w grze w taki sposób, żeby uzyskać pożądaną sekwencję. W wersji najtrudniejszej machinima polega na modyfikowaniu kodu gry.
lexicalizationpol: machinima
has glosspor: Machinima, termo criado a partir das palavras da língua inglesa machine (máquina) e animation (animação), é tanto uma coleção de técnicas de produção associadas quanto um gênero fílmico, ou filme criado por tais técnicas de produção.
lexicalizationpor: machinima
has glossrus: Маши́нима (, от слов machine — машина и cinema — кино; другой вариант: от machine — машина и animation — анимация) — это фильм, созданный, на основе 3D графики, а также сама технология производства. По сравнению с компьютерными спецэффектами полнометражного кино машинима использует упрощенную технологию. Таким образом графика проигрывает в реалистичности, но резко выигрывает по скорости обсчёта, позволяя использовать для этого мощности домашнего компьютера.
lexicalizationrus: машинима
has glossspa: Machinima es un término que se refiere a la creación de animaciones utilizando videojuegos. En un sentido amplio, cualquier pieza audiovisual de contenido lineal (como un corto) hecha con escenarios, personajes o motores de videojuegos puede ser vista también como machinima. La clave es que la creación se dé en tiempo real.
lexicalizationspa: Machinima
has glossswe: Machinima, ord från machine cinema (maskin-film), avser en filmgenre och produktionsteknik relaterad till den. Genren består av film skapad med hjälp av tre-dimensionella datorspel, där spelets grafik används för att skapa filmens bilder. Filmens aktörer är alltså spelfigurer. Filmen kan sedan dubbas och bearbetas. Det mesta av machinima-filmens produktion hanteras av en vanlig persondator.
lexicalizationswe: machinima
has glosstur: Machinima ( ya da ), gerçek zamanlı üç boyutlu (3-D) bilgisayar animasyonu. Machinima kelimesi, İngilizce "Machine" ve "Cinema" ["Makina" ve "Sinema") kelimelerinin birleşmesinden ortaya çıkmıştır. Machinima, özellikle bağımsız sinemacılar için yeni bir açılım sağlamaktadır.
lexicalizationtur: Machinima
has glosszho: Machinima ( 或 ),是machine cinema的混成詞 。中文可譯為機械電影、引擎電影或機造影片。
lexicalizationzho: Machinima
media:imgDiary of a Camper.jpg
media:imgHugh Hancock.jpg
media:imgILL Clan presents Tra5hTa1k at Stanford.jpg
media:imgMatt Kelland and Keith Halper at the 2008 Machinima Film Festival.jpg
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media:imgSouth Park machinima.jpg
media:vidSecond Life shadows.ogv


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