Information | |
has gloss | eng: | |} Japanese battleship Iwami was one of eight Russian pre-dreadnought battleships captured by the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. It was built as the Russian battleship Oryol , and was commissioned into the Imperial Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet. Some naval architects regard the Borodino-class as being among the worst battleships ever built (Preston 2002). The design was based on the battleship , these ships suffered from instability caused by a high centre of gravity, which was made worse by overloading. |
lexicalization | eng: Japanese battleship Iwami |
lexicalization | eng: Russian battleship Orel |
instance of | (noun) a vessel that carries passengers or freight ship |
Meaning | |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: Orjol |
French | |
has gloss | fra: LOrel (en russe : Орёл) fut lun des huit cuirassés pré-dreadnought capturés par la Marine impériale du Japon au cours de la Guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905. Ce cuirassé appartint à la classe Borodino. Il reçut le nom dOrel (Aigle en français). Certains architectes navals s'accordent pour reconnaître que les cuirassés de la classe Borodino furent les pires jamais construits en Russie. Construit sur le modèle du Tsarévitch, ces bâtiments de guerre possédaient un centre de gravité trop haut, aggravé par une surcharge, entraînant très probablement une perte de stabilité et dans certaines circonstances leur renversement. |
lexicalization | fra: Orel |
Japanese | |
lexicalization | jpn: オリョール |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: «Орёл» — российский эскадренный броненосец, один из пяти кораблей типа «Бородино». Под командованием капитана 1-го ранга Н.В. Юнга принимал участие в Русско-японской войне 1904—1905 годов и Цусимском сражении. Входил в состав Второй Тихоокеанской эскадры. |
lexicalization | rus: Орел |
lexicalization | rus: Орёл |
Media | |
media:img | Iwami1905-1923.jpg |
media:img | Naval Ensign of Japan.svg |
media:img | Naval Ensign of Russia.svg |
media:img | Orel1904Kronstadt.jpg |
media:img | Oryol after battle.JPG |
media:img | RUS Orel 2.jpg |
media:img | RUS Orel 3.jpg |
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