Information | |
has gloss | eng: Iron sights are a system of aligned markers used to assist in the aiming of a device such as a firearm, crossbow, or telescope, and exclude the use of optics as in a scope. Iron sights are typically composed of two component sights, formed by metal blades: a rear sight mounted perpendicular to the line of sight and consisting of some form of notch (open sight) or aperture (closed sight); and a front sight that is a post, bead, or ring. Civilian defensive, hunting, and police firearms usually feature open sights, while many military battle rifles employ aperture sights. On many firearms the rear sight is adjustable for elevation or windage. |
lexicalization | eng: Aperture Sight |
lexicalization | eng: Iron sights |
lexicalization | eng: iron sight |
lexicalization | eng: Ironsights |
lexicalization | eng: Ironsight |
lexicalization | eng: Peep sight |
instance of | c/Firearm components |
Meaning | |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Kimme und Korn dienen dazu, eine Schusswaffe so auf ein Ziel zu richten (= „zielen“), dass ein abgegebener Schuss in einer definierten Entfernung das Ziel trifft. Man unterscheidet offene Visierungen, bei denen über Kimme und Korn anvisiert wird von Dioptervisierungen und Zielfernrohren, bei denen mindestens ein Teil der Visierung in einem Gehäuse sitzt. |
lexicalization | deu: Offene Visierung |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La mire métallique est un terme qui réfère à un système de visée des armes, généralement des armes à feu, qui est généralement constitué de lames métalliques et divisé en deux parties. |
lexicalization | fra: Mire métallique |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 기계식 조준기는 무배율 개방형 조준기이다. 보통 소총과 같은 화기나 석궁 등에 쓰인다. 때때로, 광학식 조준기를 보조하는 역할로서 쓰이기도 한다. 기계식 조준기는 보통 가늠자(rear sight)와 가늠쇠(front sight)로 구성된다. |
lexicalization | kor: 기계식 조준기 |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Hullsikte er et sikte til våpen. |
lexicalization | nor: hullsikte |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Мушка — часть механического прицельного приспособления стрелкового оружия. В прицельное приспособление также включается прицел. Мушка располагается на стволе оружия. Мушка может иметь разную конструкцию — открытую, закрытую — заключенную в кольцо либо в полукольцо. Кольцо предохраняет мушку от механических повреждений, а также затеняя её, делает её более различимой при прицеливании. Основным требованием является вертикальность и недопущение бликования. |
lexicalization | rus: Мушка |
Media | |
media:img | AR15 Sight Picture.jpg |
media:img | Aperture depth of field.jpg |
media:img | Caroline-mire-p1000518.jpg |
media:img | Cz452 tangent sight.jpg |
media:img | Diopter sight picture.jpg |
media:img | Enhanced contrast open sights.svg |
media:img | Front globe sight.jpg |
media:img | Fuzzy sight picture.svg |
media:img | Handgun Tritium Night Sights.png |
media:img | Iron sights test.jpg |
media:img | Kimme-und-Korn.jpg |
media:img | Kimme.Korn.Arten.png |
media:img | Open sight pictures.png |
media:img | Rear aperture sight.jpg |
media:img | Visierlinie.jpg |
media | |
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