e/Greenwich, Connecticut

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has glosseng: Greenwich is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 61,101. It is home to many hedge funds and other financial service companies. Greenwich is the southernmost and westernmost municipality in Connecticut and is 29 minutes by train (express) from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. In July 2005, CNN/Money and Money magazine ranked Greenwich 12th on its list of the 100 Best Places to Live in the United States. Money magazine also ranked Greenwich #1 in the "Biggest Earner" category. The town is the location of Greenwich Hospital, a community hospital with 174 beds and a teaching affiliate of Yale University School of Medicine.
lexicalizationeng: Greenwich CT
lexicalizationeng: Greenwich, Connecticut
lexicalizationeng: Greenwich, ct
lexicalizationeng: Greenwich
instance ofc/Geography
has glossbul: Гринуич е град в окръг Феърфилд, Кънектикът, Съединени американски щати. Разположен е на брега на протока Лонг Айлънд, на 40 km североизточно от центъра на Ню Йорк. Населението му е около 62 000 души (2005).
lexicalizationbul: Гринуич
has glossdeu: Greenwich ist eine Stadt im Fairfield County im US-Bundesstaat Connecticut, Vereinigte Staaten, mit 62.700 Einwohnern (Stand: 2004). Das Stadtgebiet hat eine Größe von 174,2 km². Es hat den Ruf, der Vorort der Reichen zu sein.
lexicalizationdeu: Greenwich
has glosseus: Greenwich Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako hiria da, Fairfield konderrian, Connecticuten. 2005eko erroldaren arabera 62.236 ziren Greenwicheko biztanleak. Duela gutxira arte Manhattanen egoitza zuten inbertsio-sozietate eta finantza-zerbitzuak eskaintzen zituzten enpresa askok Greenwichera jo dute. 2005ean egindako inkesta baten arabera, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako bizitzeko tokietan onenak erabaki nahian, Greenwich 12. lekurik gustukoena da .
lexicalizationeus: Greenwich, Connecticut
lexicalizationeus: Greenwich
has glossfra: Greenwich est une ville située dans le comté de Fairfield, dans lÉtat du Connecticut (États-Unis). Selon le recensement de 2000, Greenwich avait une population totale de habitants. Cest une des villes les plus riches du pays.
lexicalizationfra: Greenwich
lexicalizationhat: Greenwich, Connecticut
has glosshbs: Greenwich je grad u američkoj državi Connecticut koji administrativno pripada Okrigu Fairfeld. Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2000. godine, imao je ukupno 61.101 stanovnika. Greenwich predstavlja najjužniju i najzapadniju općinu Connecticuta, a udaljen je 37 minuta vožnje ekspresnim vlakom od stanice Grand Central Terminal na Manhattanu. U julu 2005. je naveo Greenwich na 12. mjestu godišnje liste od 100 najboljih mjesta za život u SAD. U gradu se nalazi bolnica Greenwich Hospital, koja ima 174 kreveta i služi za obuku studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Yaleu.
lexicalizationhbs: Greenwich
has glossita: Greenwich è un comune di 62.236 abitanti degli Stati Uniti d'America, situato nella Contea di Fairfield nello stato del Connecticut.
lexicalizationita: Greenwich
has glossnld: Greenwich is een plaats in Fairfield County in de Amerikaanse staat Connecticut met 61.101 inwoners (2000) . Greenwich ligt in het uiterste zuidwesten van Connecticut en is de meest zuidelijk gelegen plaats van de staat.
lexicalizationnld: Greenwich, Connecticut
lexicalizationnld: Greenwich
has glosspor: Greenwich é um município americano do Estado de Connecticut. O municipio de Greenwich (lê-se Grin itch) fica no condado de Fairfield, sendo uma dos subúrbios mais afluentes (ricos) da área metropolitana de Nova Iorque (New York City). Muitos artistas, atores, músicos possuem mansões em Greenwich.
lexicalizationpor: Greenwich, Connecticut
lexicalizationpor: Greenwich
has glossrus: Гринвич  — город в округе Фэрфилд в штате Коннектикут. Это самый южный город штата, самый западный город Новой Англии.
lexicalizationrus: Гринвич
has glossspa: Greenwich es una población del condado de Fairfield, en el estado de Connecticut (Estados Unidos de América). En el censo del año 2005, Greenwich registró una población de 62.236 habitantes. Se trata de una de las ciudades más ricas del país.
lexicalizationspa: Greenwich
has glossswe: Greenwich, stad i Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA med cirka 61 101 invånare (2000).
lexicalizationswe: Greenwich, Connecticut
has glossvol: Greenwich binon zif in komot: Fairfield, in tat: Connecticut, in Lamerikän.
lexicalizationvol: Greenwich, Connecticut
lexicalizationvol: Greenwich, CT
lexicalizationvol: Greenwich
has glosszho: 格林尼治 (英文:)是美國康乃狄克州費爾菲爾德縣的一個城鎮,位於該州最南部,面臨長島海灣。面積174.0平方公里,2006年人口62,077人。
lexicalizationzho: 格林尼治
geo locgeographic location 41.038888888888884 -73.61361111111111
media:imgGreenwich High School.jpg
media:imgGreenwich town hall.jpg
media:imgMap of USA CT.svg


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