Information | |
has gloss | eng: A fast food restaurant, sometimes known as a quick service restaurant or QSR, is a specific type of restaurant characterized both by its fast food cuisine and by minimal table service. Food served in fast food restaurants typically caters to a "meat-sweet diet" and is offered from a limited menu; is cooked in bulk in advance and kept hot; is finished and packaged to order; and is usually available ready to take away, though seating may be provided. Fast food restaurants are usually part of a restaurant chain or franchise operation, which provisions standardized ingredients and/or partially prepared foods and supplies to each restaurant through controlled supply channels. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951. |
lexicalization | eng: fast food restaurant |
lexicalization | eng: Fast-food restaurants |
lexicalization | eng: Fast-food restaurant |
subclass of | c/Companies |
has instance | e/de/Drive-in-Restaurant |
has instance | e/de/Konnopke’s Imbiß |
has instance | e/Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill |
has instance | e/fi/Pikaruokala |
has instance | e/fi/Rolls |
has instance | e/fi/ScanBurger |
has instance | c/fr/Chaîne de restauration rapide néerlandaise |
has instance | e/fr/O'Kitch |
has instance | e/ja/BAGEL & BAGEL |
has instance | e/ja/つけナポリタン |
has instance | e/ja/バーガーシティ |
has instance | e/ja/ファーストフード店の一覧 |
has instance | e/ja/宇奈とと |
has instance | e/ja/露天商 |
has instance | e/ja/駅そば |
has instance | e/pl/Freshpoint |
has instance | e/pl/Mr Hamburger |
has instance | e/sv/Alfabetisk lista över hamburgerkedjor |
has instance | c/zh/快餐店 |
has instance | e/zh/Monster burger |
has instance | e/zh/頂呱呱 |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
lexicalization | ara: مطاعم وجبات سريعة |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Ein Schnellrestaurant ist ein Restaurant, bei dem der Schwerpunkt auf schneller Bedienung und auf schnellem Verzehr der Speisen liegt. Das Angebot ist begrenzt, der Service durch das Personal ist reduziert und die Preise liegen unter denen von anderen Restaurants. Die angebotenen Speisen fallen häufig in die Kategorie Fastfood. Oft gehören Schnellrestaurants zu regional bis global operierenden Unternehmen oder Franchise-Ketten. Viele Schnellrestaurants sind Selbstbedienungsrestaurants. Zu den Schnellrestaurants mit Bedienung gehören ein Teil der amerikanischen Diner und die Drive-in-Restaurants. Um die schnelle Bereitstellung der bestellten Speisen zu gewährleisten, werden sie oft bereits fertig zubereitet vorgehalten und nur aufgewärmt. |
lexicalization | deu: Schnellrestaurant |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: Pikaruokalat |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: Chaîne de restauration rapide |
Indonesian | |
lexicalization | ind: Restoran cepat saji |
Japanese | |
lexicalization | jpn: ファーストフード店 |
Latvian | |
lexicalization | lav: Ātrās ēdināšanas restorāni |
Norwegian Nynorsk | |
lexicalization | nno: Snøggmatrestaurantar |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Gatekjøkken er et utsalgssted hvor man selger hurtigmat. |
lexicalization | nor: Gatekjøkken |
Polish | |
lexicalization | pol: Sieci fast food |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: Restaurante Fast Food |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: Сети быстрого питания |
Swedish | |
lexicalization | swe: Snabbmatsrestauranger |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: Fast-food zincirleri |
Vietnamese | |
lexicalization | vie: Quán ăn nhanh |
Yue Chinese | |
lexicalization | yue: 快餐店 |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 速食餐廳,或稱速食店、快餐店,是指在點餐之後食物很快就供應出來,並且服務維持在最低限度的一種餐廳。至於客人並不一定會很快就把食物吃掉。通常這些餐廳所提供的食物稱為速食或快餐。由於過往有多項科學研究顯示速食店提供的食品普遍被視為營養不均衡,因此有越來越多人反對速食,相關企業正試圖將大眾對他們餐廳的認知從「速食餐廳」轉移向「快速服務餐廳」。 |
lexicalization | zho: 快餐店 |
lexicalization | zho: 速食餐廳 |
Media | |
media:img | Automat.jpg |
media:img | Automatiek.jpg |
media:img | Bundesarchiv Bild 183-25350-0001, Berlin, Alexanderplatz, Automatenrestaurant, Nacht.jpg |
media:img | Cafeteria at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal.JPG |
media:img | Costcohotdogstand.jpg |
media:img | Dublin airport, McDonald's restaurant.jpg |
media:img | Fastfood.jpg |
media:img | HK Sheung Wan Shun Tak Centre Maxim s Fast Foods a.jpg |
media:img | HotDog.jpg |
media:img | Mcdonalds times sq.png |
media:img | NYC diner Brooklyn.jpg |
media:img | StollwerckAutomatenrestaurant1896.jpg |
media | |
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