Information | |
has gloss | eng: Dôn was a Welsh mother goddess. She does not play a direct part in the action of the Mabinogi, though many characters in that cycle are related to her. She is the mother of Arianrhod, Gwydion, Gilfaethwy, Gofannon and Amaethon. Patrick K. Ford asserts that she is the equivalent of the Irish Danu and of the Gaulish goddess "whose name is preserved in the river name Danube (Donau)". |
lexicalization | eng: Children of Don |
lexicalization | eng: Children of Dôn |
lexicalization | eng: Don |
lexicalization | eng: Dôn |
instance of | (noun) any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force god, divinity, deity, immortal |
Meaning | |
Welsh | |
has gloss | cym: Duwies Geltaidd sy'n chwaer i Fath fab Mathonwy yn y traddodiad Cymreig yw Dôn. Ceir cyfeiriadau anuniongyrchol ati ym Mhedwaredd Gainc y Mabinogi ac weithiau yng ngwaith y beirdd Cymraeg canoloesol. Cyfeirir ati weithiau fel merch Beli, a restrir yn yr achau fel un o gyndeidiau pwysicaf Gwŷr y Gogledd. |
lexicalization | cym: Dôn |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Dôn on Walesin kelttiläisessä mytologiassa äitijumala, Belin puoliso ja Arianrhodin, Gwydionin, Gilfaethwyn, Gofannonin sekä Amaethonin äiti. Hänen vastineensa Irlannissa on jumalatar Danu. |
lexicalization | fin: Dôn |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Dôn est une déesse-mère de la mythologie celtique galloise. Ses enfants dieux sont les quatre frères Gwydion, Hyfeidd, Gofannon et Gilfaethwy et la déesse Arianrhod, la « roue d’argent ». Elle est la compagne de Beli Mawr (Beli le Grand), l’ancêtre mythique de certaines dynasties galloises. |
lexicalization | fra: Dôn |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Dôn (pronuncia gallese ) è una dea madre della mitologia gallese. Non svolge tuttavia un ruolo diretto nei racconti dei "Quattro Rami del Mabinogion", anche se molti personaggi di questo ciclo le sono collegati. Viene indicata come la madre di Arianrhod, Gwydion, Gilfaethwy, Gofannon e Amaethon. Patrick K. Ford afferma che equivale alla dea irlandese Danu e a quella divinità femminile gallica il cui nome si conserva in quello del fiume Danubio (Donau). Il teonimo deriva probabilmente da una radice celtica o proto-celtica *Dānu , dal significato di "fiume, acqua corrente". |
lexicalization | ita: Don |
lexicalization | ita: Dôn |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Don is een personage uit de Mabinogion dat vaak gelijkgesteld wordt aan de Ierse godin Danu. Ze werd vaak omringd door kinderen en vogels, voorgesteld. Zij is de vrouw van Beli Mawr (zie ook Belenos), en de moeder van onder meer Arianrhod, Gwyddion, Govannon, Gilfaethwy en Amaethon. |
lexicalization | nld: Don |
lexicalization | nld: Dôn |
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