has gloss | eng: Crusties is a term for members of a subculture. The term pre-dates crust punk and can be used independently to refer to a type of street punks or a one form of contemporary squatters. The trend was most widespread in the UK in the late 1980s and early 1990s but there are also international subsets. Members are noted for their unkempt outward appearance and are associated with road protests, squatting, raves, begging, train-hopping, street entertaining (or busking) and the young homeless. The term may now be more notable for its associations to crust punk. Background Typical dress styles involve dirty unkempt clothing, matted messy, dirty hair or (dreadlocks) or both, body piercing and sub-decent hygiene. Crusties are seen as being typically young, unemployed and homeless (in the land owning sense at least) either by choice as a political statement or as a side effect of an unstable life due to substance abuse. |