e/Communion (Christian)

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has glosseng: :For other uses of the term "communion", see Communion (disambiguation) The term Communion is derived from Latin communio (sharing in common). The corresponding term in Greek is κοινωνία, which is often translated as "fellowship". In Christianity, the basic meaning of the term communion is an especially close relationship of Christians, as individuals or as a Church, with God and with other Christians. This basic meaning of the word, found in many passages of the New Testament as well as in secular Greek, predates its other, more specific, Christian uses.
has glosseng: The term Communion comes from Latin communio (sharing in common). The corresponding term in Greek is κοινωνία, which is often translated as "fellowship".
lexicalizationeng: communion
instance of(noun) a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmation and Holy Eucharist and penance and holy orders and matrimony and extreme unction
has glossces: Svaté přijímání (z latinského communio sdílení společného) je pojem, jímž katolická a pravoslavná církev označuje posvěcený chléb a víno, který křesťané přijímají při slavení eucharistie. Církve vzešlé z protestantské reformace však tohoto pojmu užívají v širším smyslu, který označuje celý obřad večeře Páně; tímto i naznačují, že přijímání tvoří celý obřad.
lexicalizationces: Svaté přijímání
lexicalizationdan: Altergang
has glossdeu: Kommunion (griech. κοινονία (koinonia) ; lat. communio „Gemeinschaft“) oder Heilige Kommunion wird von den verschiedenen Kirchen und Konfessionen teils sehr unterschiedlich verstanden. Bezüglich einiger Aspekte des Verständnisses herrscht Konsens.
lexicalizationdeu: Kommunion
has glossfra: La communion désigne, chez les catholiques et les orthodoxes, lactualisation du sacrifice de Jésus avec ses disciples, la veille de sa Passion. Avec dautres interprétations théologiques, ce rite est appelé la Cène chez les protestants (ou Sainte Cène').
lexicalizationfra: communion
has glossita: Nel diritto civile, la comunione è la situazione per la quale la proprietà o un altro diritto reale spetta in comune a più persone. È regolata dagli articoli 1100 e seguenti del codice civile.
lexicalizationita: comunione
has glossjpn: コミュニオン()は、ギリシャ語の""(現代ギリシャ語:キノニア 、古典ギリシャ語再建音:コイノーニア)の訳語としての、ラテン語の"communio"(コムニオ)を語源とする英語の語彙からの片仮名による転写。
lexicalizationjpn: コミュニオン
has glosslim: Communie ies n woord oet t Latien en beteikent 't ete van de geconsacreerde hostie in de viering van de Heilige Mès of Eucharistie. De geluivige goon dan op oetnuèdiging van de veurgenger, de preester, gezamelek de geconsacreerde hostie hole.
lexicalizationlim: communie
has glossnld: Communie betekent gemeenschap met lichaam en bloed van Jezus Christus in de vorm van brood en wijn. Het woord communie is afgeleid van het Latijnse woord communio, dat "gemeenschap" betekent.
lexicalizationnld: Communie
lexicalizationnld: Heilige Communie
has glosssqi: Kungimi (greq. kinonia; lat. communio - bashkësi) në Kishën katolike romake, Kishën Luteriane dhe kishën anglikane si edhe në Kishat e lindjes ka dy kuptime që rrjedhin nga eukaristia (falënderja):
lexicalizationsqi: Kungimi
has glossswe: Med kommunion (latin communio, ’förening’, ’gemenskap’) avses framför allt två ting.
lexicalizationswe: kommunion
has glosszho: 团契(希腊语:;英语:或),即伙伴关系,源自《圣经》中的“相交”一词,意思为相互交往、分享和建立关系,是指上帝与人之间的和基督徒之间的两种亲密关系。团契现在常用作基督教(新教)小形特定聚会的名称,其旨在增进基督徒和慕道友共同追求信仰的信心和相互分享、帮助的集体情谊。因而广义的团契也可指教会和其它形式的基督徒聚会。团契生活是基督徒最基本的和非常重要的教会生活,所以团契也被称为基督徒团契。
lexicalizationzho: 团契
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