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has glosseng: Baidi or Baidicheng (Simplified and Traditional Chinese: 白帝城; 8 km east of the present day Fengjie County seat in Chongqing municipality) is an ancient temple complex on a hill on the northern shore of the Yangtze River in China. The name literally means City of the White Emperor. It is said that the area was once surrounded with a white mist, giving it a rather mysterious yet serene look, much like what an emperor should be like. It has also been said that someone saw a white dragon, the symbol of the Emperor come out there, and the warlord Gongsun Shu thought this was a fortuitous sign, and declared himself Emperor of Chengja. He founded the city and called himself the White Emperor.
lexicalizationeng: Baidicheng
instance ofc/Three Kingdoms
has glossdeu: Die "alte Stadt" Baidicheng , ist ein Kulturdenkmal im Osten des Kreises Fengjie, Chongqing, etwa 10 km vom Sitz der Kreisregierung entfernt. Als "Landschafts- und Erholungsgebiet Baidicheng" wurde es im Oktober 2004 gegründet. Es hat eine Fläche 53,7 km² und mehr als 37.000 Einwohner. Administrativ setzt sich Baidicheng aus einer Einwohnergemeinschaft und acht Dörfern zusammen, die teilweise zur Großgemeinde Yong'an, teilweise zur Großgemeinde Baidi gehören.
lexicalizationdeu: Baidicheng
has glosseus: Baidi edo Baidicheng (txinera sinplifikatuz: 白帝城), literalki "Enperadore zuriaren tenplua", Txinako Herri Errepublikako Chongqing udaltasunean dagoen tenplu multzoa da.
lexicalizationeus: Baidicheng
has glossfra: Baidi (白帝城 ; pinyin : Báidì Chéng), qui signifie lEmpereur Blanc, est une petite localité située à lentrée de la Gorge de Qutang sur la rive nord du Yangzi (Chang Jiang), dans le district de Fengjie de la municipalité de Chongqing (partie de lancien district de Wanxian de la province du Sichuan) en Chine. La ville, qui est en fait davantage un regroupement de temples et de portails, est lhôte de plusieurs sites historiques et événements se rapportant à la période des Trois Royaumes. Cest dans cette ville que Liu Bei se réfugia suite à sa grande défaite à la Bataille de Yiling. Il y mourut peu de temps après, en lan 223.
lexicalizationfra: Bai Di
lexicalizationfra: Baidi
has glossjpn: 白帝城(はくていじょう)は中国重慶市奉節県の長江三峡に位置する地名。かつて新末後漢初の群雄公孫述がこの地に築いた城が白帝城と呼ばれたことが由来。永安宮ともいう。
lexicalizationjpn: 白帝城
has glosskor: 바이디 성(白帝城, 백제성)은 중화인민공화국 충칭 시 펑제 현의 장강삼협에 위치한 지명이다. 일찍이 공손술이 이 지역에 성을 쌓고 백제성으로 부른 것이 그 유래이다.
lexicalizationkor: 바이디 성
Nepal Bhasa
has glossnew: बैदी (अंग्रेजी:Baidi), नेपा:यागु गण्डकी अञ्चलयागु तनहू जिल्लायागु छगु गाँ विकास समिति खः। थ्व थासे ८१५ खा छेँ दु।
lexicalizationnew: बैदी
has glosszho: 白帝城位於中國重慶市東部的长江北岸,距奉节城东8公里,是长江三峡重要旅游景点。白帝城一面靠山,三面环水背倚高峡,前临长江瞿塘峡,气势十分雄伟壮观。从山脚经过高而陡峭的石阶,到达白帝城入口,大门额匾上有郭沫若书写的“白帝城”三个大字,左右一付对联,出自杜甫诗句“白帝高为三峡镇,瞿塘险过百牢关” ,。
lexicalizationzho: 白帝城
geo locgeographic location 31.0433 109.57
media:imgBai Di Miao.jpg
media:imgBai di cheng.jpg
media:imgBaidi Mao.jpg


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