e/Ant colony

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has glosseng: An ant colony is an underground lair where ants live. Colonies consist of a series of underground chambers, connected to each other and the surface of the earth by small tunnels. There are rooms for nurseries, food storage, and mating. The colony is built and maintained by legions of worker ants, who carry tiny bits of dirt in their mandibles and deposit them near the exit of the colony, forming an ant-hill. Food carried in by workers is retrieved from the surrounding environment and can be traced from colony to colony by the use of isotopes.
lexicalizationeng: Ant Colony
instance of(noun) social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers
emmet, pismire, ant
has glossbul: Мравунякът е подземно жилище на колония от мравки. Често включва надземна част, изградена от пръст, пясък, глина и други материали. Състои се от поредица подземни камери, свързани помежду си и с повърхността с тесни тунели. Отделни камери са предназначени за съхранение на храна, снасяне на яйца и отглеждане на ларвите.
lexicalizationbul: мравуняк
has glosscat:  Un formiguer és el cau on habiten les formigues en societat i també al mateix conjunt de formigues que habiten en el cau. La seva estructura està formada per un laberint de túnels, entrades i, sovint, monticles de terra. Dins el formiguer hi ha diferents sales, unes per a la cria i la reproducció, i altres per a emmagatzemar aliment.
lexicalizationcat: formiguer
has glossces: Mraveniště je místo, které slouží jako domoviště mravenců. Jedná se o umělou stavbu, kterou mravenci soustavnou prací budují k přežití kolonie.
lexicalizationces: mraveniště
has glossdeu: Ein Ameisenhügel ist der sichtbare Teil eines Ameisenbaus. In ihm leben bis zu 5 Millionen Ameisen. Ein Ameisenhügel besteht aus Tannennadeln, Blättern und kleinen Zweigen und geht mit seinen Gängen und Kammern zwei Meter tief in die Erde. Abends werden die Gänge nach außen (zum Schutz) mit Harz verschlossen.
lexicalizationdeu: Ameisenhügel
has glossfin: Muurahaiskeko on muurahaisten pesän yläpuolinen keko. Keon rakennusaineina käytetään Suomessa yleisimmin neulasia ja vanhoja lehtiä sekä muuta maasta löytyvää orgaanista ainetta.
lexicalizationfin: Muurahaiskeko
has glossfra: La fourmilière est l’habitat des fourmis. C’est généralement un endroit qu’elles ont construit par excavation, par construction de dômes, ou qu’elles ont aménagé. La fourmilière a pour but de protéger la ou les reines et le couvain. Elle permet de garantir à la colonie une sécurité et un abri face aux intempéries.
lexicalizationfra: Fourmiliere
lexicalizationfra: fourmilière
has glossido: Formikaro esas amaso di sulo, sablo, argilo od kompozito di to ed altra materii qua konstruktas ad eniri di subtera domi di kolonio-formiko dum to kavigabas.
lexicalizationido: Formikaro
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
has glossina: Fopmicario es un colonia de formicas. Illo consiste de tunneles, entratas e monticulos de terra, ubi habite le formicas.
lexicalizationina: Formicario
has glossjpn: アリの巣(アリのす、)は、アリが作り住む巣である。
lexicalizationjpn: アリの巣
has glosspol: Mrowisko - gniazdo budowane przez owady z rodziny mrówkowatych.
lexicalizationpol: Mrowisko
has glosspor: Um formigueiro é a habitação de formigas, onde vivem em sociedade, geralmente construído na terra ou em velhos tocos ou troncos de árvores.
lexicalizationpor: Formigueiro
has glossrus: Муравейник — жилище муравьёв, как правило, заметное по их надземной части.
lexicalizationrus: муравейник
has glossscn: Lu furmicularu è nu nidu di furmìculi.
lexicalizationscn: Furmicularu
has glossspa: Un hormiguero o colonia de hormigas es un refugio donde habitan las hormigas. Los hormigueros generalmente están formados por un conjunto de túneles, entradas y montículos (comúnmente de tierra o arcilla) sobre la colonia subterránea, que forma parte de la misma y son construidos progresivamente por las hormigas, con la misma tierra que extraen del suelo. Hay cámaras de cría, para almacenaje de comida o de acoplamiento. La colonia se construye y mantiene por legiones de hormigas obreras. La comida se introduce en el hormiguero llevada por las obreras tras recogerla del entorno circundante y se le puede seguir el rastro de hormiguero en hormiguero mediante el uso de isótopos estables.
lexicalizationspa: hormiguero
has glosstel: పుట్ట లేదా వల్మీకం మట్టి, ఇసుక, బంకమన్ను మరియు చెత్తను కలిపి కూలీ చీమలు, చెదపురుగులు తమ గృహం ను నిర్మించుకొంటాయి. చీమలు నిర్మించినవాటిని చీమల పుట్ట (Anthill) అంటారు. అప్పుడప్పుడు పాములు వీటిలో నివాసాన్ని ఏర్పరచుకొంటాయి. అప్పుడు వీటిని పాముపుట్ట అంటారు. కీటకాలు గుంపు లేదా సమూహంగా ఉన్నా కూడా పుట్ట అని అంటారు.
lexicalizationtel: పుట్ట
media:imgA giant African ant hill with somone on it.JPG
media:imgAnt Nest.jpg
media:imgAnt hill cm02.jpg
media:imgAnt hill poland.jpg
media:imgAnt nest.JPG
media:imgAnthill .jpg
media:imgCPonte anthill2.jpg
media:imgLesní mraveniště.jpg
media:imgMravenistě, Hlinecký les, Hřešihlavská.jpg
media:imgXn ant hill.jpg


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