Information | |
has gloss | eng: Ahmad is a crater in the northern hemisphere of Saturn's moon Enceladus. Ahmad was first discovered in Voyager 2 images but was seen at much higher resolution, though near the terminator, by Cassini. It is located at 57.4° North Latitude, 305.4° West Longitude and is 16 kilometers across. The western portion of the crater is largely absent, either buried or disrupted by the eastern margin of Samarkand Sulci. A large, dome-like structure occupies the interior of the crater, caused by infill of material from Samarkand Sulci or from viscous relaxation. |
lexicalization | eng: Ahmad |
instance of | c/Impact craters on Enceladus |
Meaning | |
Alemannic | |
has gloss | gsw: Ahmad isch e Krater uf dr Nordhalbchugle vum Saturnmond Enceladus. Ahmad isch zerst uf Voyager 2-Bilder entdeckt worre. Under witt höcherer Uflösig het aber erst d'Cassini-Sonde Bilder gmacht, wobi zum Zittpunkt vu dr Ufnahm dr Karter in dr Nächi vu dr Dag-un-Nacht-Gränze gläge isch. Dr Krater lit uf 57.4° nördlicher Breiti un 305.4° westlicher Längi un het e Durmesser vu 16 km. |
lexicalization | gsw: Ahmad |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: アフマッド (Ahmad) は、土星の衛星エンケラドゥスの北半球に位置するクレーターである。直径は16キロメートルであり、北緯57.4度、西経305.4度に位置する。アフマッドはボイジャー2号から送信された画像により発見され、後にカッシーニによって詳細な画像が撮影された。 |
lexicalization | jpn: アフマッド |
Media | |
media:img | EN Ahmad crater.jpg |
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