e/AS Nancy

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has glosseng: A.S. Nancy-Lorraine is a football club which plays in France.
has glosseng: AS Nancy-Lorraine is a French football club, based in Nancy, The team was founded in 1967 as a successor of the defunct FC Nancy, which collapsed in 1965.
lexicalizationeng: A.S. Nancy-Lorraine
lexicalizationeng: AS Nancy
instance ofc/French football clubs
lexicalizationara: نادي نانسي
lexicalizationbre: Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine
has glossbul: АС Нанси-Лорен (на френски L'Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine) е френски футболен клуб, от град Нанси, състезаващ се във френската Лига 1. Отборът е основан през 1967 г. като наследник на бившия ФК Нанси, разформирован през 1965 г. В периода от 1973 до 1979 година цветовете на клуба защитава легендата на френския футбол Мишел Платини.
lexicalizationbul: АС Нанси
has glosscat: L'AS Nancy-Lorraine és un club de futbol francès de la ciutat de Nancy.
lexicalizationcat: Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine
has glossces: AS Nancy (Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine) je tradiční klub francouzské Ligue 1, sídlící ve městě Nancy. AS Nancy patří k předním klubům Francie. Klub byl založen roku 1967. Hřištěm klubu je Stade Marcel Picot s kapacitou 20 087 diváků.
lexicalizationces: AS Nancy
has glossdan: AS Nancy-Lorraine (normalt bare kendt som AS Nancy) er en fransk fodboldklub fra Nancy i Lorraine, der spiller i Ligue 1. Klubben blev stiftet i 1967 og spiller sine hjemmekampe på Stade Marcel Picot.
lexicalizationdan: AS Nancy
has glossdeu: Die Association Sportive Nancy Lorraine, abgekürzt AS Nancy oder ASNL, ist ein französischer Fußballverein aus der lothringischen Stadt Nancy.
lexicalizationdeu: AS Nancy
has glossest: Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine on Prantsusmaa jalgpalliklubi, mis hooajal 2008/09 mängib riigi kõrgliigas.
lexicalizationest: AS Nancy
has glossfin: AS Nancy-Lorraine on ranskalainen jalkapalloseura, joka on perustettu vuonna 1910. Joukkueen koko nimi on Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine.
lexicalizationfin: AS Nancy-Lorraine
has glossfra: LAssociation Sportive Nancy-Lorraine est un club de football français, fondé en 1967, issu de la fusion avec lAS Lorraine et basé à Nancy, dans la région Lorraine. Il est présidé par Jacques Rousselot et entraîné par Pablo Correa, assisté de Paul Fischer.
lexicalizationfra: AS Nancy Lorraine
lexicalizationfra: Association Sportive Nancy Lorraine
lexicalizationfra: Association sportive Nancy-Lorraine
has glosshrv: AS Nancy-Lorraine je francuski nogometni klub iz Nancya koji se natječe u Ligue 1 od sezone 2005./06.
lexicalizationhrv: AS Nancy
has glosshun: Az AS Nancy-Lorraine egy francia futballklub. 1967-ben alapították az FC Nancy jogutódjaként. A csapat edzője az uruguayi Pablo Correa. Az elsőosztályba 2005-ben jutottak vissza. 2006-ban a Nice 2-1-es legyőzésével megnyerték a francia Ligakupát, így játszhattak az UEFA-kupában, ahol a legjobb 32-ig jutottak. A 2007/2008-as bajnokságban a csapat a negyedik helyen végzett. A klub színei piros-fehér.
lexicalizationhun: A.S. Nancy-Lorraine
lexicalizationhun: AS Nancy-Lorraine
has glossind: AS Nancy-Lorraine merupakan tim sepak bola Perancis. Tim ini promosi ke Ligue 1 pada musim 2005-06. Michel Platini pernah bermain di klub ini pada tahun 1973 dan 1979. Kandang Nancy saat ini adalah Stade Marcel Picot.
lexicalizationind: As nancy
has glossita: L'Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine, chiamata comunemente Nancy o ASNL, è una società calcistica francese con sede a Nancy.
lexicalizationita: A.S. Nancy-Lorraine
lexicalizationita: Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine
has glossjpn: アソシアシヨン・スポルティーヴ・ナンシー・ロレーヌ(Association Sportive Nancy Lorraine)は、フランス・ナンシーに本拠地を置くサッカークラブチーム。
lexicalizationjpn: ASナンシー
has glosskat: საფეხბურთო კლუბი ნანსი , არის საფრანგეთის საფეხბურთო კლუბი ქალაქ ნანსიდან, დაარსდა 1967 წელს. გამოდის საფრანგეთის უმაღლეს საფეხბურთო ჩემპიონატში.
lexicalizationkat: ნანსი
has glosskor: AS 낭시(Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine)는 낭시에 위치한 스타드 마르셀 피코 경기장을 근거로 하는 프랑스의 축구 클럽이다. 현재 감독은 파블로 코레아이다.
lexicalizationkor: AS 낭시
has glosslit: Nansi „Lorraine“ – Prancūzijos futbolo klubas, 1967 metais įkurtas Nansi. Klubo komanda 2008-2009 m. sezone žaidžia Prancūzijos Ligue 1 lygoje.
lexicalizationlit: AS Nancy Lorraine
lexicalizationmar: ए.एस. नॅन्सी
has glossnld: AS Nancy-Lorraine is een Franse voetbal-club uit Nancy, uitkomend in de Ligue 1. De club werd opgericht in 1910, als US Frontière. De club speelde lange tijd op een lager niveau in de schaduw van grote buur FC Nancy, dat in de jaren 60 ontbonden werd waardoor deze club groeide. Sinds 1967 speelt de club onder zijn huidige naam. Nancy speelt zijn thuiswedstrijden in het Stade Marcel Picot. De club pendelt heen en weer tussen de Ligue 1 en de Ligue 2. De laatste keer dat de club promoveerde was na het seizoen 2004/2005, toen Nancy voor de vierde maal winnaar werd van de Ligue 2.
lexicalizationnld: AS Nancy-Lorraine
lexicalizationnld: AS Nancy
has glossnor: AS Nancy-Lorraine (normalt bare kjent som AS Nancy) er en fransk fotballklubb fra Nancy i regionen Lorraine som for øyeblikket spiller i landets øverste divisjon, Ligue 1. Klubben ble grunnlagt i 1967 og spiller sine hjemmekamper på Stade Marcel Picot. Klubbens nåværende trener er uruguayaneren Pablo Correa, som tidligere har spilt for klubben.
lexicalizationnor: AS Nancy
has glosspol: AS Nancy (oficjalna nazwa Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine, oficjalny skrót ASNL) - francuski klub piłkarski z siedzibą w Nancy, założony w 1910 (od lipca 1967 pod obecną nazwą). W latach 70. (od 1973 do 1979) jego barwy reprezentował Michel Platini.
lexicalizationpol: AS Nancy
has glosspor: A Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine (ASNL) é um clube de futebol francês fundado em 1967. Este clube, de Lorena, tem como presidente Jacques Rousselot e como treinador Pablo Correa.
lexicalizationpor: Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine
has glossron: AS Nancy este un club de fotbal din Nancy, Franţa care evoluează în Ligue 1.
lexicalizationron: AS Nancy
has glossrus: Нанси  — профессиональный французский футбольный клуб города Нанси.
lexicalizationrus: Нанси
has glossslv: AS Nancy-Lorraine je francoski nogometni klub iz Nancya, ki je v Ligue 1 od sezone 2005/06.
lexicalizationslv: AS Nancy
has glossspa: La Association Sportive Nancy-Lorraine es un club de fútbol francés, de la ciudad de Nancy en Lorena. Fue fundado en 1910 y juega en la Ligue 1 francesa.
lexicalizationspa: Association sportive nancy-lorraine
has glosssrp: АС Нанси је француски фудбалски клуб из града Нанси и тренутно игра у Француској првој лиги. Клуб је основан 1967. године и домаће утакмице игра на стадиону Марсел Пикот.
lexicalizationsrp: ФК Нанси
has glossswe: AS Nancy Lorraine är en fransk fotbollsklubb från Nancy. Vann Franska Ligacupen 2006 och fick därför en plats i Uefacupen. Michel Platini spelade i laget mellan 1973 och 1979. Laget spelar sina hemmamatcher på Stade Marcel Picot.
lexicalizationswe: AS Nancy Lorraine
lexicalizationswe: AS Nancy-Lorraine
has glosstur: AS Nancy, bir zamanlar Michel Platininin de oynadığı Ligue 1de oynayan Fransız takımıdır. Tam adı:Association Sportive Nancy Lorraine şeklindedir. 1910 yılında Nancy'de kurulmuştur. Renkleri kırmızı ve beyazdır. Karşılaşmalarını Stade Marcel Picot stadında yapmaktadır.
lexicalizationtur: AS Nancy Lorraine
lexicalizationtur: AS Nancy
has glosszho: 南錫-洛林體育協會(,簡稱ASNL)是一家位於法國東北部默尔特-摩泽尔省南锡市的足球會,主場是可容20,085人的马塞尔·皮科球场(),現時是法國甲組聯賽的一份子。
lexicalizationzho: 南锡足球俱乐部
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