Information | |
has gloss | eng: 55477 Soroban (2001 UC1) is a Main-belt Asteroid discovered on October 18, 2001 by H. Maeno at Shishikui. References |
lexicalization | eng: 55477 Soroban |
instance of | (noun) any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter) asteroid |
Meaning | |
Persian | |
has gloss | fas: سیارک ۵۵۴۷۷ ۵۵۴۷۷مین سیارک کشف شدهاست که در ۱۸ اکتبر ۲۰۰۱ کشف شد. منابع |
lexicalization | fas: سیارک ۵۵۴۷۷ |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: 55477 Soroban è un asteroide della fascia principale. Scoperto nel 2001, presenta unorbita caratterizzata da un semiasse maggiore pari a 3,1570516 UA e da uneccentricità di 0,1969078, inclinata di 2,75471° rispetto all'eclittica. |
lexicalization | ita: 55477 Soroban |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: そろばん (55477 Soroban) は小惑星帯に位置する小惑星。徳島県のアマチュア天文家、前野拓が宍喰町で発見した。 |
lexicalization | jpn: そろばん |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: 55477 Soroban (2001 UC1) – planetoida z grupy pasa głównego asteroid, okrążająca Słońce w ciągu 5,61 lat, w średniej odległości 3,16 j.a. Odkryta 18 października 2001 roku. |
lexicalization | pol: 55477 Soroban |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Soroban (asteróide 55477) é um asteróide da cintura principal, a 2,5353151 UA. Possui uma excentricidade de 0,1967772 e um período orbital de 2 048,29 dias (5,61 anos). |
lexicalization | por: 55477 Soroban |
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