e/1998 European Athletics Championships

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has glosseng: The 17th European Athletics Championships were held from 18 August to 23 August 1998 in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary.
lexicalizationeng: 1998 European Athletics Championships
lexicalizationeng: 1998 European Championships in Athletics
subclass of(noun) the status of being a champion; "he held the title for two years"
title, championship
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships - Men's 110 metre hurdles
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships - Men's 400 metre hurdles
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships - Men's hammer
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships - Women's 5000 metres
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – Men's Decathlon
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – Men's Discus
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – Men's javelin
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – Men's long jump
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – Women's hammer throw
has instancee/1998 European Athletics Championships – men's high jump
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics - Men's 20 km Walk
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics - Women's Long Jump
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics - Women's Pole Vault
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics - Women's heptathlon
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics – Women's 10 km walk
has instancee/1998 European Championships in Athletics – Women's shot put
has instancee/fr/Championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme 1998, résultats détaillés
has instancee/fr/Tableau des médailles des Championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme 1998
has instancee/no/EM i friidrett 1998 - 100 meter damer
has instancee/no/EM i friidrett 1998 - 100 meter herrer
has instancee/no/EM i friidrett 1998 - Maraton damer
has instancee/no/EM i friidrett 1998 – 10 000 meter damer
has instancee/no/EM i friidrett 1998 – 10 000 meter herrer
has glossces: 17. mistrovství Evropy v atletice se uskutečnilo ve dnech 18. srpna - 23. srpna 1998 v hlavním městě Maďarska, v Budapešti. Šampionát, kterého se zúčastnilo 1330 atletů a atletek ze 44 států Evropy probíhal na stadionu Ference Puskáse.
lexicalizationces: Mistrovství Evropy v atletice 1998
has glossdeu: <div style="float: right;">__TOC__ Die 17. Leichtathletik-Europameisterschaft fand vom 18. bis zum 23. August 1998 in Budapest statt. Die Wettkämpfe wurden im Népstadion ausgetragen, wo bereits die EM 1966 stattgefunden hatte; das Stadion wurde auf diesen Anlass hin renoviert. Es nahmen 1330 Athletinnen und Athleten aus 44 Ländern teil.
lexicalizationdeu: Leichtathletik-Europameisterschaft 1998
has glossest: 1998. aasta XVII Euroopa meistrivõistlused kergejõustikus toimusid 18. - 23. augustini Budapestis Ungaris.
lexicalizationest: 1998. aasta Euroopa meistrivõistlused kergejõustikus
has glossfin: Vuoden 1998 yleisurheilun EM-kisat pidettiin Budapestissa, Unkarissa.
lexicalizationfin: Yleisurheilun Euroopan-mestaruuskilpailut 1998
has glossfra: Les 17 Championnats dEurope dathlétisme ont eu lieu du 18 au au Stade Ferenc Puskás de Budapest en Hongrie.
lexicalizationfra: Championnats d'Europe d'athletisme 1998
lexicalizationfra: Championnats d'europe d'athlétisme 1998
has glossita: I 17° campionati europei di atletica leggera si sono tenuti dal 18 al 23 agosto 1998 a Budapest, in Ungheria.
lexicalizationita: Campionati europei di atletica leggera 1998
has glossnor: <div style="float: right;">__TOC__ EM i friidrett 1998 ble arrangert i Budapest 18. &ndash; 23. august. Øvelsene ble arrangert på Népstadion, der også EM i friidrett 1966 ble arrangert. Det deltok 1330 utøvere fra 44 land.
lexicalizationnor: EM i friidrett 1998
has glosspol: XVII Mistrzostwa Europy w Lekkoatletyce rozgrywane były w dniach 18 - 23 sierpnia 1998 w Budapeszcie na Népstadionie. W zawodach startowali zawodnicy z 44 państw. Bez wątpienia, największym wydarzeniem tych mistrzostw był finał 100 metrów kobiet gdzie Francuzka Christine Arron ustanowiła fenomenalny rekord Europy. Równie widowiskowy był bieg sztafetowy 4 x 100 m kobiet z jej udziałem.
lexicalizationpol: Mistrzostwa Europy w Lekkoatletyce 1998
has glossspa: El XVII Campeonato Europeo de Atletismo se celebró en Budapest (Hungría) entre el 18 y el 23 de agosto de 1998 bajo la organización de la Asociación Europea de Atletismo y la Federación Húngara de Atletismo.
lexicalizationspa: Campeonato Europeo de Atletismo de 1998
has glossswe: Europamästerskapen i friidrott 1998 var de sjuttonde Europamästerskapen i friidrott och genomfördes 18 augusti – 23 augusti 1998 i Népstadion i Budapest i Ungern.
lexicalizationswe: Europamästerskapen i friidrott 1998
media:imgBronze medal with cup.svg
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media:imgGold medal with cup.svg
media:imgNational Flag of Poland.svg
media:imgSilver medal with cup.svg
media:imgStadion Puskas Ferenc.jpg


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