lexicalization | eng: Swedish magazines |
subclass of | c/Magazines |
| Note: 287 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/Cosmopolitan (Sweden) |
has instance | e/Then Swänska Argus |
has instance | e/Veckans Affarer |
has instance | e/no/Tidskriften Akvariet |
has instance | e/sv/Allt om handdatorer och smartphones |
has instance | e/sv/Bike |
has instance | e/sv/Bonniers litterära magasin |
has instance | e/sv/CIO Sweden |
has instance | e/sv/Campus (magasin) |
has instance | e/sv/Club Nintendo Magazine |
has instance | e/sv/Cykeltidningen Kadens |
has instance | e/sv/Darling (tidskrift) |
has instance | e/sv/Det liberala Nyhetsmagasinet |
has instance | e/sv/Dunderpappa |
has instance | e/sv/Elektroniktidningen |
has instance | e/sv/Fastighetsvärlden |
has instance | e/sv/Fataburen |
has instance | e/sv/Frida (tidning) |
has instance | e/sv/HOOM |
has instance | e/sv/Hälsovännen |
has instance | e/sv/Hasselblad Forum |
has instance | e/sv/In Touch |
has instance | e/sv/Internationella studier |
has instance | e/sv/Lyckoslanten |
has instance | e/sv/Namn och Bygd |
has instance | e/sv/Nationell Tidning |
has instance | e/sv/Nya Arbetartidningen |
has instance | e/sv/Opsis Barnkultur |
has instance | e/sv/Ordfront Magasin |
has instance | e/sv/Queen (tidskrift) |
has instance | e/sv/Socialisten (tidning) |
has instance | e/sv/Sportmagasinet |
has instance | e/sv/Språktidningen |
has instance | e/sv/Svensk Kyrkotidning |
has instance | e/sv/Svensk Tidskrift |
has instance | e/sv/Svensk juristtidning |
has instance | e/sv/Tidningen Svensk Polis |
has instance | e/sv/Tidsignal |
has instance | e/sv/Vår Fana |
has instance | e/sv/Veckojournalen |