lexicalization | eng: Russian bandy clubs |
subclass of | (noun) a formal association of people with similar interests; "he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today" lodge, gild, club, guild, order, society, social club |
has instance | e/Dynamo Kazan |
has instance | e/Dynamo Moscow Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Rodina Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Stroitel Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Uralsky Trubnik Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Vodnik Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Volga Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Yenisey Bandy Club |
has instance | e/Zorky Bandy Club |
has instance | e/fi/HK Kolskaja GMK Montšegorsk |
has instance | e/fi/HK Murman Murmansk |
has instance | e/ru/Боровичи (хоккейный клуб) |
has instance | e/ru/Лесохимик |
has instance | e/ru/Локомотив (хоккейный клуб, Иркутск) |
has instance | e/ru/Локомотив (хоккейный клуб, Оренбург) |
has instance | e/ru/Маяк (хоккейный клуб) |
has instance | e/ru/Металлург (хоккейный клуб, Братск) |
has instance | e/ru/Рекорд (женский хоккейный клуб) |
has instance | e/ru/СКА-Забайкалец |
has instance | e/ru/СКА-Свердловск |
has instance | e/ru/Саяны-Хакасия |
has instance | e/ru/Сибсельмаш |
has instance | e/ru/Сибскана |
has instance | e/ru/Список клубов России по хоккею с мячом |
has instance | e/ru/Старт (хоккейный клуб) |
has instance | e/ru/Строитель (хоккейный клуб, Шелехов) |
has instance | e/sv/Baykal Energy |
has instance | e/sv/HC Kuzbass |
has instance | e/sv/SKA Neftyanik |