lexicalization | eng: Military facilities |
subclass of | c/Military |
| Note: 17 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/da/Flyvestation |
has instance | e/da/Kaponiere |
has instance | e/da/Por-Bajin |
has instance | e/de/Außenfeuerstellung |
has instance | e/de/Bunker (Militär) |
has instance | e/de/Ersatzübergangsstelle |
has instance | e/de/Feindnachrichtenabteilung |
has instance | e/de/Flugzeugkaverne |
has instance | c/de/Militärische Einrichtung (Europa) |
has instance | c/de/Militärische kerntechnische Anlage |
has instance | e/de/Kommandoposten |
has instance | e/de/Liste der geschlossenen ausländischen Militärbasen in Deutschland |
has instance | e/de/Mannschaftsheim |
has instance | e/de/Militärgefängnis |
has instance | e/de/Militärischer Bereich |
has instance | e/de/Militärischer Sicherheitsbereich |
has instance | e/de/Proviant-Magazin Minden |
has instance | e/de/Scheibenstand |
has instance | e/de/Schießplätze (Wien) |
has instance | e/de/Schießplatz Rügenwalde-Bad |
has instance | e/de/Truppenübungsplatzkommandantur |
has instance | e/B hut |
has instance | c/World War II sites |
has instance | e/Gun Hill Signal Station |
has instance | e/Kill house |
has instance | e/Mess#Germany |
has instance | e/Militarism heritage tourism |
has instance | e/Yakima Training Center |
has instance | c/it/Poligoni militari |
has instance | e/it/Polveriera |
has instance | e/it/Posto di blocco |
has instance | c/ja/海上要塞 |
has instance | e/ja/梅ヶ丘特殊地下壕 |
has instance | e/ja/鉄道連隊演習線 |
has instance | e/lt/Patrankų kiemas |
has instance | e/pt/Quartel da Graça |
has instance | c/sl/Vojašnice po oboroženih silah |
has instance | c/zh/中国古代军事设施 |
has instance | c/zh/香港軍事設施 |
has instance | e/zh/齐安围 |