lexicalization | eng: Archers |
subclass of | (noun) a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" individual, mortal, someone, soul, person, somebody |
has subclass | c/de/Weltmeister (Bogenschießen) |
has subclass | c/Archers at the 1996 Summer Olympics |
| Note: 35 other instance(s) ommited in the following list |
has instance | e/da/Arne Jacobsen (bueskytte) |
has instance | e/da/Steen Gottlieb |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Irland) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Luxemburg) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Monaco) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Norwegen) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Polen) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Portugal) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Puerto Rico) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Salomonen) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Thailand) |
has instance | c/de/Bogenschütze (Ungarn) |
has instance | c/de/Olympiasieger (Bogenschießen) |
has instance | e/American archers |
has instance | c/Archery biography stubs |
has instance | e/Crispin Duenas |
has instance | e/List of Olympic medalists in archery |
has instance | e/List of archers |
has instance | e/es/Daniel Morillo Prats |
has instance | c/fr/Archer britannique |
has instance | c/fr/Archer chypriote |
has instance | c/fr/Archer russe |
has instance | c/fr/Archer ukrainien |
has instance | c/it/Arcieri belgi |
has instance | c/it/Arcieri messicani |
has instance | c/lb/Lëtzebuergesch Bouschéisser |
has instance | c/pl/Amerykańscy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Australijscy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Brytyjscy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Fińscy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Radzieccy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Słoweńscy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Szwedzcy łucznicy |
has instance | c/pl/Włoscy łucznicy |
has instance | e/pl/Paulo Tura |
has instance | c/ru/Чемпионы Европы по стрельбе из лука |
has instance | c/sl/Svetovni prvaki v lokostrelstvu |
has instance | c/tr/1992 Yaz Olimpiyatları okçuları |
has instance | c/tr/2000 Yaz Olimpiyatları okçuları |
has instance | c/tr/Milletlerine göre okçular |